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Lesson 59 – 66 Mini-Test

This Mini-Test is also available in Español

All finished Lessons 59 – 66? Now it is time to test yourself on what you learned in those lessons! Before moving on to the next group of lessons in Unit 3, make sure you can understand all the concepts covered here. Good luck!

The answers are at the bottom of the test!


1) Choose the incorrect sentence:

a) 저는 내일 교복 차림으로 학교에 갈 거예요
b) 아무래도 내일 비가 올 것 같아요
c) 어쩌면 내일 학교가 열려 있을지도 몰라요
d) 저는 내일 우리애기를 뵐 거예요



2) Choose the incorrect sentence:

a) 오늘은 왠지 기분이 좋아요
b) 저의 친구는 7월월에 저를 보러 한국에 올 거예요
c) 우리 집이 친구로 가득 찼어요
d) 시험이 설마 그렇게 어렵지 않을 거예요



3) Which of the following does not fit with the other three sentences?:

a) 그 사과를 친구에게 줬어요
b) 그 사과를 주시기 바랍니다
c) 그 사과를 주세요
d) 그 사과를 주었으면 좋겠어요



4) Which of the following does not fit with the other three sentences?:

a) 저는 공부를 하며 TV를 봤어요
b) 저는 공부를 하면서 TV를 봤어요
c) 저는 공부를 하려고 TV를 봤어요
d) 저는 공부를 하는 동안 TV를 봤어요



5) Which of the following does not fit with the other three sentences?:

a) 식사를 사 드릴까요?
b) 식사를 사 드릴게요.
c) 식사를 사 드릴 거예요
d) 식사를 사 주세요



6) Choose the incorrect sentence:

a) 사람이 많을까요?
b) 사람이 없을까요?
c) 사람이 많을게요.
d) 사람이 많을 것 같아요



7) Why don’t you want to go outside?

날씨가 너무 추울까 봐 밖에 나가고 싶지 않아요

a) Because you are worried the weather is too hot
b) Because you are worried the weather is too cold
c) Because you are worried the weather is getting cold
d) Because you are worried the weather is changing



8) Choose the correct meaning of the following sentence:

저는 비싼 옷을 거의 살 뻔 했어요

a) I almost had enough money to buy the expensive clothes
b) I almost lived in an expensive place
c) I almost bought the expensive clothes
d) I am almost to the point where I am going to buy the expensive clothes




1) d
2) b
3) a
4) c
5) d
6) c
7) b
8) c


Test too hard? Try going back to what you learned in Lessons 59 – 66 to better understand the questions you couldn’t get correct.

Test too easy? Click here to jump to the next set of lessons: Lessons 67 – 75.
Or, go directly to Lesson 67.

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