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Lesson 121: ~다 보면

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If one does something for a while, the next action will occur: ~다 보면




Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

백신 = vaccine

Common Usages:
백신을 맞다 = to get a vaccine
백신을 접종하다 = to vaccinate

백신은 많은 질병을 예방해요
= Vaccines prevent many diseases

백신을 매년 맞다 보면 항체가 생겨요
= After getting a vaccine every year, antibodies have formed

항체 = antibody

우리 몸은 항체를 생산하여 바이러스에 대항해요
= Our bodies produce antibodies to fight against viruses

백신을 매년 맞다 보면 항체가 생겨요
= After getting a vaccine every year, antibodies have formed

상사 = one’s superior/boss

Common Usages:
직장 상사 = one’s boss/superior at work

같은 상사와 오래 일하다 보면 일하는 방식을 더 잘 배울 수 있어요
= If you work under the same boss/superior for a while, you can learn the way to work better

우리 팀의 상사로서 이번 일을 성공적으로 마무리하기 위해 열심히 일하겠습니다
= As the superior/leader of our team, I will work hard to successfully finish this work/task

제 상사를 특별한 저녁 식사에 초청했어요
= I invited my boss for special dinner

체계 = system

이 회사에는 엄격한 체계가 있어요
= This company has a strict system

체계가 잡힌 회사에서 근무하다 보면 일이 쉬워져요
= After now working at a company that has a system in place, work has gotten easier

지혜 = wisdom

Notes: 지혜 is a fairly common first name in Korean, usually for girls.

Common Usages:
지혜롭다 = to be wise

경험이 많으면 더 많은 지혜를 얻을 수 있어요
= With experience comes more wisdom

교재 = teaching materials

Common Usages:
학교 교재 = school teaching materials
학원 교재 = hagwon teaching materials
수학 교재 = math teaching materials

선생님은 학생들을 작은 그룹으로 나눠서 교재를 주었어요
= The teacher separated the students into small groups and gave out teaching materials

매년 같은 교재를 집필하다 보면 점점 더 내용을 설명하는 게 쉬워져요
= After writing the same teaching materials every year, it has gotten easier to explain the material

체구 = build/frame

Common Usages:
체구가 좋다 = for one’s build to be good
체구가 크다 = for one’s build to be big
체구가 작다 = for one’s build to be small

그의 체구는 건장해요
= He has a sturdy frame

체구가 큰 친구랑 같이 다니다 보면 사람들이 제가 키가 작다고 오해해요
= After walking around with my friends that have big frames, people misunderstand that I am short

차도 = street/road

차도를 건널 때는 주의해야 해요
= You should be careful when crossing the street

쓸데없이 차도를 다시 만드는 공사를 매년 하다보면 시민들이 항의해요
= If you do construction on the road again without purpose the citizens will protest

댓글 = comment

Common Usages:
악성 댓글 = mean/negative messages/replies on social media
댓글 부대 = a large group of people making comments (usually as a team)
댓글 알바 = a job somebody can get to post comments on social media

댓글을 읽다 보니 세상에는 정말 다양한 사람들이 있다는 것을 깨닫게 되었어요
= After reading the comments I came to realize there really are all kinds of people in the world

SNS의 댓글을 계속 확인하다 보면 저도 모르게 사람들의 말에 신경을 쓰게 돼요
= After constantly checking the comments on social networking sites, I unconsciously end up caring about what people are saying

취향 = taste, preference

Common Usages:
음식 취향 = one’s taste in food
성적 취향 = one’s sexuality

각자의 취향에 따라 책을 골라요
= People choose books according to their tastes

취향에 맞춰 쇼핑을 하다 보면 비슷한 물건만 사게 돼요
= If you shop for a specific taste, you end up buying a lot of the same things

밀림 = jungle

아마존은 세계에서 가장 큰 밀림 중 하나예요
= The Amazon is one of the largest jungles in the world

밀림에서 오래 생활하다 보면 깨끗한 물의 소중함을 깨닫게 돼요
= After living in the jungle for a long time, I ended up realizing the preciousness of water

고아 = orphan

Common Usages:
고아원 = orphanage

그 아이는 고아여서 고아원에서 자랐어요
= That kid was an orphan so he grew up in an orphanage

고아원에서 봉사를 하다 보면 감사하는 태도로 살아야겠다는 생각이 들어요
= After volunteering (repeatedly) at an orphanage, I thought/realized that I must live my life with a thankful attitude

고아원 = orphanage

우리 엄마는 고아원에서 아이들을 돌보고 있어요
= Our mom takes care of children in an orphanage

고아원에서 봉사를 하다 보면 감사하는 태도로 살아야겠다는 생각이 들어요
= After volunteering (repeatedly) at an orphanage, I thought/realized that I must live my life with a thankful attitude

미용사 = hairdresser

우리 엄마는 미용사로 일하고 있어요
= Our mom works as a hairdresser

미용사로 오래 일하다 보면 오래 서 있어서 몸이 안 좋아져요
= After working as a hairdresser for a long time, I was standing for so long that my body got bad

매력적 = charming

그 아주머니는 매력적인 여성이에요
= That lady is a charming woman

그래서 나는 네가 좋아. 너는 네가 얼마나 매력적인지 몰라
= That is why (therefore) I like you. You don’t know how charming/attractive you are

맞다 = to receive an injection

Common Usages:
주사를 맞다 = to get an injection
보톡스를 맞다 = to get Botox

주사를 안 맞았더라면 팔이 가렵지 않았을 텐데
= If I didn’t get a needle/vaccination, my arm wouldn’t be itchy

독감주사가 필수라고 하길래 저도 맞았어요
= They say that the flu shot is a necessity, so I also got it

굶다 = to starve

동물들은 굶어서 죽었어요
= The animals starved to death

밥을 계속 굶다 보면 건강이 나빠져요
= If you starve yourself (don’t eat enough) your health goes bad (will go bad)

굶기다 = to make one starve

동물을 굶기는 것은 잔인한 행위예요
= Starving animals is a cruel act

살을 빼는 곳에 가면 일부로 음식을 주지 않고 굶겨요
= If you go to a place to lose weight, they don’t give you food and starve you

집필하다 = to write

그 작가가 많은 책을 집필했어요
= That author has written many books

매년 같은 교재를 집필하다 보면 점점 더 내용을 설명하는 게 쉬워져요
= After writing the same teaching materials every year, it has gotten easier to explain the material

항의하다 = to protest

폭도들이 대사관 앞에서 항의를 하고 있었어요
= The rioters were protesting in front of the embassy

그 결정을 항의하고 싶은 사람들은 모여서 정부에게 불평했다
= The people who wanted to protest that decision all met and complained to the government

쓸데없이 차도를 다시 만드는 공사를 매년 하다 보면 시민들이 항의해요
= If you do construction on the road again without purpose the citizens will protest

트림하다 = to burp

아기가 트림하며 웃었어요
= The baby burped and laughed

콜라를 많이 마시다 보면 갑자기 트림을 많이 해요
= After drinking a lot of Cola, all of a sudden I’m burping a lot

세뇌하다 = to brainwash

Common Usages:
세뇌당하다 = to be brainwashed

그 사람들은 국민들을 세뇌하기 위해 노력했어요
= Those people tried to brainwash the people

어렸을 때부터 부모님이 하는 말을 계속 듣다 보면 세뇌당하게 해요
= After having listened to my parents from a young age I ended up getting brainwashed

뒷담화하다 = to talk behind one’s back

그 사람들은 나를 뒷담화하고 있었어요
= Those people were talking behind my back

뒷담화하는 친구를 계속 만나다 보면 다른 친구랑 만났을 때도 제 이야기를 할 것 같아서 걱정돼요
= If I keep meeting this friend who is always talking behind people’s backs, I’m worried that she will talk about me when she meets other friends

지혜롭다 = to be wise

This word follows the ㅂ irregular.

그 선생님이 항상 지혜롭고 친절해요
= That teacher is always wise and kind

지혜로운 부모님 밑에서 크다 보면 아이들도 저절로 지혜로워져요
= If kids are raised by wise parents, their kids get wise by themselves

쓸데없다 = to be useless, to be purposeless

이 일은 아주 쓸데없는 것이에요
= This work is entirely useless

Adverbs and Other Words:
저절로 = automatically, by oneself, by itself

Common Usages:
문이 저절로 열렸어요
= The door opened by itself

지혜로운 부모님 밑에서 크다 보면 아이들도 저절로 지혜로워져요
= If kids are raised by wise parents, their kids get wise by themselves

쓸데없이 = without use, without purpose

그 프로젝트는 쓸데없이 많은 시간을 소비했어요
= That project consumed too much time without purpose

쓸데없이 차도를 다시 만드는 공사를 매년 하다 보면 시민들이 항의해요
= If you do construction on the road again without purpose the citizens will protest

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In this lesson, you will learn how to connect two clauses by using the grammatical principle ~다 보면. The grammar within this principle is actually the addition of a few different grammar concepts piled together, but its meaning is simple enough to describe in a short lesson.

Over the next few lesson I am going to be focusing on grammatical principles that connect two clauses with the use of 보다. Each of these lessons will introduce a grammatical principle that is easy to explain and understand.

Now, let’s get started.


If one does something for a while, the next action will occur: ~다(가) 보면

Just to quickly go into the mechanics of what we are looking at here; the ~다(가) 보면 is actually made up by combining:

  • ~다(가) – to indicate that one does an action and then stops (Lesson 88)
  •  보면 – if one looks/reflects on it

By putting these two together, the speaker can indicate that some event occurs because an action occurred for a while, and then stops and thinks/reflects on it. For example:

네가 그렇게 열심히 일하다 보면 승진하게 될 거야

Here, the speaker is indicating that if the first clause happens for a while – either continuously or repeatedly over some time period, the second clause is likely or will be sure to occur. The sentence above would translate to:

네가 그렇게 열심히 일하다 보면 승진하게 될 거야
= If you continue to work hard like that (for some period), you will (likely be) promoted

One way I often translate these types of sentences is to use the word “bound to.” For example:

네가 그렇게 열심히 일하다 보면 승진하게 될 거야
= If you continue to work hard like that (for some period), you are bound to get promoted

However… I want to be careful about specifically using the word “bound” because that is a word that is usually reserved for the translation of another grammatical principle that you will learn in a later lesson.

Nonetheless, the specific translation doesn’t matter. What matters is that you understand what the speaker is trying to express; that is, if one does something for a period of time, the second action will occur.

Here are many more examples:

이 길을 계속 따라가다 보면 찾고 있는 시장이 나타날 거예요
= If you keep following this road, the market you are looking for will appear/come into view

고아원에서 봉사를 하다 보면 감사하는 태도로 살아야겠다는 생각이 들어요
= After volunteering (repeatedly) at an orphanage, I thought/realized that I must live my life with a thankful attitude

혼자서 살다 보면 부모님을 보고 싶은 것은 당연한 게 아니에요?
= If you (continue to) live alone, isn’t it obvious that you will want to see (miss) your parents?

바쁘게 살다 보면 가끔 중요한 일을 잊어버려요
= If you (continue to) live a busy life, sometimes you will forget important things/tasks/jobs

새로운 단어를 계속 외우다 보면 점점 헷갈려요
= If I keep memorizing new words, I gradually get confused

밥을 계속 굶다 보면 건강이 나빠져요
= If you starve yourself (don’t eat enough) your health goes bad (will go bad)

슬기가 10년 동안 연습하다 보면 올림픽 금메달을 딸 수 있을 것 같아요
= If 슬기 (continually) practiced for 10 years, she will probably be able to win an Olympic gold medal

그 어려운 일을 계속해서 하다 보면 나중에는 아주 쉽게 할 수 있어요
= If you continue to do that difficult work/job, you will be able to do it very easily later

우리 딸이 학원에서 영어 공부를 하다 보면 영어를 미래에는 미국사람만큼 할 수 있을 거예요
= If our daughter studies English in a hagwon (private academy) (for a continuous amount of time), in the future she will be able to speak English as much/well as an American

In all situations, the first clause is only a hypothetical situation. It didn’t happen in the past. It could happen in the future, or currently in the present. Therefore, the result in the second clause can’t be conjugated to the past and the following sentence would be incorrect:

김연아가 10년 동안 연습하다 보면 올림픽 금메달을 땄어요

Instead, you could finish the sentence by doing something like this:

김연아가 10년 동안 연습하다 보면 올림픽 금메달을 딸 수 있을 것 같아요

Now here are many, many more examples:

백신을 매년 맞다 보면 항체가 생겨요
= After getting a vaccine every year, antibodies have formed

콜라를 많이 마시다 보면 갑자기 트림을 많이 해요
= After drinking a lot of Cola, all of a sudden I’m burping a lot

체계가 잡힌 회사에서 근무하다 보면 일이 쉬워져요
= After now working at a company that has a system in place, work has gotten easier

취향에 맞춰 쇼핑을 하다 보면 비슷한 물건만 사게 돼요
= If you shop for a specific taste, you end up buying a lot of the same things

미용사로 오래 일하다 보면 오래 서 있어서 몸이 안 좋아져요
= After working as a hairdresser for a long time, I was standing for so long that my body got bad

밀림에서 오래 생활하다 보면 깨끗한 물의 소중함을 깨닫게 돼요
= After living in the jungle for a long time, I ended up realizing the preciousness of water

같은 상사와 오래 일하다 보면 일하는 방식을 더 잘 배울 수 있어요
= If you work under the same boss/superior for a while, you can learn the way to work better

지혜로운 부모님 밑에서 크다 보면 아이들도 저절로 지혜로워져요
= If kids are raised by wise parents, their kids get wise by themselves

어렸을 때부터 부모님이 하는 말을 계속 듣다 보면 세뇌당하게 해요
= After having listened to my parents from a young age I ended up getting brainwashed

매년 같은 교재를 집필하다 보면 점점 더 내용을 설명하는 게 쉬워져요
= After writing the same teaching materials every year, it has gotten easier to explain the material

쓸데없이 차도를 다시 만드는 공사를 매년 하다보면 시민들이 항의해요
= If you do construction on the road again without purpose the citizens will protest

체구가 큰 친구랑 같이 다니다 보면 사람들이 제가 키가 작다고 오해해요
= After walking around with my friends that have big frames, people misunderstand that I am short

SNS의 댓글을 계속 확인하다 보면 저도 모르게 사람들의 말에 신경을 쓰게 돼요
= After constantly checking the comments on social networking sites, I unconsciously end up caring about what people are saying

외국에서 계속 생활하다 보면 같은 문화를 가진 사람들이 더 매력적으로 느껴져요
= After having continually lived in a foreign country, I feel that people who have culture have a lot of charm

뒷담화하는 친구를 계속 만나다 보면 다른 친구랑 만났을 때도 제 이야기를 할 것 같아서 걱정돼요
= If I keep meeting this friend who is always talking behind people’s backs, I’m worried that she will talk about me when she meets other friends

Alright, that’s enough for this lesson!

Okay, click here to go to the next lesson!

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