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Lesson 124: To be Worth Doing: ~ㄹ/을 만하다

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To be Worth Doing: ~ㄹ/을 만하다
Complicated ~ㄹ/을 만하다 Sentences


Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

= cramp

Common Usages:
쥐가 나다 = to get a cramp

제가 스트레칭을 안 하고 바로 운동을 하다가 갑자기 다리에 쥐가 났어요
= I suddenly got a cramp in my leg while exercising because I didn’t stretch and exercised right away

다리에 쥐가 자꾸 나는데 병원에 갈 만할까요?
= I keep getting a cramp in my leg, do you think it is worth going to the hospital?

들판 = field

햇볕이 내리쬐는 들판에는 파란 하늘이 아름답게 펼쳐져 있었다
= Under the sun-drenched field, the blue sky spread beautifully

저는 해바라기가 있는 들판에 가고 싶어요
= I want to go to a field with sunflowers

원리 = principal/fundamentals

과학의 원리를 이해하는 것은 중요해요
= Understanding the principles of science is important

초승달, 보름달이 왜 생기는지 원리를 배울 만한 가치가 있어요?
= Is it worth learning the principle behind why there are half-moons and full-moons?

원두 = coffee beans

Common Usages:
원두를 갈다= to grind coffee beans

저는 원두로 커피를 만들 줄 알아요
= I know how to make coffee using coffee beans

제가 집에서 커피를 직접 만들 수 있도록 원두를 샀어요
= I bought coffee beans so that I can make coffee at home

타조 = ostrich

In March, 2024, an ostrich was running around the streets of Seoul. You might want to read a news article about it.

사파리에서 타조를 보는 것은 특별한 경험이었어요
= Seeing an ostrich on a safari was a special experience

저는 타조가 있는 농장에 가고 싶어요
= I want to go to a park with ostriches

묘지 = cemetery

저는 내일 가족들과 함께 할아버지께서 계시는 국립묘지를 방문할 예정이에요
= Tomorrow, with my family I’m planning on visiting the national cemetery where my grandfather is

이 묘지 자리가 이렇게 많은 돈을 낼 만한 가치가 있어요?
= Is it worth paying this much money for this cemetery plot?

방세 = rent for a room

저희는 이번 달 방세를 감당하기 힘들어요
= We’re struggling to afford the rent for the room this month

그 원룸 방세도 비싸고 7평 밖에 안 되는데 그래도 살 만해요?
= Not only is the rent on that studio apartment high, but it is only 7 pyeong, that being said, do you think it is worth living in?

보름 = fifteen days/half a month

보름 후에는 가을이 점차 깊어져 갔다
= After half a month, autumn deepened gradually

보름 동안 유럽에 여행할 만한 나라가 있어요?
= Are there any places worth traveling in Europe for a fortnight?

보름달 = full moon

Common Usages:
보름달이 뜨다 = for a full moon to appear

오늘 보름달을 볼 수 있어요
= You can see a full moon tonight

초승달, 보름달이 왜 생기는지 원리를 배울 만한 가치가 있어요?
= Is it worth learning the principle behind why there are half-moons and full-moons?

초승달 = crescent moon

밤하늘에 초승달이 아름답게 떠 있었다
= The crescent moon was beautifully hanging in the night sky

초승달, 보름달이 왜 생기는지 원리를 배울 만한 가치가 있어요?
= Is it worth learning the principle behind why there are half-moons and full-moons?

정신력 = willpower/mental strength

Common Usages:
정신력으로 버티다 = to withstand something using willpower

어려운 시기에는 강한 정신력이 중요하다
= In difficult times, strong willpower is important

정신력이 강한 사람을 찾고 있어요
= I’m looking for a person with strong willpower

피난민 = refugee

그 피난민들이 가족과 이별해서 갈 만한 데가 없어요
= Those refugees left their families, so they have nowhere to go

그 단체는 피난민에게 쌀을 배식하고 있어요
= That organization is providing rice to the refugees

청바지 = jeans

살 만한 청바지가 있어요
= There are jeans that I want to buy

제 몸매의 단점을 보안하기 위해 저는 청바지만 입어요
= In order to cover up my body’s flaws, I wear jeans everyday

해바라기 = sunflower

해바라기는 햇빛을 따라 움직이는 데, 이는 광합성의 과정이에요
= Sunflowers turn with the sun, which is the process of photosynthesis

저는 해바라기가 있는 들판에 가고 싶어요
= I want to go to a field with sunflowers

바퀴벌레 = cockroach

Common Usages:
바퀴벌레 약 = cockroach spray
바퀴벌레 퇴치 = cockroach eradication

바퀴벌레가 부엌에 나타났을 때, 그것은 큰 문제였어요
= When a cockroach appeared in the kitchen, it was a big problem

이 약만 있으면 집에 있는 모든 바퀴벌레를 잡을 만하나요?
= If you have just this spray (medicine/pesticide), would it be possible to kill all of the cockroaches in the house?

내쉬다 = to exhale

Common Usages:
숨을 내쉬다 = to exhale

산소마스크를 쓰면 숨을 내쉴 만한가요?
= Is it possible to exhale if you put on this oxygen mask?

나는 엄마가 나가자마자 휴 하고 안심의 한숨을 내쉬었다
= As soon as my mom went out, I let out a sigh of relief

맛보다 = to taste

코코아는 맛볼 만해요
= Cocoa is worth tasting

새로운 음식을 맛보는 것은 즐거운 경험이 될 수 있어요
= Tasting new food can be an enjoyable experience

야영하다 = to camp

그 시골에 야영할 만한 데가 있어요?
= Are there any places worth camping in that town?

야영하면서 꼭 필요한 것 중에 하나는 성냥이에요
= One of the things you need when you go camping are matches

사격하다 = to shoot/fire a gun

저는 군대에서 총을 사격하는 법을 배웠어요
= I learned how to shoot a gun in the military

집중력을 기르기 위해 사격을 배울 만 한가요?
= Is it worth learning to shoot in order to increase my concentration?

이별하다 = to part from

눈물을 삼키며 사랑하는 사람과 이별했어요
= I held my tears and left the person that I love

그 피난민들이 가족과 이별해서 갈 만한 데가 없어요
= Those refugees left their families, so they have nowhere to go

저는 이별의 선물로써 남자친구에게 가장 아끼는 신발을 줬어요
= I gave my boyfriend my favorite shoes (the shoes I was saving most) as a goodbye present

피난하다 = to evacuate

자연 재해로 인해 주민들은 학교 운동장으로 피난했어요
= Due to a natural disaster, residents were evacuated to a school field

저의 할머니는 전쟁 때 부산에서 서울로 피난했어요
= During the war, my grandmother evacuated from Busan to Seoul

고문하다 = to torture

인권을 침해하여 사람들을 고문하는 것은 절대 용납되지 않아요
= Torturing people by violating their human rights is absolutely unacceptable

전쟁에서 고문을 한 사람들을 치료할 가치가 있나요?
= Is it worth treating the people who tortured others in the war?

바람직하다 = to be desirable

그 청년은 정말 착하고 바람직해요
= That young man is very kind and desirable

사무실에서 일하면 한 시간에 10분씩 자리에서 일어나서 가벼운 운동을 하는 것이 바람직합니다
= If you work in an office, it is good if you get up and do light exercises for ten minutes every hour

Adverbs and Other Words:
= a square Korean measurement roughly 3.3 square meters

이 집은 면적이 30평 정도예요
= This house is about 30 square meters in size

그 원룸 방세도 비싸고 7평 밖에 안 되는데 그래도 살 만해요?
= Not only is the rent on that studio apartment high, but it is only 7 pyeong, that being said, do you think it is worth living in?

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In this lesson, you will learn how to use ~ㄹ/을 만하다 to indicate that something is worth doing or possible. In doing so, you will see how these types of sentences can also be expressed using the word 가치. Let’s get started.

To be Worth Doing: ~ㄹ/을 만하다

The grammar within ~ㄹ/을 만하다 is very similar to that of ~는 척하다, which you learned in Lesson 98. In both ~ㄹ/을 만하다 and ~는 척하다, then you can see that the ~는 것 principle is being used to allow the preceding clause to describe 만하다 (in the form of ~ㄹ/을) and 척하다 (in the form of ~는) respectively.

As you know, most of the time, the thing that immediately follows a describing verb or adjective using ~ㄴ/은/는/ㄹ/을 is a noun. For example:

오늘 보름달을 볼 수 있어요
= You can see a full moon tonight

정신력이 강한 사람을 찾고 있어요
= I’m looking for a person with strong willpower

저는 원두로 커피를 만들 줄 알아요
= I know how to make coffee using coffee beans

저는 타조가 있는 농장에 가고 싶어요
= I want to go to a park with ostriches

저는 해바라기가 있는 들판에 가고 싶어요
= I want to go to a field with sunflowers

However, 만하다 (along with 척하다) doesn’t act like this. Instead, there is no noun and the clause preceding ~ㄹ/을 is describing 만하다, which is adjective. You should specifically remember that it is an adjective (and not a verb) so you know how to conjugate it and also for something else that I will point out later. Let’s look at the basic structure of how this can be used by looking at a simple example:

할 만하다

The construction above would translate to something like “to be worth doing.” We can put a noun  as the subject of the sentence to indicate what is “worth” doing. For example:

그것은 할 만하다 = That is worth doing

Let’s look at some other examples:

한국은 살 만해요? = Is it worth living in Korea?
운전은 할 만해요? = Was it worth driving?
그 밥은 먹을 만해요 = That food is worth eating
그 책은 읽을 만해요 = That book is worth reading
그 컴퓨터는 살 만해요 = That computer is worth buying
그 사람은 믿을 만해요 = That person is worth trusting
코코아는 맛볼 만해요 = Cocoa is worth tasting

집중력을 기르기 위해 사격을 배울 만 한가요?
= Is it worth learning to shoot in order to increase my concentration?

다리에 쥐가 자꾸 나는데 병원에 갈 만할까요?
= I keep getting a cramp in my leg, do you think it is worth going to the hospital?

전쟁에서 고문을 한 사람들을 치료할 가치가 있나요?
= Is it worth treating the people who tortured others in the war?

그 원룸 방세도 비싸고 7평 밖에 안 되는데 그래도 살 만해요?
= Not only is the rent on that studio apartment high, but it is only 7 pyeong, that being said, do you think it is worth living in?

The grammatical principle ~아/어 보다 (from Lesson 32) is often used with these verbs to add the feeling of “attempting” these actions. For example:

그 밥은 먹어 볼 만해요 = That food is worth eating (worth attempting or trying)
그 책은 읽어 볼 만해요 = That book is worth reading (worth attempting or trying to read)


I hear ~ㄹ/을 만하다 used as a question every weekend when I eat with my wife’s parents, so I wanted to make sure that I specifically mentioned it. I hear this all the time:

밥은 먹을 만해? = Is the food worth eating?

The direct translation above might be more accurately translated to “is the food good?” or “does the food taste alright?


It is rare to find an object being used before the verb. Think about this for a minute. If you look at this structure:

(그 밥은) [먹을 만해요] = (the food) + [is worth eating]

What noun could you possibly add to this sentence? It doesn’t make sense. A lot of Korean learners assume that because a verb is being used that it is better to include the noun as an object in the sentence. For example, instead of writing this:

이 책은 읽을 만하다

They write:

이 책을 읽을 만하다

It works to consider the entire construction of “(verb) + ~ㄹ/을 만하다” as a sort of descriptive clause that describes the noun as a subject.

It is possible to include a noun before the verb in these cases, but typically only done when the verb is 받다. In these cases, we still have a descriptive clause describing a subject, but the descriptive clause simply gets longer and more complex with the use of the object.

Using the construction “(subject) + (noun) + 받을 만하다” we create the meaning of “(subject) deserves/is worthy of receiving (noun).” For example:

그 선생님은 상을 받을 만해요
= That teacher deserves an award

그 의사는 많은 사람의 목숨을 살려서 칭찬을 많이 받을 만해요
= That doctor deserves a lot of praise for saving a lot of people’s lives (because he/she saved a lot of people’s lives)

우리 할아버지는 한국전쟁에서 싸우셨으므로 존경을 받을 만해요
= Our grandfather deserves a lot of respect for fighting in the Korean war

Another time you might see a noun included before the verb in these situations is if the verb is 하다, and the noun could actually be attached to 하다 to form a verb. For example, there is no difference between these two sentences:

한국어는 공부할 만하다
한국어는 공부를 할 만하다



More Complicated ~ㄹ/을 만하다 Sentences

So far you have only seen ~ㄹ/을 만하다 to describe the subject of a sentence. As an adjective, you can also use ~ㄹ/을 만하다 to used to describe an upcoming noun. For example:

먹을 만한 식당을 알아요? = Do you know a worthwhile place to eat?

Here, contrary to the structure of the sentence that we studied earlier, a noun can be added before the verb describing 만하다. For example:

밥을 먹을 만한 식당을 알아요? = Do you know a good (worthwhile) place to eat rice?
책을 읽을 만한 데를 알아요?  = Do you know a good place to read a book?

Other examples of this form being used with or without that extra noun:

살 만한 청바지가 있어요
= There are jeans that I want to buy (there are jeans that would be worthwhile buying)

수다를 떨 만한 장소가 많아요
= There are many places worth chatting at

그 시골에 야영할 만한 데가 있어요?
= Are there any places worth camping in that town?

보름 동안 유럽에 여행할 만한 나라가 있어요?
= Are there any places worth traveling in Europe for a fortnight?

그 피난민들이 가족과 이별해서 갈 만한 데가 없어요
= Those refugees left their families, so they have nowhere to go

Often people use ~ㄹ/을 만하다 to express that something is possible despite maybe not being the best option. It’s hard to separate these two usages (one expressing that something is “worthwhile” and the other expressing that something is “possible”) because they often feel similar in a sentence. For example:

한국요리는 할 만해요? = Is it worth cooking Korean food?

This sort of sounds awkward expressed this way, as I can’t think of an example where somebody would want to say this in English. Instead, it could have the meaning of:

한국요리는 할 만해요? = It is still possible/are you able to cook Korean food?

The usage/translation is often interchangeable.Here is a good example from a magazine that I saw where the usage of “possibility” can be distinguished quite distinctly from the usage of “worthwhile”:

세계에는 모든 사람들이 충분히 먹을 만한 식량이 있지만 8억 명 이상은 항상 배가 고파요
= In the world, even though there is enough food for it to be possible for everybody to eat, 800,000,000 people are always hungry

Another example. From before, I showed you this sentence:

운전은 할 만해요?

Depending on the situation, this could have the nuance of “is it worth driving” or “is it possible for you to drive?/can you drive?/are you able to drive?” I specifically say “nuance” because, as I said, it is very difficult for me to consider this another meaning/usage.

Here are some more examples:

산소마스크를 쓰면 숨을 내쉴만 한가요?
= Is it possible to exhale if you put on this oxygen mask?

이 약만 있으면 집에 있는 모든 바퀴벌레를 잡을 만하나요?
= If you have just this spray (medicine/pesticide), would it be possible to kill all of the cockroaches in the house?

Using 가치 to Express a Similar Meaning to ~ㄹ/을 만하다

The noun 가치 means “value/worth”, and can be used quite simply to express that meaning. For example:

그 그림은 높은 가치가 있어요 = That picture has a high value
청소년들이 노동의 가치를 배워야 돼요 = Young people should learn the value of physical labor
아이들은 밥을 건강하게 먹는 것에 대한 가치를 몰라요 = Children don’t know the value of eating healthy

Because it has this meaning, 가치 can be used to form essentially the same meaning as sentences with 만하다, but instead of being a grammatical principle, it is just a noun that can be used as any other noun. For example:

그 영화를 세 시간 동안 볼 가치가 있었어요
= It was worth watching that movie for three hours

이 커피가 5천원을 내고 마실 가치가 있을까요?
= Do you think this coffee is/worth (the price of/paying) 5,000 won?

5년 동안 노력해서 변호사가 될 가치가 있었어요
= It was worth it for me to work hard for five years and become a lawyer

You can even use 가치 in sentences with ~ㄹ/을 만하다. For example:

외국어를 배울 만한 가치가 있어요
= It is worth learning a foreign language

해외에서 한 번이라도 살아볼 만한 가치가 있어요
= It is worth trying/attempting living in a foreign country at least once

이 묘지 자리가 이렇게 많은 돈을 낼 만한 가치가 있어요?
= Is it worth paying this much money for this cemetery plot?

초승달, 보름달이 왜 생기는지 원리를 배울 만한 가치가 있어요?
= Is it worth learning the principle behind why there are half-moons and full-moons?

That’s it for this lesson!

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