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Lessons 103: 한, 약, ~(으)므로, 전반, 당하다

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Estimating a Number/Amount with “한” and “약”
Therefore/Because: ~(으)므로
In general: 전반
To Occur/Receive (Passive Sentence-ender): 당하다



Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

소녀 = little girl

Common Usages:
소녀시대 = Girls Generation
소녀감성 = the emotions young girls

강타는 멋진 노래로 소녀들의 마음을 훔쳤어요
= Kangta stole the hearts of girls with the cool song

잘생긴 소년이 소녀에게 말을 걸자 그 소녀는 매우 부끄러워했어요
= The handsome boy talked with the girl, and the girl was very shy

그 소녀가 한 3살이었을 때 엄마가 돌아가셨어요
= When that little girl was three years old, her mother passed away

소년 = little boy

잘생긴 소년이 소녀에게 말을 걸자 그 소녀는 매우 부끄러워했어요
= The handsome boy talked with the girl, and the girl was very shy

그 소년은 가족의 기대를 저버리고 자신이 원하는 선택을 했어요
= That boy went against family expectations and made his own choices

그 소년은 더 이상 자신을 괴롭히는 친구를 피하지 않고 맞서 싸웠어요
= That boy couldn’t handle his friend picking on him anymore so he didn’t avoid him and fought against him

회비 = membership fees

Common Usages:
연간회비 = annual membership fees

회비가 얼마쯤 나와요?
= About how much is the membership fee?

그 동호회에 가입하려면 매달 회비를 내야 해요
= To join that club, you have to pay monthly membership fees

서양 = western countries

Common Usages:
서양화 = western painting
서양 사람 = western people/person
서양 문명 = western culture

서양사람들은 동양사람들과 달라요
= Western people are different than Eastern people

한국 배는 서양 배와 달라요
= Korean pears are different from western pears

저는 2년 동안 서양문학을 공부했지만 아직 해외여행을 한 적이 없어요
= I have been studying Western literature for 2 years, but I have never traveled abroad before

서양 문명이 언제쯤 시작됐어요?
= About when did Western civilization start?

동양 = eastern countries

Common Usages:
동양화 = eastern painting
동양 문명 = eastern culture

서양사람들은 동양사람들과 달라요
= Western people are different than Eastern people

토론토는 동양시장이 많아요
= Toronto has a lot of Eastern (Oriental) markets

동양 문명이 서양 문명보다 농업을 먼저 시작했어요. 그러므로 발달이 더 빨랐습니다
= Eastern civilization started farming before Western civilization. Therefore, their development was faster.

문명 = civilization

서양 문명이 언제쯤 시작됐어요?
About when did Western civilization start?

동양 문명이 서양 문명보다 농업을 먼저 시작했어요. 그러므로 발달이 더 빨랐습니다
= Eastern civilization started farming before Western civilization. Therefore, their development was faster.

속도 = speed, velocity

Common Usages:
속도 제한 = speed limit
속도 위반 = speed violation
속도를 올리다 = to increase speed
속도를 감속하다 = to slow down one’s speed

그 차의 속도가 한 150킬로였어요
= The speed of that car was about 150 km/h

속도제한이 줄었으므로 운전을 하실 때 그 새로운 속도제한을 지키기 바랍니다
= The speed limit decreased, so when you drive, please make sure you follow the new speed limit

터널에 들어가면 속도를 감속해야 사고의 위험을 줄일 수 있어요
= When you go into a tunnel, but lowering your speed, you can decrease the danger of an accident

앞차가 갑자기 감속하는 바람에 뒤에 따라오던 차가 속도를 줄이지 못하고 들이박았다
= The car in-front suddenly decelerated, and the car coming from behind couldn’t decrease their speed so they hit each other

선약 = previous engagement

우리 부장님이 그날 선약이 있으므로 못 가실 것 같아요
= Our boss has plans that day, so he probably won’t be able to go

그녀는 선약이 있어서 결혼식에 참석할 수 없었습니다
= She had a previous engagement, so she couldn’t attend the wedding

농업 = agriculture

Common Usages:
농업사회 = agricultural society

농업을 배우면 실생활에 도움이 많이 되므로 사람들이 배우는 것이 좋아요
= If you learn farming, it is very helpful for daily life, so it is good for people to learn it

동양 문명이 서양 문명보다 농업을 먼저 시작했어요. 그러므로 발달이 더 빨랐습니다
= Eastern civilization started farming before Western civilization. Therefore, their development was faster.

차례 = order

Common Usages:
차례차례 = one by one, by taking turns
차례를 지키다 = keep in order

이 차례대로 진행해 주세요
= Please proceed in this order

한 10분 뒤부터 차례 대로 입장할 거예요
= In about 10 minutes, they will enter in their order

손상 = damage, harm, injury

Common Usages:
손상을 입다 = to suffer damage

다행히 사고로 인한 뇌 손상은 없어요
= Fortunately there was no brain damage due to the accident

심한 교통사고로 인해 머리를 손상당했어요
= I injured my head due to the severe accident

도난 = theft

Common Usages:
도난당하다 = to be robbed
도난사고 = theft accident

그 집에서 도난 사건이 발생했으며 경찰이 수사 중입니다
= There was a theft incident at that house, and the police are investigating

여행을 하는 동안 머물렀던 호텔에서 귀중품을 도난당했어요
= My valuables were stolen from the hotel I was staying at while traveling

사기 = fraud

Common Usages:
사기죄 = the crime of fraud
사기를 치다 = to commit fraud

그 사람이 사기 혐의로 체포되었어요
= That person was arrested on the suspicion of fraud

사기로 인한 피해금액이 생각보다 커서 부모님께 사실대로 말씀드렸어요
= The cost due to fraud was bigger than we thought, so I told my parents the truth

매달 힘들 게 저축한 돈을 사기를 당해서 모두 날려버렸어요
= The money that I saved from tirelessly putting money away every month is all gone because I got scammed

제가 2년 전에 사기당해서 요즘에 돈을 엄청 아껴 써요
= I was scammed two years ago, so I really need to be careful with my money these days

사기꾼 = swindler, fraud man

옛날에 그 도시에는 사기꾼이 엄청 많았었어요
= A long time ago in that city, there used to be a lot of scammers

그들은 사기꾼에게 속아 돈을 잃었습니다
= They lost money to a swindler

실생활 = real life

Common Usages:
실생활에 적용하다 = to apply something to real life

선생님의 역할은 교과서 내용만 가르치는 것 뿐만 아니라 실생활에서 쓸 수 있는 충고도 해주는 것이에요
= The role of a teacher is not just to teach contents in the textbook, but also to give students advice that they can use in real life

책에서 배운 내용을 실생활에 잘 적용해서 건강한 삶을 살 거예요
= I’m going to live healthy by applying the stuff/content in this book to my real life

농업을 배우면 실생활에 도움이 많이 되므로 사람들이 배우는 것이 좋아요
= If you learn farming, it is very helpful for daily life, so it is good for people to learn it

동호회 = club for people with same interest

우리 등산 동호회에 회원이 한 100명 있어요
= There are about 100 members in our hiking club

이 동호회는 비슷한 관심사를 가진 사람들을 위한 거예요
= This club is for people with similar interests

귀중품 = valuables

Common Usages:
귀중품 보관함 = safe deposit box

그 가방에는 귀중품이 있는데 이 가방에는 귀중품이 없어요
= There are valuables in this bag, but not in this bag

여행을 하는 동안 머물렀던 호텔에서 귀중품을 도난당했어요
= My valuables were stolen from the hotel I was staying at while traveling

그치다 = for rain to stop

Common Usages:
비가 그치다 = for rain to stop
눈이 그치다 = for snow to stop
울음을 그치다 = for tears to stop

비가 몇 시쯤 그칠까요?
= What time do you think the rain will stop?

비가 와서 그치고 나서 햇빛이 나와야 무지개를 볼 수 있어요
= It needs to rain and then after it stops the sun needs to shine in order to see a rainbow

모시다 = to serve, to attend on someone

Common Usages:
부모님을 모시다 = to serve your parents by living together and looking after them

그녀는 어머니를 모시기 위해 항상 최선을 다해요
= She always does her best to serve her mother

제가 우리 아빠를 한 10년 동안 정성껏 모셨어요
= I’ve poured my heart into attending to my dad for ten years

말리다 = to dry

Common Usages:
머리를 말리다 = to dry one’s hair
옷을 말리다 = to dry clothes

옷을 말릴 때 옷걸이에 걸어서 말리는 것이 좋아요
= When you dry your clothes, it is good to put them on a hanger and dry them

이불을 강한 햇빛에 말리므로 더 빨리 말랐어요
= I dried the blanket in the strong sun so it dried quickly

샤워를 하고 머리를 안 말려서 지금 머리가 곱슬머리인데 나가야 되면 모자를 쓰지 뭐
= After showering I didn’t dry my hair and now my hair is all curly, so if I have to go outside I guess I’ll just wear a hat

마주치다 = to bump into, to make eye contact

Common Usages:
눈을 마주치다 = for the eyes of two people to meet

저를 놀리곤 했던 친구를 길에서 마주쳐서 당황스러웠어요
= I bumped into a friend that used to tease me on the street so I was embarrassed

운명적으로 같은 장소, 같은 시간에 저는 똑 같은 사람을 마주쳤어요
= Fatefully (by fate), at the same place, at the same time, I bumped into the same person

어릴 적 짝사랑했던 친구를 우연히 길에서 마주쳐서 반가웠어요
= I randomly/fatefully bumped into my childhood friend that I had a crush on, and it was good to see her

암살하다 = to assassinate

The noun form of this verb “암살” translates to “assassination”

그 사람을 암살하기 위한 계획이 발각됐어요
= A plan to assassinate him has been uncovered

그 사람이 대통령을 암살했으므로 징역 100 년이 선고되었어요
= That person was sentenced to 100 years in prison because he/she assassinated the president

선고하다 = to sentence

The noun form of this verb “선고” translates to “sentence”

Common Usages:
사망 선고 = for doctors to say a patient is officially dead

법을 어기면 벌금을 내야 되거나 징역선고를 받을 수도 있다
= When you break the law a fine has to be paid, or there is also the possibility of receiving a prison sentence

살인자 박씨는 재판 후에 50년형을 선고받고 감옥에 갔어요
= The murderer, Mr Park, received a 50-year sentence after his trial and went to prison

그 사람이 대통령을 암살했으므로 징역 100 년이 선고되었어요
= That person was sentenced to 100 years in prison because he/she assassinated the president

공격하다 = to attack

The noun form of this verb “공격” translates to “attack.”

일본은 전쟁에서 한국을 공격했어요
= Japan attacked Korea in the war

우리는 좋은 공격으로 그 팀을 이겼어요
= We beat that team using good offense

그녀는 밤에 낯선 남자들한테 공격을 당했어요
= She was attacked by unknown men at night

그 선수가 공격을 하자 상대방 선수가 그 공격을 방어하기 위해 재빨리 움직였어요
= As soon as that player attacked, his adversary moved swiftly to defend the attack

Adverbs and Other Words:
정성껏 = putting your heart into something

Common Usages:
정성껏 돌보다 = to look after someone with your heart
정성껏 만들다 = to make something with you heart

제가 우리 아빠를 한 10년 동안 정성껏모셨어요
= I’ve poured my heart into attending to my dad for ten years

제가 이 케이크를 정성껏 만들었으므로 맛있게 드세요
= I put my heart into making this cake, so please enjoy it

For help memorizing these words, try using our mobile app.



In this lesson, you will learn a variety of smaller grammatical principles that are similar to grammatical principles you have learned previously. Despite the similarities with its previously taught counterpart, each grammatical principle taught in this lesson is more difficult (and less) common with the one taught earlier. I will use this lesson to introduce you to:

한 and 약 (similar to ~쯤)
~(으)므로 (similar to ~아/어서 or ~기 때문에)
전반에 (not to be confused with 보통 or 일반적으로)
당하다 (similar to passive verbs)

Let’s get started!




Estimating a Number or Amount with “한” and “약”

I first introduced ~쯤 in the vocabulary list of Lesson 22. In that lesson, you saw that you  connecting particle ~쯤 to make an estimation about something, often a time. Attaching this to words or numbers translates to “about/approximately _____.” For example:

회비가 얼마쯤 나와요? = About how much is the membership fee?
비가 몇 시쯤 그칠까요? = What time do you think the rain will stop?
서양 문명이 언제쯤 시작됐어요? = About when did Western civilization start?
우리가 내일 한 2시쯤 도착할 거예요 = We will arrive tomorrow at about two o’clock
어제 가게에 사람 스무 명쯤 왔어요 = Yesterday, about twenty people came to the store

Using ~쯤 is a perfectly acceptable way to express that your sentence is an approximation, and most learners of Korean learn this particle fairly early in their Korean studies.

Another way to make an approximation is by placing 한 before the part of the sentence that you are approximating. This usage is very common in speech, but not very common in writing (unless it is a quote that is written down). Unlike the sentences with 쯤, it is not common to use 한 to ask a question.

그 차의 속도가 한 150킬로였어요
= The speed of that car was about 150 km/h

우리가 내일 한 2시에 도착할 거예요
= We will arrive tomorrow at about two o’clock

어제 가게에 사람 한 스무 명이 왔어요
= Yesterday, about 20 people came to the store

한 10분 뒤부터 차례 대로 입장할 거예요
= In about 10 minutes, they will enter in their order

우리 등산 동호회에 회원이 한 100명 있어요
= There are about 100 members in our hiking club

제가 우리 아빠를 한 10년 동안 정성껏 모셨어요
= I’ve poured my heart into attending to my dad for ten years

그 소녀가 한 3살이었을 때 엄마가 돌아가셨어요
= When that little girl was three years old, her mother passed away

(Conversation Audio)
Person 1: 몇 개 필요하세요? = How many do you need?
Person 2: 한 열 개… = about ten…

(Conversation Audio)
Person 1: 내일 친구가 몇 시 올 거예요? = What time is your friend coming tomorrow?
Person 2: 한 아홉 시… = About nine o’clock

쯤 can be used in sentences with 한. For example:

우리가 내일 한 2시쯤 도착할 거예요 = We will arrive tomorrow at about two o’clock
어제 가게에 사람 한 스무 명쯤 왔어요 = Yesterday, about 20 people came to the store

약 is another word that can be used to have the same meaning and function as 한. By placing 약 before a number or quantity, you can indicate that it is an approximation of some sort. However, 약 is significantly less common than 한 or ~쯤. Nonetheless, it is a word that you should be aware of. Some examples:

캐나다 인구는 약 35,000,000 명이에요 = Canada’s population is about 35 million
캐나다 인구는 한 35,000,000 명이에요 = Canada’s population is about 35 million
캐나다 인구는 35,000,000 명쯤이에요 = Canada’s population is about 35 million


Therefore/Because: ~(으)므로

In previous lessons (most notably Lessons 37 and 38) you have learned how to say “because/therefore” using a few different methods. For example:

저는 돈이 없어서 그것을 못 사요 = I can’t buy that because I don’t have any money
저는 돈이 없기 때문에 그것을 못 사요 = I can’t buy that because I don’t have any money
저는 돈이 없으니까 그것을 못 사요 = I can’t buy that because I don’t have any money

There are actually many other ways that you can create essentially this same (or a very similar) meaning. You will be introduced to a lot of these alternate forms in later lessons (coming up, you might want to check out Lesson 146 or Lesson 147). Let’s talk about another one here.

By connecting two clauses with “~(으)므로,” you can create the meaning of “because” or “therefore.” This grammatical form is more common in formal writing. For example:

이불을 강한 햇빛에 말리므로 더 빨리 말랐어요
= I dried the blanket in the strong sun so it dried quickly

제가 이 케이크를 정성껏 만들었으므로 맛있게 드세요
= I put my heart into making this cake, so please enjoy it

성적이 낮았으므로 그 학생은 좋은 대학교에 못 갔어요
= That student couldn’t go to a good university because of his/her low grades

우리 부장님이 그날 선약이 있으므로 못 가실 것 같아요
= Our boss has plans that day, so he probably won’t be able to go

그 사람이 대통령을 암살했으므로 징역 100년이 선고되었어요
= That person was sentenced to 100 years in prison because he/she assassinated the president

농업을 배우면 실생활에 도움이 많이 되므로 사람들이 배우는 것이 좋아요
= If you learn farming, it is very helpful for daily life, so it is good for people to learn it

Notice above that this grammatical form can be added constructions conjugated into the past or present tense, just like ~기 때문에.

As you know, you can use the grammatical principle ~아/어서 with the word 그렇다 to form 그래서. In the same way, you can use ~(으)므로 with 그렇다 to form 그러므로. The meaning of 그러므로 is very similar to 그래서 – but is used in more formal situations or in print. For example:

동양 문명이 서양 문명보다 농업을 먼저 시작했어요. 그러므로 발달이 더 빨랐습니다
= Eastern civilization started farming before Western civilization. Therefore, their development was faster.


In general: 전반

The two words that are used in English that translate to “generally” in Korean are 보통 and 일반적으로. For example:

저는 보통 월요일에 운동해요 = I generally exercise on Mondays
저는 일반적으로 그 사람을 직장에서 보지 못해요 = I generally don’t see that person at work

Notice that in the examples above, “generally” could be substituted for “usually,” and the sentences would have the same meaning.

While the word 전반 translates to in general, its meaning is different than 보통 or 일반적으로. When using 전반, you are indicating that something is done across the board, in a general sense, amongst all things. For example:

저는 한국 역사 전반에 관심이 있어요
= I am interested in Korean history in general (I am interested in all parts of Korean history).

Notice the difference between the sentence above and the following sentence:

저는 한국 역사를 보통 좋아해요
= I generally/usually like Korean history

More examples:

서울시는 영어 원어민에 관한 예산 전반을 줄이고 있어요
= The City of Seoul is lowering the budget for native English speakers in general (across the board)

미국 통화가 요즘에 비싸지고 있어서 물품 값이 전반적으로 올라가고 있어요
= The price of goods in general (across the board) is increasing because the US dollar is increasing


To Occur/Receive, or an Alternate Passive Sentence Ender: 당하다

당하다 can be used as a verb, or attached to nouns to change them to verbs. Either way, its purpose is to indicate that one receives or experiences some sort of negative outcome.

A good example is to talk about the word 부상, which translates to some form of injury or wound. If you imagine the sentence below:

교통사고에서 사람 다섯 명은 부상을 ________

What verb do you put in the blank? How do you indicate that one “got” an injury? 당하다 can be used to create this meaning. For example:

교통사고에서 사람 다섯 명은 부상을 당했어요 = Five people were injured in the car accident

Here are more examples:

집에 가는 동안 사고를 당했어요
= I got into an accident on my way home

그 왕따 학생은 다른 학생들한테 괴롭힘을 당했어요
= That outcast was humiliated by other students

회의에 가러 급히 운전하는 중에 사고를 당해서 회의에 늦게 갔어요
= While going to a meeting, driving recklessly, I got into an accident and was late for the meeting

복도에서 제가 좋아하는 여자를 마주쳐서 친구들한테 놀림을 당했어요
= I bumped into the girl I like in the hallway and was made fun of by my friends

~당하다 can be attached to nouns to turn them into a verb that one experiences a negative outcome. 거절하다 is a verb that means “to reject,” which means you can use it in sentences like the following:

아버지는 자기 아들의 요구를 거절했어요 = The father refused his son’s demand

However, if you want to indicate that you were rejected, you can change 거절하다 to 거절당하다. This allows you to indicate that you received that negative outcome. For example:

그는 그 여자한테 데이트를 하자고 했는데 거절당했어요
= He asked that girl on a date, but got rejected

As you can imagine, ~당하다 is used when a person is getting the short end of the stick in some situation. In other times, when a non-person is rejected, it would be more appropriate to use the usual “되다” form. For example:

새로운 예산이 사장한테 거절되었어요
= The new budget was rejected by the CEO

There are many words to which ~당하다 can be attached. For example:

심한 교통사고로 인해 머리를 손상당했어요
= I injured my head due to the severe accident

그녀는 밤에 낯선 남자들한테 공격당했어요
= She was attacked by unknown men at night

제가 2년 전에 사기당해서 요즘에 돈을 엄청 아껴 써요
= I was scammed two years ago, so I really need to be careful with my money these days

여행을 하는 동안 머물렀던 호텔에서 귀중품을 도난당했어요
= My necklace was stolen from the hotel I was staying at while traveling

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