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Unit 0
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6


Unit o:  Learn How to Read Korean

Lesson 1:
Consonants ㅂ, ㅈ, ㄷ, ㄱ, ㅅ, ㅁ, ㄴ, ㅎ.
Vowels ㅣ, ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅡ, ㅜ, ㅗ.
Word structure.

Lesson 2:
Consonants o, ㄲ, ㅋ, ㅃ, ㅍ, ㅉ, ㅊ, ㅆ,

Lesson 3:
Korean diphthongsㅑ, ㅕ, ㅠ, ㅛ,  ㅐ, ㅔ, ㅟ, ㅝ, ㅚ, ㅘ, ㅢ, ㅖ, ㅒ, ㅞ

Pronunciation guide


Unit 1: Basic Korean Grammar

Lesson 1:
Korean word order
Basic Korean particles
To be: 이다
This and That: 이/그

Lesson 2:
Particles 이 and 가
To be somewhere/to have: 있다

Lesson 3:
Korean verbs
Korean adjectives
Possessive Particle 의
좋다 and 좋아하다

Lesson 4:
Conjugating Korean adjectives: ㄴ/은
Korean adjective 많다
Korean particle 도

Lesson 5:
Past, present and future tense in Korean

Lesson 6:
Korean honorifics

Lesson 7:
Korean irregulars
– Irregular Quick Reference

Lesson 8:
Korean adverbs
Negative sentences

Lessons 1 – 8 Mini-Test

Lesson 9:
Conjugating 이다

Lesson 10:
Korean numbers
Korean counters
처음 and 마지막

Lesson 11:
Time words: 동안, 시간, 초, 지난, 다음, 일, 날, 하루, 주, 달, 개월, 년
(seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, next, last)

Lesson 12:
Korean particles: 들, 만, 에서, 부터, 까지, (으)로

Lesson 13:
Korean particles: and, with, to, from, for, about

Lesson 14:
Korean passive verbs

Lesson 15:
Miscellaneous Korean Grammar
Difference between 좋아하다 and 좋다 and the Subject – Object – Adjective form
Korean word 들다
Korean compound verbs
Different/similar/same (다르다/비슷하다/같다)
Korean homonyms
Being sick

Lesson 16:
적, 적으로, 적이다
스럽다, 스럽게, 스러운

Lessons 9 – 16 Mini-Test

Lesson 17:
Connecting particle ~고
I want to ___ ~고 싶다

Lesson 18:
Present progressive ~고 있다
Adding 어/아지다 to adjectives

Lesson 19:
Comparatives and Superlatives
보다, 가장, 더

Lesson 20:
Do something “well,” do something “poorly”
잘/잘하다, 못/못하다, 잘못

Lesson 21:
Asking questions using: why, when, where, who

Lesson 22:
Asking questions using: how, what, which and how many

Lesson 23:
ㅎ irregular, Korean colors
Using 이렇다, 그렇다 and 저렇다

Lesson 24:
Before, after, since, within
전, 후, 이래로, 이내, 안

Lesson 25:
Anybody, anywhere, anything, everybody, somebody, nobody, nowhere, nothing, etc…
아무나, 아무데나, 아무거나, 모든, 누구나, 아무도, 아무데도, 아무것도, etc…


Unit 2: Lower-Intermediate Grammar

Lesson 26:
Using verbs to describe nouns (~는 것)

Lesson 27:
Using ~던 and ~었/았던 to describe past tense

Lesson 28:
Anomalies with ~는 것 (My favorite thing, irregulars, 싶은 것, 있는 것)

Lesson 29:
Using ~기 and ~ㅁ/음 to make nouns

Lesson 30:
Using 지 as a noun in sentences (할 지 모른다/한 지 1년 됐다)

Lesson 31:
Adding ~는 것 to 이다

Lesson 32:
For the purpose of: ~려고/~러
To try to: ~아/어 보다 and 적

Lesson 33:
The special noun of: 중

Lessons 26 – 33 Mini-Test

Lesson 34:
Thorough explanations of difficult words:
자기/자신, 훨씬, 관하다/관련하다, 주위, 일단, 전혀/별로, words dealing with weight, and words ending in ~거리다

Lesson 35:
~ㄹ 것 같다
To be like, to seem like

Lesson 36:
~같이 보이다, (adj.)아/어 보이다
To look like, to look (adj.)

Lesson 37:
Because, therefore, so

Lesson 38:
~기 때문에
Because, therefore, so

Lesson 39:
Honorific ending 시
Honorific words: 드리다, 계시다, 말씀하다, 주무시다

Lesson 40:
The imperative mood: 아/어, 아/어라, (으)세요, (으)십시오

Lesson 41:
To give, to do for somebody, thank you for…
주다, 아/~어 주다, ~아/어 줘서 감사하다

Lessons 34 – 41 Mini-Test

Lesson 42:
When I do, when I did, whenever I…
~ㄹ 때, ~했을 때

Lesson 43:
If and when
~(으)면, ~ㄴ/는다면

Lesson 44:
Let’s, Shall
~자, ~ㅂ/읍시다

Lesson 45:
I can, I can’t
~ㄹ 수 있다, ~ㄹ 수 없다

Lesson 46:
I must, I need to, I have to
~아/어 야 하다, ~ㄹ 필요가 있다, ~ㄹ 필요가 없다

Lesson 47:
Even though

Lesson 48:
Regardless of

Lesson 49:
May I, There is no problem if…
되다, ~아/어도 되다, ~안 ~아/어도 되다

Lesson 50:
To be scheduled: ~ㄹ/을 예정
To be planned: ~ㄹ/을 계획
To be ready: ~ㄹ/을 준비


Unit 3: Intermediate Grammar

Lesson 51: 
~하기도 하고 ~하기도 하다

Lesson 52:
Quoted sentences
~ㄴ/는다고, 았/었다고, ㄹ/을 거라고

Lesson 53:
I said “Let’s..”: ~자고
Quoting questions: ~냐고

Lesson 54:
Quoting Imperative Sentences

Lesson 55:
Quoting imperative sentences with 아/어 달라고

Lesson 56:
To make, to let
~게 하다, ~게 해 주다

Lesson 57:
To make
~시키다, 감동시키다, 실망시키다, 흥분시키다, 상기시키다)

Lesson 58:
Or: ~(이)나, ~거나, 아니면

Lessons 51 – 58 Mini Test

Lesson 59:
Difficult Korean words:
어쩌면, 아무래도, 가꾸다, 연세, 뵈다, 차림(으로), 즉

Lesson 60:
Difficult Korean words:
차다, 가득, 왠지, 설마, 찍다, 다행, ~달

Lesson 61:
To hope, to wish
바라다, ~기 바랍니다, ~았/었으면 좋겠다

Lesson 62:
To do something at the same time as something else
~(으)면서, ~(으)며
아/어 있으면서

Lesson 63:
~하는 게 어떨까요?

Lesson 64:
Do you think…? ~ㄹ/을까요?I am thinking about… ~ㄹ/을까 하다

Lesson 65:
I am worried about…
~ㄹ/을까 봐 걱정되다

Lesson 66:
거의, ~ㄹ/을 뻔하다

Lessons 59 – 66 Mini-Test

Lesson 67:
Like: ~처럼
As if: ~듯(이)

Lesson 68:The only ____: 유일하다, 유일하게

Lesson 69:
Nothing but
~밖에, ~ㄹ/을 수밖에 없다

Lesson 70:
Clause connector: 아/어

Lesson 71:
To include: 포함하다
To exclude: 제외하다

Lesson 72:
To the extent, as much as
만큼, 정도

Lesson 73:
Instead: 대신(에)

Lesson 74:
It doesn’t matter, Regardless of상관없다, 상관없이

Lesson 75:
I don’t care
신경을 안 쓰다

Lessons 67 – 75 Mini-Test

Unit 3 Test

Unit 4: Upper Intermediate Grammar

Lesson 76:
The difference between 데 and 때
~는데 vs. ~는 데

Lesson 77:
More ~는데 vs. ~는 데

Lesson 78:
According to: ~에 의하다
Due to: ~(으)로 인하다

Lesson 79:
Difficult Words: (그)대로, 인기, 당연하다/당연하지, 알맞다, 어쩌다, 전체, ~바로 그 때문이

Lesson 80:
One should not: ~아/어서는 안 되다 One must not: ~(으)면 안 되다
Asking a question/suggesting with ~(으)면 (안) 되다

Lesson 81:
Because of
~(으)니까, ~(으)니

Lesson 82:
To express surprise:
~구나, ~군, ~군요

Lesson 83:
To express surprise:

Lessons 76 – 83 Mini-Test

Lesson 84:
As soon as:
~자마자, ~자, ~는 대로

Lesson 85:
To know (how to)
~ㄹ/을 줄 알다
~ㄹ/을 줄 모르다

Lesson 86:
Negating words and clauses:

Lesson 87:
To decide to do
~기로 하다

Lesson 88:
The many meanings of ~다가

Lesson 89:
Comparing with orders of magnitude and fractions
비교하다, 비하다

Lesson 90:
Emphasizing a point

Lesson 91:
The many meanings of ~거든(요)

Lessons 84 – 91 Mini Test

Lesson 92:
The many meanings of ~도록

Lesson 93:
The many meanings of ~지/죠

Lesson 94:
To end up
~게 되다

Lesson 95:
Only, just뿐, 뿐만 아니라

Lesson 96:
If you want to, in order to

Lesson 97:
The difference between 갖다 and 가지다

Lesson 98:
To pretend
~은/ㄴ/는 척하다

Lesson 99:
Even if

Lesson 100:
~ㄹ/을 텐데
~ㄹ/을 테니, ~ㄹ/을 테니까

Lessons 92 – 100 Mini-Test

Unit 4 Test


Unit 5: Lower Advanced Korean Grammar

Lesson 101:
Internet speech, slang, abbreviations

Lesson 102:
Abbreviating quotations
~는대, ~ㄴ/은대, 았/었대, ~ㄹ/을 거래

Lesson 103:
약, 한, ~(으)므로, 전반, 당하다

Lesson 104:
~는/은 Revisited

Lesson 105:
Important Grammatical Principles that haven’t been Introduced Yet
~아/어지다 vs. ~아/어뜨리다, Putting ㅅ as a 받침 in a word, ~ification: 화 (化), Adding 이 to Names, Adding ~아/어 하다 to Adjectives, Formal Subject Marker ~께서(는)

Lesson 106:
Listing Possibilities/Outcomes:
~든지 (간에)

Lesson 107:
~도 Revisited
~에도, ~ㄹ 때도, ~에게도 and ~한테도, ~에서도, ~(으)로도, ~부터도, ~까지도
~는데도, ~고도, ~다가도, ~면서도
~ㄹ/을 줄 모르다, ~ㄹ/을 지도 모르다, ~ㄹ/을 수도 있다

Lesson 108:
The past past (past perfect) tense:

Lessons 101 – 108 Mini-Test

Lesson 109:
It appears that, it seems like:
~나 보다, ~ㄴ/는/은가 보다, ~았/었나 보다

Lesson 110:
There is nothing one can do about
어쩔 수 없다, 어쩔 수 없이

Lesson 111:
At the very least…

Lesson 112:
On the humble side:
~ㄴ/은/는 편

Lesson 113:
On one’s way:
~가/오는 길

Lessons 114:
While I am already doing A:
~는 김

Lesson 115:
I shouldn’t have:
~ㄹ/을걸 그랬다

Lesson 116:
While in the state of:
~ㄴ/은 채

Lesson 109  – 116 Mini-Test

Lesson 117:
Introduction to ~더~
Asking questions using ~던가

Lesson 118:
Stating a fact from experience

Lesson 119:
To notice, and then…

Lesson 120:
Indicating an Emotion after hearing what somebody says

Lesson 121:
If one does something for a while, the next action will occur
~다 보면

Lesson 122:
While doing something, I realize:
~다 보니(까)

Lesson 123:
Now that I have done, having done…
~아/어 보니(까)

Lesson 124:
To be worth doing
~ㄹ/을 만하다, 가치

Lesson 125:
I said that!
~다니까, ~는다니까, ~했다니까, ~라니까

Lessons 117 – 125 Mini-Test

Unit 5 Test

Unit 6: Advanced Korean Grammar

Lesson 126:
To be grouped or classified by

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