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Lesson 104: Adding ~는/은 to More Complicated Things

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Using ~는/은 to state that a comparison has taken place
Adding ~는 to ~지 않다 (~지는 않다/~진 않다)
Downplaying a Fact: ~긴 하다
Comparing by Using ~는/은 Twice in the Same Sentence
What about X?





Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

부위 = part

소독약으로 이 부위를 천천히 소독해 주세요
= Please slowly disinfect this area

그 고기 부위를 사려고 고기 전문점을 갈 필요는 없어요
= In order to purchase that type of meat, you don’t need to go to a specialty store

배려 = good deed

Common Usages:
배려하다 = to be considerate

소변을 본 후에 물을 내리는 것은 다음 사람을 위한 배려예요
= After going pee, it is a courtesy to the next person if you flush the toilet

진정한 신사라면 언제나 상대방을 배려하고 소중히 대해야 돼요
= If you are a true gentleman, you must always treat others with respect

정신 = mind, soul, consciousness

Common Usages:
정신과 = psychiatry
정신없이 = frantically
정신력 = willpower/mental strength
정신을 잃다 = to go crazy
건강한 신체 건강한 정신 = strong body strong mind

정신을 좀 차려!
= Focus!/Snap out of it!

프리스비를 잡고 정신을 차리고 던져
= Catch the Frisbee, think (focus) for a second, and then throw it

잠깐 정신을 잃었고 다행히 바로 정신을 차렸어요
= He lost consciousness for a moment but thankfully regained it right away

어제 술을 너무 많이 마셔서 오늘 하루 종일 정신이 오락가락했어요
= I drank too much yesterday so my mind was coming and going all day long

정신과 = psychiatry

정신과 의사와 상담하다
= to have a consultation with a psychiatrist

저는 정신과 의사가 되려고 열심히 공부하고 있어요
= I am studying hard to become a psychiatrist

정신과 의사가 여자에게 남편이 때렸냐고 물어봤어요
= The psychiatrist asked the lady if her husband hit her

정신과 의사도 의사이긴 하지만 보통 인간의 삶을 살릴 수 없는 의사다
= Psychiatrists are doctors too, but usually doctors that can’t save people’s lives

거지 = homeless person

Common Usages:
거지가 되다 = to become homeless

우리 도시에 거지가 조금 있긴 한데 많진 않아요
= There are some homeless people in our city, but not many

젊었을 때 돈을 아끼지 않고 쓰더니 결국 그 남자는 길거리에서 구걸하는 거지가 되었어요
= When he was young, I personally saw/noticed him not saving his money and using it, so he eventually became a beggar /homeless person begging on the streets

전문 = specialty

Common Usages:
전문가 = specialist
전문점 = specialty store
전문의 =specialist (medical)

그 사람의 전문이 화학이라서 생물도 잘 아실 줄 알았는데 그렇진 않아요
= That person’s specialty is Chemistry so I thought he would be good at Biology as well but he is not

전문가 = specialist

진품과 가품의 차이가 너무 미세해서 전문가가 아니면 알아채기 힘들어요
= There is such a minute difference between a genuine product and a counterfeit, unless you are an expert it is hard to tell the difference

망가진 컴퓨터를 고치려고 컴퓨터 전문가에 맡긴 적은 없어요
= I haven’t yet taken my broken computer to a specialist to get it fixed

미술작품에 대한 전문가로서 이 작품이 진품임을 인증합니다
= As a specialist on (works of) art, I certify that this piece of work is authentic

전문점 = specialty store

그 고기 부위를 사려고 고기 전문점을 갈 필요는 없어요
= In order to purchase that type of meat, you don’t need to go to a specialty store

그 사람의 전문이 화학이라서 생물도 잘 아실 줄 알았는데 그렇진 않아요
= That person’s specialty is Chemistry so I thought he would be good at Biology as well but he is not

일거리 = job, work to do

Common Usages:
소일거리 = small job/ something small work to do

미국에는 일거리가 없어요
= There are no jobs in America (compared to another country)

요즘에는 일거리가 없어 손을 놓고 있는 사람도 적지 않다
= These days (compared to sometime before), there aren’t many places to work, so there are many people who don’t have a job

노약자 = the old and weak

Notes: On the bus or subway, it is common to see special seating for the old and weak labeled as “노약자 좌석.”

일반 자리가 없다고 노약자 좌석에 앉는 사람이 많진 않아요
= There aren’t many people who would sit in the seats for the old and weak when there are no regular seats available

그 공연에는 노약자를 위해 준비된 특별 좌석이 있어요
= There are special seats for the old and weak at the performance

매표소 = ticket office

박람회 입장료는 만 원이고 매표소에서 표는 구매하실 수 있습니다
= The admission fee for the fair is ten thousand won, and you can buy a ticket at the ticket booth

박람회 입장료는 10,000원이고 매표소에서 표는 구매하실 수 있습니다
= The admission fee for the fair is 10,000 won, and you can buy a ticket at the ticket booth

입장권을 매표하려면 입구에 있는 매표소로 가세요
= If you want to buy a ticket, you need to go to the ticket office at the entrance

놀이동산 = amusement park

Notes: The two most popular amusement parks in Seoul (and therefore, Korea) are Everland (에버랜드) and Lotte World (롯데월드)

놀이동산 입장료는 단체로 지불하면 더 싸요
= The entrance fee to the amusement park is cheaper if you pay as a group

놀이동산에 여름에는 사람이 많아요
= There are many people at the amusement park in the summer (compared to another season)

새다 = to stay up at night

Common Usages:
밤을 새다 = to stay up at night

어제 밤을 새서 너무 피곤해요
= I stayed up all night yesterday so I am very tired

시험 전 날까지는 밤을 샜는데 당일에는 일찍 잤어요
= I stayed up all night until the day of the test, but on the day of the test I went to sleep early

반품하다 = to return something

The noun form of this verb “반품” translates to “returning.”

Common Usages:
반품비 = cost for returning an item
반품배송비 = cost for sending a returned item
무료반품 = returning an item without any cost

새로 산 옷의 노출이 너무 과해서 출근할 때 입을 수 없을 것 같아서 반품했어요
= There is too much exposure on this newly bought article of clothing, and I can’t wear it when I go to work, so I returned it

책을 반품하려면 서점에 직접 오셔야 됩니다
= If you want to return that book, you need to come to the bookstore in person

그 제품을 바로 반품하지는 말고 조금 더 사용해 보고 결정하세요
= Don’t return that product right away, use it a bit and then decide

매표하다 = to buy or sell tickets

The noun form of this verb “매표” translates to “selling of tickets.”

Common Usages :
매표소 = ticket booth

표를 미리 매표하려면 일찍 가야 돼요
= In order to buy tickets you should go there early

매진하다 = to sell out

The noun form of this verb “매진” translates to “selling out of tickets.”

Notes: It is common to see a sign at a window of an event saying “매진” to indicate that there are no tickets remaining.

Common Usages:
표가 매진되다 = for tickets to be sold out

그 가수가 인기가 많은데 티켓이 아직 매진되진 않았어요
= That singer is very popular but the tickets still haven’t sold out

제출하다 = to submit (applications/resume)

The noun form of this verb “제출” translates to “submission”

요즘에는 회사에 취직하려면 이력서를 인터넷으로 회사에 제출해야 돼요
= These days, if you want to get hired by a company, you need to submit your resume online

이 자료를 참고해서 열 장짜리 에세이를 써서 2주 안에 제출해야 해요
= Refer to this material, write a ten-page essay and submit it within two weeks

이 서류를 자유 형식으로 작성 후 내일까지 제출해 주세요
= After filling out this document (without any form), please submit it by tomorrow

이 양식에 따라 글을 작성 한 후에 사무실에 제출해 주세요
= After writing (the words) according to this form, please submit it to the office

제가 예산계획을 제출하니 혹시 추가하고 싶은 게 있으면 알려주세요
= I am going to submit the budget plan, so if by chance you have something you want to add, let me know

이력서를 작성을 했는데 온라인으로 제출을 할 줄은 몰라요
= I wrote up a resume, but I don’t know how to apply online

목격하다 = to witness

The noun form of this verb “목격” translates to “witness.”

Common Usages:
목격자 = a witness
목격자 증언 = witness testimony

경찰관이 목격자한테 누가 사람을 죽였냐고 물어봤어요
= The police asked the witness who killed the person

네, 그 상황을 직접 목격했는데 10년 전이라서 잘 기억나진 않아요
= Yes, I witnessed that situation/event directly, but it was ten years ago so I don’t remember it well

순환하다 = to circulate

The noun form of this verb “순환” translates to “circulation.”

Common Usages:
혈액 순환 = blood circulation

운동은 피의 순환을 활성화해요
= Exercise vitalizes blood flow

이 강은 이 마을을 순환해요
= This river circulates this town

성장하다 = to grow, to develop

The noun form of this verb “성장” translates to “growth.”

Common Usages:
성장률 = growth rate
성장 호르몬 = growth hormone

= 캐릭터 산업은 꾸준히 성장하고 있는 산업으로서 더 많은 투자가가 필요합니다
The character industry continues to develop as an industry, so we need more investors

산업화를 빨리 할수록 경제가 더 빨리 성장해요
= The quicker industrialization happens, the quicker the economy develops

산업화는 경제 성장을 가속화할 수 있어요
= Industrialization can accelerate the development of the economy

내년 경제성장률을 1% 일대로 전망했어요
= We are predicting the rate of economic growth to be around 1%

우울하다 = to be depressed

The noun form of this word “우울” translates to “gloom.”

Common Usages:
우울증 = depression

몇 달 전에 30살이 되어서 우울했는데 이제는 전혀 우울하지 않아요
= A few months ago, I was depressed that I was going to be 30 years old, but now (compared to then), I’m not depressed at all

날이 흐릴수록 사람의 감정도 우울해져요
= As the days (weather) gets more cloudy, people (people’s emotions) also get gloomy

Adverbs and Other Words:
자세히 = detailed/elaborate/carefully

캐나다와 미국은 비슷하지만 자세히 보면 차이가 나요
= Canada and America are similar, but if you look closely, there are differences

내 상황을 자세히 설명해 줄까?
= Shall I explain my situation in detail?

저는 그에게 더 자세히 설명해 달라고 부탁했어요
= I asked him to explain it more clearly

아까 그 표지를 더 자세히 볼걸
= I should have looked at that sign better

정신없이 = frantically

그들은 정신없이 빨리 일을 처리했어요
= They frantically dealt with the work

일을 다 하긴 했지만 정신없이 해서 한번 더 확인해야 될 것 같아요
= I did all the work, but I did it without really thinking, so I’ll probably have to check it again

금방 = to soon/shortly/any minute

이 오븐은 금방 뜨거워져서 예열을 안 했어도 됐어요
= This oven gets hot quickly/immediately/right away, so you didn’t need to pre-heat it

지금 금방 갔다 올게! 기껏해야 10 분 걸릴 거야
= I’ll be back soon! It’ll barely take 10 minutes

꽃에 물을 주지 않으면 금방 시들 거예요
= If you don’t water the flowers, they will wither quickly

물론 수업 시간에 그 주제에 대해 배우기는 했지만 너무 짧게 배우고 시험 전날 하룻밤만 공부했기 때문에 금방 잊어버렸다
= Of course, during class we learned about that subject, but it was very short and I only studied before the night of the exam so I forgot everything immediately

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In this lesson, you will learn about the particle ~는/은. Wait a second, didn’t I learn about ~는/은 in Lesson 1? Isn’t that the particle that I have been using in every one of my Korean sentences since I started learning Korean? Isn’t this Lesson 104? Why am I learning about ~는/은 in Lesson 104?

Haha. As you learned in earlier lessons, ~는/은 is quite complicated. In this lesson, you will revisit ~는/은 and learn how to apply it to more complicated sentences.


Using ~는/은 to state that a comparison has taken place

Attaching ~는/은 to a noun to indicate that that word is the subject/topic of the sentence was something you learned about in Lesson 1. In later lessons, you learned that ~는/은 has more than one purpose. Specifically, in Lesson 2, 17  22 and 24; you learned that ~는/은 can be used to:

  • Indicate a subject of a sentence
  • Indicate a general fact
  • Indicate a comparison

This comparison function of ~는/은 is often added to other particles or other grammatical principles to add this subtle meaning. Let’s look at some examples in order to explain this.

Adding ~는/은 to ~에 and ~에서
~는/은 can be added to the particles ~에 and ~에서 in order to indicate a comparison to some other situation. Look at the following example:

한국에서는 사람들이 김치를 많이 먹어요 = In Korea, people eat a lot of Kimchi

In this sentence, one is saying that, in Korea people eat a lot of Kimchi. Embedded within the meaning of ~는/은 in this case is the comparison to some other situation. In the previous sentence, for example, somebody might have said that in some other country, people don’t eat a lot of Kimchi. This would have prompted the speaker to say the sentence above: to state that, (while people in other countries don’t eat a lot of Kimchi) people in Korea do eat a lot of Kimchi.

The role of ~는/은 in this sentence is in the parentheses in the previous sentence. That is – it compares something in one sentence to something else. “Something else” can be mentioned prior in the conversation, or it can be implied.

Let’s look at another example:

이 가방에는 귀중품이 없어요 = There are no valuables in this bag

In this sentence, one is saying that, in this bag there are no valuables. Embedded within the meaning of ~는/은 in this case is the comparison to some other situation. It’s possible that a person in the airport asked if there were valuables in the bag that was about to be sent to the airplane. You might want to respond with something like “no, not in this bag, (but there are valuables in another bag).”

The role of ~는/은 in this sentence is in the parentheses in the previous sentence. That is – it compares something in one sentence to something else. “Something else” can be mentioned prior in the conversation, or it can be implied.

Often the context is given in the same sentence with ~는/은 being attached to the situation it is being compared to. For example:

그 가방에는 귀중품이 있는데 이 가방에는 귀중품이 없어요
= There are valuables in this bag, but not in this bag

Let’s look at many more examples:

미국에는 일거리가 없어요
= There are no jobs in America (compared to another country)

티켓을 매표소에서는 살 수 있어요
= You can purchase tickets at the ticket office (compared to another place)

놀이동산에 여름에는 사람이 많아요
= There are many people at the amusement park in the summer (compared to another season)

공원에서는 사람들이 축구를 할 수 없다
= People can’t play soccer in the park

우리학교에서는 영어원어민 선생님 10분이 있습니다
= At our school, there are 10 native English speakers

요즘에는 일거리가 없어 손을 놓고 있는 사람도 적지 않다
= These days (compared to sometime before), there aren’t many places to work, so there are many people who don’t have a job

몇 달 전에 서른 살이 되어서 우울했는데 이제는 전혀 우울하지 않아요
= A few months ago, I was depressed that I was going to be thirty years old, but now (compared to that time), I’m not depressed at all


Sometimes, however, the situation that is being compared to is actually stated within the sentence. You may have noticed that we sell Korean stories specifically geared towards helping foreign learners of Korean get reading practice tailored to their level. Within one of these stories (Set 1, Story 4) is the following sentence:

5년 전에 잡지 사는 게 돈 낭비라고 생각했는데, 요즘에는 잡지 읽을 때가 얼마나 좋은지 모른다

I would translate the sentence to:

5 years ago, I thought buying a magazine was a waste of money, but these days (compared to before) I can’t explain how good it is when I read a magazine.

Another scene from a different story is about a little girl who went to the zoo with her father.

Though she had a lot of fun, she wished her mother would come as well. After the girl comes home, she says to her mother:

나중에는 꼭 엄마도 같이 동물원에 가자! 나랑 약속해!

I would translate this sentence to: Next time (compared to the previous time/this past time when you didn’t come), let’s go to the zoo together! Promise me!

Want to see how ~는 would be used like this in a Korean street sign? Watch me breakdown the usage in a YouTube video.


Adding ~는/은 to 수
In Lesson 45, you learned about the noun 수 and how it can be used in sentences with 있다 and 없다 to indicate that one is able or not able to do something. For example:

밥을 먹을 수 있어요 = I can eat rice
밥을 먹을 수 없어요 = I can’t eat rice

It is possible to attach ~는 to 수 in order to indicate that the “situation that can happen” is compared with some other situation that “cannot happen” (or vice-versa). For example:

밥을 먹을 수 있어요 = I can eat rice

This is a simple sentence and nothing is being compared

밥을 먹을 수는 있어요 = I can eat rice

In this example, the speaker is indicating that he/she can eat rice, but not something else. Knowing what the other thing (that cannot be eaten) is ambiguous in this sentence because no prior context is given. However, in an actual conversation, the speaker likely described some other food that he/she cannot eat. Likewise:

밥을 먹을 수는 없어요 = I cannot eat rice

In this example, the speaker is indicating that he/she cannot eat rice, but can eat something else. Knowing what the other thing (that can be eaten) is ambiguous in this sentence because no prior context is given. However, in an actual conversation, the speaker likely described some other food that he/she can eat. Here are some other examples:

선풍기를 틀 수 있어요 = I can turn on the fan
(에어컨을 틀 수 없지만) 선풍기를 틀 수는 있어요
= I can turn on the fan (but not the air conditioner)

이 쪽으로 들어갈 수 있어요 = You can go in through this way
(문으로 들어갈 수 없지만) 이 쪽으로 들어갈 수는 있어요
= You can’t go in through the door, but you can go in through this way)

In the two examples above, the first “수” is theoretically being compared with the second “수.”

Therefore, it is also acceptable to attach ~는 to the first 수 in the sentence. For example:

에어컨을 틀 수는 없지만 선풍기를 틀 수는 있어요
= You can’t turn the air conditioner on, but you can turn the fan on

문으로 들어갈 수는 없지만 이 쪽으로 들어갈 수는 있어요
= You can’t go out that door, but you can go out this way

Understanding how ~는/은 works and how versatile it can be, you can see how it could be attached to other nouns like 수 that have a special place in sentences. Below you can see the resulting sentences and meanings when it is added to 적, 필요 and 줄:

망가진 컴퓨터를 고치려고 컴퓨터 전문가에 맡긴 적은 없어요
= I haven’t yet taken my broken computer to a specialist to get it fixed

그 고기 부위를 사려고 고기 전문점을 갈 필요는 없어요
= In order to purchase that type of meat, you don’t need to go to a specialty store

이력서를 작성을 했는데 온라인으로 제출을 할 줄은 몰라요
= I wrote up a resume, but I don’t know how to apply online

The versatility of ~는/은 allows it to be added to many other grammatical principles. Below you can see the resulting sentences and meanings when it is added to:

~지는 말다

일이 다 끝나고 어머니로부터는 연락이 없었다
= After work, there was no contact (I wasn’t contacted) by my mother (implied here is that the person was contacted by other people, but not his mother)

시험 전 날까지는 밤을 샜는데 당일에는 일찍 잤어요
= I stayed up all night until the day of the test, but on the day of the test I went to sleep early

정부에서 주는 장학금으로는 대학교를 졸업할 수 없었어요
= Without having received the scholarship from the government, I wouldn’t have been able to graduate university

운동을 그렇게 하면은 몸을 다칠 수 있어요
= You can hurt yourself if you exercise like that (compared to other ways where you won’t hurt yourself

그 제품을 바로 반품하지는 말고 조금 더 사용해 보고 결정하세요
= Don’t return that product right away, use it a bit and then decide


Adding ~는 to ~지 않다 (~지는 않다/~진 않다)

This same usage of ~는/은 is often placed after “~지” in “~지 않다.” For example, instead of saying:

시간이 오래 걸리지 않을 것이에요 = It won’t take a long time
시간이 오래 걸리지는 않을 것이에요 = It won’t take a long time

~는/은 is used here to indicate that the situation is different than some expectation. In the sentence above, the speaker would be telling this to the listener who, for some reason, has the expectation that it will take a long time. By using ~는/은, the speaker is trying to say say “(despite what you expect,) it won’t take long.”

~지는 is almost always contracted to ~ as per what was taught in Lesson 101.

Let’s look at another example:
저는 요리를 잘 하진 않습니다

Imagine you are in a cooking class – which would make the listener expect that the speaker is good at cooking. Then, by saying “저는 요리를 잘 하진 않습니다,” the speaker is trying to say “(despite what you expect,) I am not good at cooking.”

I truly feel that understanding this usage of ~는/은 can only happen by being exposed to many examples, so I will keep showing you more sentences.

One day, I started getting a weird feeling in my esophagus. The feeling persisted for a few weeks, so I went to the doctor. He told me it was nothing to be worried about, but I was skeptical about what he was saying (I was really worried). He was telling me that he knew exactly what it was, and assured me that I would be fine. At which point, I asked him:

“Do a lot of people complain of this feeling?”

I specifically asked him that because he really made it seem like he had seen this 1000 times before (by telling me he knew exactly what it was and telling me not to worry). His answer was:

그런 사람이 많진 않아요

Again, here, the purpose of the ~지는 (or ~진) is that the fact is against my expectations. He made me assume that many people had this feeling, so when I asked “do many people complain of this feeling?” he responded with:

그런 사람이 많진 않아요 = (despite what you expect,) there aren’t that many people

Here are more examples:

그 가수가 인기가 많은데 티켓이 아직 매진되진 않았어요
= That singer is very popular but the tickets still haven’t haven’t sold out

일반 자리가 없다고 노약자 좌석에 앉는 사람이 많진 않아요
= There aren’t many people who would sit in the seats for the old and weak when there are no regular seats available

네, 그 상황을 직접 목격했는데 10년 전이라서 잘 기억나진 않아요
= Yes, I witnessed that situation/event directly, but it was ten years ago so I don’t remember it well

그 사람의 전문이 화학이라서 생물도 잘 아실 줄 알았는데 그렇진 않아요
= That person’s specialty is Chemistry so I thought he would be good at Biology as well but he is not


Downplaying a Fact: ~긴 하다

When you attach ~는 to ~기 after a verb or adjective, you create a special meaning. This is a very hard meaning to express and it took me years to fully understand. When attaching ~는 to ~기, the speaker is downplaying the situation that was said in the clause. In what way the fact is downplayed depends on the context of the conversation, but sometimes it can just be due to somebody trying to be modest.

After ~는 is used, you can conjugate the sentence either with 하다 or by using the same verb or adjective that was attached to ~기. For example:

~기는 is almost always contracted to ~ as per what was taught in Lesson 101.

생각이 있긴 있어 = I have an idea, or
생각이 있긴 해 = I have an idea

I heard this example on TV the other day. A group of people were sitting around a table discussing how they could get their toy back from their neighbor’s house after it flew over the fence. One of the people in the show said “생각이 있긴 있어”. The subtle meaning of this principle instead of just saying “생각이 있어” is that the person may think that his idea isn’t very good, or maybe he is too shy to say his idea (again, possibly because it isn’t very good) – and it somehow downplaying what he is about to say.

Another example:

하고 싶은 말이 있긴 있어요, or
하고 싶은 말이 있긴 해요 = I have something I want to say (but it might not be that good, or there is some other reason that is preventing me from wanting to say what I want to say)

날씨가 춥긴 추워요, or
날씨가 춥긴 해요 = It’s cold (but it’s not that cold… it’s just a little bit cold)

공부를 열심히 하긴 했어 = I studied hard (but not that hard)

Because the use of this principle downplays what you are saying, it is very common for~지만 or to be used to connect to the next clause that indicates what happens as a result of this. For example:

돈이 있긴 하지만 조금 부족해요
= I have money, but just not enough

재미있긴 하지만 조금 이상해요
= It’s funny, but a little bit strange

계획이 있긴 있었지만 갑자기 취소되었어요
= I had plans, but they got cancelled

하고 싶은 말이 있긴 하지만 조금 부끄러워요
= I have something I want to say, but I’m a little bit shy

우리 학교 애들이 똑똑하긴 한데 노력을 안 해요
= The kids at our school are smart, but they don’t try hard

우리 도시에 거지가 조금 있긴 한데 많진 않아요
= There are some homeless people in our city, but not many

아이디어가 있긴 있지만 그 아이디어가 좋은지 모르겠어요
= I have an idea, but I don’t know if it is good

일을 다 하긴 했지만 정신없이 해서 한번 더 확인해야 될 것 같아요
= I did all the work, but I did it without really thinking, so I’ll probably have to check it again

Here are some examples of this same concept in the novel I’m reading now:

정신과 의사도 의사이긴 하지만 보통 인간의 삶을 살릴 수 없는 의사다
= Psychiatrists are doctors too, but usually doctors that can’t save people’s lives

물론 수업 시간에 그 주제에 대해 배우기는 했지만 너무 짧게 배우고 시험 전날 하룻밤만 공부했기 때문에 금방 잊어버렸다
= Of course, during class we learned about that subject, but it was very short and I only studied before the night of the exam so I forgot everything immediately


Comparing by Using ~는/은 Twice in the Same Sentence

I showed you examples of this in earlier lesson, but I’d like to address it again here. ~는/은 is also sometimes used twice in the same sentence to compare how two things are different. The two things being compared are usually in different clauses separated by “~고” or some other grammatical principle that can split clauses. For example:

사과는 맛있고 바나나는 맛이 없어요 = The apples are delicious, but the bananas are not
오늘은 비가 오고 내일은 비가 안 와요 = Today it is raining, but tomorrow it won’t


What about X?

Finally (phew!), there is one other small usage of ~는/은 that I would like to bring up. By placing ~는/은 after a noun, and only stating that noun (with ~는/은), you can ask for clarification on that specific noun.

For example, imagine I was at school, and a teacher asked me what I did over winter vacation. After telling him, I could ask the question back to him by saying:

Or, more formally:

A common one that you will hear is:

(Conversation Audio)
Person 1: 집에 도착했어요 = I arrived home
Person 2: 밥은? = Have you eaten yet (What about rice/food?)
Person 1: 아직 안 먹었어요 = I haven’t eaten yet

Making a translation that fits all examples is very difficult. The purpose of ~는/은 here is to ask about the situation you mentioned. For example, if I was telling somebody about all of the furniture in my house, somebody could say:


That would translate to “what about your bed? Tell me about your bed? Tell me the situation about your bed?”

Another example:

(Conversation Audio)
Person 1: 저는 내일 엄마와 오빠랑 같이 밥을 먹을 거예요 = Tomorrow, I am going to eat with my mom and brother
Person 2: 아빠는? = What about your dad? Why isn’t your dad going?Person 1: 아빠는 일을 해야 돼서 못 가요 = Dad has to work, so he can’t go

Okay, that’s it for Lesson 104!

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