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Unit 5: Lessons 117 – 125

Lesson117picLesson 117: In this lesson, you will be introduced to the grammatical principle ~더~ and the meaning it creates in a sentence. You will apply your knowledge of –더- by combining it with another grammatical principle to create ~던가.
Lesson118picLesson 118: In this lesson, you will continue to learn about ~더~. Specifically, you will learn about ~더라~, which is a common ending to a sentence.
Lesson119picLesson 119: In this lesson, we will finish with our group of lessons about ~더~. Specifically, in this lesson, you will learn how to use ~더~ in combination with ~(으)니 (Lesson 81) to connect two clauses. The construction ~더니 is very similar to other clause connectors like ~아/어서, ~(으)니(까) and ~기 때문에, but as always there are some specific usages you should know about.
Lesson120picLesson 120: In this lesson, you will learn how to connect two clauses with ~다니, which will be your first real introduction into the world of compounded quoted grammatical principles – which is a term I just made up off the top of my head.
Lesson121picLesson 121: In this lesson, you will learn how to connect two clauses by using the grammatical principle ~다 보면. The grammar within this principle is actually the addition of a few different grammar concepts piled together, but its meaning is simple enough to describe in a short lesson.
Lesson122picLesson 122: In this lesson, you will learn another grammatical principle that requires the addition of “보다” between two clauses. Specifically, you will learn how to use ~다 보니 to connect two clauses.
Lesson123picLesson 123: In this lesson, you will continue to learn about grammatical principles that contain “보다”. In this lesson, you will specifically learn about the grammatical principle: ~아/어 보니까.
Lesson124picLesson 124: In this lesson, you will learn how to use the grammatical principle ~ㄹ/을 만하다 to indicate that something is worth doing or possible. In doing so, you will see how these types of sentences can also be expressed using the word 가치.
Lesson125picLesson 125: In this lesson, you will learn a Korean grammatical principle that you can use to make your Korean sound extra sassy! You can use ~ㄴ/는다니까 when you are a little bit annoyed at somebody, and what to show your frustration.
Lessons117125picMinitestLessons 117 – 125 Mini-Test: Test yourself on what you learned from Lessons 117 to 125!


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