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Lesson 117: ~더~ and ~던가

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Recalling a Fact from Experience: ~더~
Asking Questions to Yourself Using ~던가
Asking Questions to Somebody Else Using ~던가




Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

이자 = interest (from a bank)

Common Usages:
이자율 = interest rate
무이자 = no interest, interest free
은행이자 = bank interest

이자가 원래 이렇게 높던가?
= Was the interest always this high?

높은 이자율은 경제 침체를 장기화했어요
= The high interest rate extended the economic downturn

파리 = fly (the animal)

Common Usages:
파리채 = fly swatter
날파리 = fruit fly
초파리 = fruit fly
똥파리 = poop fly, dung fly
파리를 잡다 = to catch a fly

제가 파리를 죽였어요
= I killed the fly

모기가 파리보다 잡아죽이는 것이 더 쉬워요
= It is easier to catch and kill mosquitoes than flies

옥상 = rooftop

Notes: Sometimes, people put make-shift like rooms on their rooftops and rent them out for very cheap. This type of accommodation is called 옥탑방.

옥상에 올라가도 돼요?
= Am I allowed to go to the rooftop?

아까 빨래를 옥상에 널었는데 갑자기 비가 와서 빨래를 걷으러 속옷 차림으로 뛰어나갔어요
= Earlier I hung out the laundry on the rooftop, but all of a sudden it rained, so I ran out in my underwear to gather it up

철봉 = chin up bar, horizontal bar

Common Usages:
철봉에 매달리다 = to hang on a chin up bar

그 공원에 철봉이 있어요? = Is there a chip-up bar at that park?
철봉에서 체력 단련을 하면 근육이 강해져요 = Exercising on a chin-up bar strengthens your muscles

강좌 = lecture/course

Common Usages:
강좌를 개설하다 = to open up/start a lecture

강좌가 열리려면 최소한 10명 이상의 학생이 신청해야 돼요
= If you want to run a course, you must have at least 10 students sign up

그 대학교에는 다양한 수학 강좌가 열려요
= This university offers lots of various math courses

방식 = way/means/method

사람마다 자녀를 훈육하는 방식은 다르다
= Every person disciplines their child differently

같은 상사와 오래 일하다 보면 일하는 방식을 더 잘 배울 수 있어요
= If you work under the same boss/superior for a while, you can learn the way to work better

효율 = efficiency

Common Usages:
효율성 = effectiveness
고효율 = high efficiency
저효율 = low efficiency
효율이 떨어지다 = to be non-efficient

이 방법은 효율이 떨어져요
= The efficiency of this method is not good

가정제품을 살 때는 효율성이 좋은 제품을 사야 돼요
= When you buy appliances, you should buy products with a good efficiency (efficient products)

강도 = robbery

Common Usages:
날강도 = highway robbery (charging a lot for something)
강도가 들다 = for there to be a robbery

그들은 밤에 강도에게 공격당했어요
= They were attacked by robbers at night

갈매기 = seagull

Common Usages:
바다갈매기 = seagull by the sea

거기에 갈매기가 많아요?
= Are there many seagulls there?

해안가에서는 종종 갈매기를 볼 수 있어요
= You can often see seagulls on the coast

짝수 = even number

저는 개인적으로 홀수보다 짝수를 더 좋아해요
= Personally, I like even numbers more than odd numbers

2, 4, 6은 모두 짝수예요
= 2, 4, and 6 are all even numbers

홀수 = odd number

숫자 “3”이 홀수이에요?
= Is “3” an odd number?

저는 개인적으로 홀수보다 짝수를 더 좋아해요
= Personally, I like even numbers more than odd numbers

추위 = sensitivity to cold

Common Usages:
강추위 = bitter cold
꽃샘추위 = spring colds

아버지가 추위를 많이 타요
= Dad gets cold easily

추위와 상관없이 저는 밖에 나갈 거예요
= Regardless of the cold, I am going outside

더위 = sensitivity to heat

Common Usages:
한더위 = extreme heat
더위를 물리치다 = to beat the heat
더위를 먹다 = for heat to get to someone

저는 더위를 많이 타서 맨날 에어컨을 틀어요
= I get hit easily, so I turn the air conditioner on every day

더위에 약한 사람들은 여름에 힘들어해요
= People who are sensitive to heat struggle in the summer

학생증 = student ID

제가 오늘 학생증을 안 가져와서 복사기를 못 쓰겠네요
= I didn’t bring my student ID card today, so I guess I won’t be able to use the photocopier

학생증을 잊어버리면 학교에 들어갈 수 없어요
= You can’t enter the school if you forget your student ID

열람실 = reading room (in a library)

열람실이 토요일에 열어요?
= Does the reading room open on Saturdays?

도서관에는 조용한 열람실이 있어요
= Libraries have quiet reading rooms

턱걸이 = chin-up

저는 턱걸이를 스무 개 할 수 있어요
= I can do 20 pull ups

턱걸이를 하면 몸의 근력을 강화할 수 있어요
= You can strengthen your muscles by doing chin-ups

표준어 = standard language

서울 사람들이 표준어를 쓰던가?
= Do people in Seoul use the standard language?

한국어의 표준어는 서울 사투리를 기반으로 해요
= The standard language of Korean is based on the Seoul dialect

향신료 = spice

인도 사람들은 향신료를 많이 써요
= Indian people use a lot of spices

국이 맹맛이라서 향신료를 넣어야 되겠어요
= The food is tasteless, so we should add some spices

효율적 = efficient, effective

효율적으로 일하는 것은 성공의 핵심이에요
= Working efficiently is the key to success

올바른 재활용을 통해 한정된 자원을 더욱 효율적으로 쓸 수 있어요
= By doing proper recycling, we can use our limited resources more effectively

해결책 = solution

Common Usages:
해결책을 내놓다 = to present a solution
해결책을 강구하다 = to consider a solution

그 문제에 대한 해결책을 모색하고 있어요
= I am looking for a solution to that problem

어려운 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾는 것은 중요해요
= Finding solutions to difficult problems is important

빨다 = to wash clothes, to launder

This word follows the ㄹirregular

커피를 쏟으면 얼룩이 지기 전에 물로 재빨리 빨아야 해요
= If you spill coffee, before it stains you should quickly wash it with water

세탁기가 망가져서 셔츠를 하나씩 빨아야 돼요
= I need to wash my shirts one at a time because the laundry machine is broken

옷을 잘못 빨아서 옷이 늘어났어요
= I made a mistake washing my clothes and they stretched

표하다 = to express

Common Usages:
유감을 표하다 = to express sorrow

서비스에 대해 불만을 표했다
= I expressed my complaints about the service

그의 죽음에 대해 유감을 표했어요
= I expressed my sorrow about his death

박살나다 = to be smashed

차가 사고로 박살났어요
= The car was smashed in an accident

박살내다 = to smash

화가 난 오빠가 제 컴퓨터를 박살냈어요
My mad brother smashed my computer

학생이 화가 나서 의자를 박살냈어요
= The student got angry and smashed the chair

제시하다 = to exhibit

정부는 현재 사회 문제에 대한 해결책을 제시했어요
= The government is currently exhibiting measures/ways to solves societal problems

부장님이 새로운 계획을 제시했어요
= The boss presented a new plan

저렴하다 = to be cheap/inexpensive

Common Usages:
물가가 저렴하다 = for the cost of goods to be inexpensive

서울에서 멀리 살수록 집값이 더 저렴해져요
= The farther you live from Seoul, the more affordable housing prices become

비수기에 여행하는 것이 성수기보다 훨씬 저렴해요
= It is much cheaper to travel during the low season compared to the high season

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In this lesson, you will be introduced to the grammatical principle ~더~ and the meaning it creates in a sentence. You will apply your knowledge of –더- by combining it with another grammatical principle to create ~던가. Let’s get started.





Recalling a Fact from Experience: ~더~

The grammatical principle ~더~ is interesting. As you can see, there are connecting lines both before and after 더 – which indicates that it not only gets attached to something when it is used, but something also attached to it as well.

In the next three lessons, you will learn three grammatical principles that are commonly attached to ~더~.

~더~ + ~ㄴ/가 = ~던가 (for example = 아프던가)
~더~ + ~라 = ~더라 (for example = 아프더라)
~더~ + (으)니 = ~더니 (for example = 아프더니)

You were first introduced to ~더~ in Lesson 27 when you saw how it can be used to describe upcoming nouns with ~던 and ~았/었던.

The meaning that ~더~ creates heavily depends on the grammatical principle that attaches to it. However, constructions with ~더~ usually contain the meaning of ~더~ plus the meaning of the next grammatical principle. Therefore, before I introduce you to the meanings of the constructions including ~더~ in the upcoming lessons, I would like to remind you of the meaning of ~더~ from Lesson 27.

When you see ~더~ used as part of a grammatical principle, it signifies that the speaker is recalling (or requesting that somebody recall) some fact from the past that was experienced. It would help with your understanding if you keep this in mind when learning about grammatical principles that include ~더~. It will also help you differentiate between two similar looking grammatical principles, differing only in their inclusion of ~더~. Let’s look at an application of ~더~ to create ~던가.


Asking Questions to Yourself Using ~던가

In Lesson 21, you learned how to ask questions. You learned that one way to end a sentence with a question is to add ~ㄴ/은가. You can add ~ㄴ/은가 to ~더~ to form ~던가, which is a specific way to ask a question that we can discuss.

In that lesson, I mentioned that ~ㄴ/은가 is mostly used with adjectives and not with verbs. However, it is acceptable to attach the construction ~던가 to verbs.

The most common way ~던가 is used is when the speaker is asking a question to him or herself. For example:

내가 이 책을 읽었던가? = Did I read this book?

~던가 is usually used when the speaker is unsure of something that was experienced, and therefore something that probably should be known. However, for some reason – perhaps a lapse in memory – the speaker can’t remember for sure and is asking himself/herself to draw on this experience for clarification.

We would do this in English as well. For example, imagine you are at your house and look at your bookcase and see about 100 books. As an avid reader, you read a lot and because of that you can’t remember sometimes which books you have read, and which books you haven’t. You pull one book out, and ask yourself to try to recall if you have read it before:

내가 이 책을 읽었던가? = Did/have I read this book?

Technically, you should know if you have read the book or not. It is your experience. However, sometimes you can’t remember perfectly.

In the example above, ~았/었 is attached to the word before ~더~ to indicate that this experience occurred in the past. Although most of the time the speaker is asking about an experience that happened in the past, a present tense conjugation is possible as long as the situation allows for it. For example:

내가 이 책을 읽던가?

This would translate to something like “Am I reading this book?” or “Do I read this book?”
Would this make sense in any situation? This sounds like the speaker has Alzheimer’s disease and can’t remember if he was reading the book or not. Although grammatically possible this probably isn’t the meaning you would be going for.

However, look at the following examples, both of which are possible:

이 과자가 비싸던가? = Is this candy expensive?
이 과자가 비쌌던가? = Was this candy expensive?

Both sentences essentially have the same meaning – mainly because if something was expensive it is usually still expensive in the present tense. There is only a very subtle nuance between the two sentences. The difference in nuance is that the second sentence (using ~았/었) is referring to a specific time in the past when he/she bought the candy and is asking himself to try to recall if it was expensive or not. The first example (in the present tense) isn’t really referring to a specific experience from the past, but more of a general experience that can currently be applied. That is, the speaker is asking himself his experience about a general truth.

Here are many more examples. Keep in mind that these are questions directed to the speaker himself/herself:

파리를 죽였던가? = Did I kill the fly?
이 옷을 빨았던가? = Did I wash these clothes?
그 강좌를 들었던가? = Did I take that class?
어제 설거지를 했던가? = Did I do the dishes yesterday?
우리가 어제 만났던가? = Did we meet yesterday?
숫자 “3”이 홀수이던가? = Is “3” an odd number?
그 방식이 효율적이던가? = Is that method effective?
옥상에 올라가도 되던가? = Am I allowed to go to the rooftop?
거기에 갈매기가 많던가? = Are there many seagulls there?
그 공원에 철봉이 있던가? = Is there a chin-up bar at that park?
그 차가 내 친구 차이던가? = Is that car my friend’s car?
열람실이 토요일에 열던가? = Does the reading room open on Saturdays?
이자가 원래 이렇게 높던가? = Was the interest always this high?
친구가 더위를 많이 타던가? = Did that friend always get hot easily?
어렸을 때 강도가 들었던가? = Were we robbed when we were younger?
그날에 학생증을 가져왔던가? = Did I bring my student card that day?
선생님이 캐나다 사람이던가? = Is our teacher Canadian?
아버지가 추위를 많이 타던가? = Does dad get cold easily?
박살난 유리 창문을 고쳤던가? = Did they fix the shattered glass?
가격이 원래 이렇게 저렴했던가? = Was the price always this cheap?
내가 책을 도서관에 반납했던가? = Did I return the book to the library?
서울 사람들이 표준어를 쓰던가? = Do people in Seoul use the standard language?
아빠가 이 선물을 나에게 줬던가? = Did dad give me this present?
어렸을 때 턱걸이를 할 수 있었던가? = Was I able to do chin-ups when I was younger?
인도 사람들은 향신료를 많이 쓰던가? = Do Indian people use a lot of spices?
지난 주에 이 문제에 대한 해결책을 제시했던가? = Was a solution to the problem from last week given?

You typically cannot use ~던가 to ask yourself anything but a “yes” or “no” question. For example, the following sounds unnatural in Korean:

내가 이 책을 무슨 날에 읽었던가?

This would be asking yourself “what day did I read this book?” – which requires an answer other than “yes” or “no.” Thus, this sentence is awkward.

You must be thinking to yourself – alright, so when I make a sentence like this, I just can’t use a “question word” like 언제, 어디, 뭐, etc… Right? Good thinking, but unfortunately it is not that simple.

Remember, in Lesson 25 you learned how to use question words – not to ask questions but to refer to something (like a place, time, person, etc…) that is ambiguous. For example, depending on how it is used “뭐 먹었어요?” could have two meanings:

뭐 먹었어요? = What did you eat?
뭐 먹었어요? = Did you eat something?

Therefore, it is possible to use question words in sentences ending with ~던가, but only if they are used in this way to refer to something ambiguous. Let’s look at some examples:


내가 이 책을 언제 읽었던가?
This sentence does not translate to “When did I read this book?” Instead, “언제” refers to an ambiguous time and therefore translates to:
내가 이 책을 언제 읽었던가? = Did I read this book at some time?


그 사람이 어디 갔던가?
This sentence does not translate to “Where did that person go?” Instead, “어디” refers to an ambiguous place and therefore translates to:
그 사람이 어디 갔던가? = Did that person go to some place?


오빠가 나한테 뭐라고 했던가?
This sentence does not translate to “What did my brother say to me?” Instead, “뭐” refers to an ambiguous thing (that is said) and therefore translates to:
오빠가 나한테 뭐라고 했던가? = Did my brother say something to me?




Asking Questions to Somebody Else Using ~던가

When asking yourself a question, it is quite common to use ~던가. However, it would only be used in informal situations to ask a question to another person (usually an older person asking a question to a much younger person). I don’t want to spend too much time on this, but it is something that you should be aware of. Some examples:

슬기가 많이 아프던가? = Is Seulgi really sick?
네가 생선을 먹던가? = Do you eat fish?
네가 핸드폰을 샀던가? = Did you buy a cell-phone?

However, this form is not used very commonly, and it is usually more appropriate to use some other form of asking a question, like ~ㄴ/은가? or ~나?

That’s it for this lesson!

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