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Lesson 114: ~는 김에

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~는 김에




Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

= sugars

Common Usages:
과당 = fructose
포도당 = glucose
당뇨병 = diabetes
대체당 = sugar substitute

과일에는 자연 당분이 많이 함유되어 있어요
= Fruits contain natural sugars

병원에 가는 김에 혈액 검사를 했는데 의사 선생님이 당이 검출됐다고 했어요
= While at the hospital I got my blood checked out, and the doctor said sugars were detected

제철 = the right season for something

제철과일 = seasonal fruits
제철음식 = seasonal food

제철과일은 맛도 좋고 영양도 풍부해요
= Seasonal fruits are not only tasty but also nutritious

외식하는 김에 입맛을 돌아오게 하는 제철음식을 먹을 거예요
= While going out to eat, I’m going to eat something seasonal to get my taste/appetite back

화물 = freight, cargo

Common Usages:
화물차 = freight car
화물용달 = delivery of cargo
화물선 = cargo ship

그 회사는 화물 운송 서비스를 제공해요
= The company provides freight transportation services

큰 트럭을 빌리는 김에 제일 무거운 화물을 실어서 보냈어요
= While renting a big truck, we should load up the heaviest cargo and send it

용지 = printer paper

프린터 용지가 부족해서 새로 사야 해
= We need to buy more printer paper because we’re running out

사무실에서 나가는 김에 조수한테 용지를 저한테 전달해 달라고 해 주세요
= While leaving the office, please tell my secretary to bring me some printer paper

혈액 = blood

Common Usages:
혈액형 = blood type
혈액순환 = blood circulation

병원에 가는 김에 혈액 검사를 했는데 의사 선생님이 당이 검출됐다고 했어요
= While at the hospital I got my blood checked out, and the doctor said sugars were detected

한국 사람들은 혈액형에 따라서 사람의 성격이 다르다고 생각해요
= Korean people think that one’s blood type can tell you about their personality

빨대 = drinking straw

Common Usages:
빨대컵 = sippy cup

저는 주스를 빨대로 마셨어요
= I drank juice through a straw

다시 식당에 들어가는 김에 빨대도 갖다 주세요
= While you’re going into the restaurant again, get me a straw, please

건설 = construction

Common Usages:
건설사 = construction company

이 땅에 대한 건설 허가를 받아야 사업을 시작할 수 있어요
= We can start our business only if the site is approved for the construction

건설 현장을 지나가는 김에 우리도 우리 땅에 무엇을 지을지 얘기했어요
= While passing the construction site, we talked about what we would build on our land tool

광장 = plaza, square

Common Usages:
광장시장 = the name of one of the most popular markets in Seoul

한 시간 있다가 광장에 있는 분수에서 만나자
= Let’s meet at the fountain in the square in an hour

광장에 가는 길에 처방전을 가지고 갈 거예요
= On the way to the plaza, I will pick up my prescription

조수 = assistant

배에는 선장과 조수가 함께 타고 있었어요
= The ship had a captain and an assistant together

사무실에서 나가는 김에 조수한테 용지를 저한테 전달해 달라고 해 주세요
While leaving the office, please tell my secretary to bring me some printer paper

남매 = brother and sister

그 남매는 항상 함께 노는 것을 좋아했어요
= That brother and sister always enjoyed playing together

그 남매에 대해 말하는 김에 그 남매의 부모에 대한 문제도 말할게요
= While we’re on the topic of those siblings, let me tell you about the problems of their parents

입맛 = one’s taste is food

Common Usages:
입맛에 맞다 = to fit one’s taste in food
입맛이 까다롭다 = to have a picky taste
초딩입맛 = to have the taste of an elementary school student

저는 입맛이 촌스러워서 크림파스타나 피자를 별로 좋아하지 않아요
= My taste in food is a little bit weird I don’t really like cream pasta or pizza

레몬은 새콤해서 입맛을 돋구는 데 최고예요
= Lemons are very sour, so it is the best thing to get your appetite going

외식하는 김에 입맛을 돌아오게 하는 제철 음식을 먹을 거예요
= While going out to eat, I’m going to eat something seasonal to get my appetite back

고지방 = high fat

고지방 음식을 많이 먹으면 건강에 해로울 수 있어요
= Consuming high-fat foods excessively can be harmful to health

저지방 우유의 효과를 설명하는 김에 고지방우유의 효과도 설명할게요
= While explaining the effects of low-fat milk, allow me to also explain the effects of high-fat milk

저지방 = low fat

Common Usages:
저지방 우유 = low fat milk
저지방 요거트 = low fat yogurt

저지방 우유를 마시는 것이 더 건강해요 = Drinking low-fat milk is healthier

저지방 우유의 효과를 설명하는 김에 고지방 우유의 효과도 설명할게요
= While explaining the effects of low-fat milk, allow me to also explain the effects of high-fat milk

소방차 = fire truck

새로운 소방차가 옛날 소방서에 못 들어가요
= The new fire truck can’t go in to (can’t fit into) the old fire station

애기랑 소방서에 가는 김에 소방차를 구경했어요
= While going to the fire station with the baby we’re also going to check out the fire trucks

상대방 = the other person

Common Usages:
상대방을 앞지르다 = to pass/go ahead of an opponent

프랑스에서는 인사를 할 때 상대방의 볼에 얼굴을 대고 인사해요
= In France when you greet a person, you put your face to the other person’s cheek

그 선수가 공격을 하자 상대방 선수가 그 공격을 방어하기 위해 재빨리 움직였어요
= As soon as that player attacked, his adversary moved swiftly to defend the attack

진정한 신사라면 언제나 상대방을 배려하고 소중히 대해야 돼요
= If you are a true gentleman, you must always treat others with respect

집중력 = concentration

Common Usages:
집중력이 높다 = to have high concentration

공부하는 습관을 잡는 김에 집중력도 높이려고 하고 있어요
= While trying to start some good study habits, I’m also trying to increase my concentration

집중력을 기르기 위해 사격을 배울 만 한가요?
= Is it worth learning to shoot in order to increase my concentration?

처방전 = prescription

의사가 처방전을 써 주었어요
= The doctor wrote a prescription

광장에 가는 길에 처방전을 가지고 갈 거예요
= On the way to the plaza, I will pick up my prescription

감추다 = to hide, to conceal

그 사람이 자신의 감정을 항상 감추고 있었어요
= That person always concealed his emotions

절하다 = to bow

The noun form of this word, 절 translates to “a bow.”

저는 큰 아버지를 보자마자 예의바르게 절했어요
= As soon as I saw my dad’s older brother, I bowed to him politely

새해라서 할아버지를 보러 가는 김에 절도 하고 올 거예요
= While going to see my grandpa for new years, I’m also going to take the opportunity to bow to him

부수다 = to break, smash, destroy


새로운 건물을 짓기 위해 원래 있던 건물을 부쉈어요
= We destroyed the building that was there to build a new one

처방하다 = to prescribe

The noun form of this word, 처방 translates to “prescription.”

Common Usages:
처방전 = prescription
약을 처방하다 = to prescribe medicine
운동처방 = the prescription of exercise
약처방 = medicine prescription

이 약을 약국에서 처방 없이 살 수 있어요
= You can buy this medicine in a pharmacy without a prescription

고혈압을 의사 선생님이 처방한 약으로써 치료했어요
= I treated my high blood pressure with the medicine my doctor prescribed

기부하다 = to donate

The noun form of this word, 기부 translates to “donation.”

그 회사는 자선단체에 많은 돈을 기부했어요
= The company donated a lot of money to charity

돈에 대해 말하는 김에 병원에 대한 기부가 얼마나 중요한지 설명할 거예요
= While we’re on the topic of money, I will explain how important donations are to our hospital

검출하다 = to detect

The noun form of this word, 검출 translates to “detection.”

신종 바이러스가 검출되어 많은 사람들이 격리되었어요
= A new virus was detected, and many people were quarantined

병원에 가는 김에 혈액 검사를 했는데 의사 선생님이 당이 검출됐다고 했어요
= While at the hospital I got my blood checked out, and the doctor said sugars were detected

쫓아다니다 = to run after, to chase after

개는 고양이를 쫓아다녔어요
= The dog chased after the cat

말이 나오는 김에 말하는데 저를 안 쫓아다녔으면 좋겠어요
= Now that we are talking about it, I wish you wouldn’t follow me around

Adverbs and Other Words:
마침 = just in time, just at the right time

그녀가 마침 도착하여 모든 일을 해결할 수 있었어요
= She arrived just in time and was able to handle everything

마침 근처에 있어서 잠깐 친구 집에 들렀어요
= At just the right time I was nearby, so I stopped in to a friend’s house for a bit

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In this lesson, you will learn another noun that is often described by ~는. In this lesson, you will learn how to use ~는 김에. Let’s get started.




While one is doing something,the opportunity to do something else is taken: ~는 김에

In the previous Lesson, you learned how to use ~는 길 to express that one is on his way to/from somewhere. ~는 길 often takes the form ~는 길에, which is used to express that, while one is on his/her way to/from a place, he/she takes the opportunity to do another action. For example:

광장에 가는 길에 처방전을 가지고 갈 거예요
= On the way to the plaza, I will pick up my prescription

You learned, however, that this can only be done with words related to coming or going.

~는 김에 can be used with any verb and allows the speaker to indicate that one takes the opportunity to do one action while another action is happening. For example:

새로운 침대를 사는 김에 새로운 베개도 사자
= While we are buying a new bed let’s buy some new pillows too

Notice in the example above that the English translation is “While…”. Though this is often the most natural way to say these types of sentences in English, be careful to not confuse them with sentences including ~(으)면서 which would have an identical translation. Their meanings might sometimes be similar, but the specific meaning of ~는 김에 is to indicate that while already doing one action, the person can take that opportunity to do the next action (which would be easier or more convenient now that the first action is already taking place).

More examples:

다시 식당에 들어가는 김에 빨대도 갖다 주세요
= While you’re going into the restaurant again, get me a straw, please

애기랑 소방서에 가는 김에 소방차를 구경했어요
= While going to the fire station with the baby we’re also going to check out the fire trucks

계약을 연장하는 김에 퇴직금에 대해 얘기할까요?
= While I am renewing my contract, shall we also talk about my severance pay?

이 문제를 감추는 김에 모든 문제도 감추는 게 어때요?
= While we’re hiding this problem, why don’t we hide these other problems too?

새해라서 할아버지를 보러 가는 김에 절도 하고 올 거예요
= While going to see my grandpa for new years, I’m also going to take the opportunity to bow to him

공부하는 습관을 잡는 김에 집중력도 높이려고 하고 있어요
= While trying to start some good study habits, I’m also trying to increase my concentration

큰 트럭을 빌리는 김에 제일 무거운 화물을 실어서 보냈어요
= While renting a big truck, we should load up the heaviest cargo and send it

외식하는 김에 입맛을 돌아오게 하는 제철 음식을 먹을 거예요
= While going out to eat, I’m going to eat something seasonal to get my taste/appetite back

저지방 우유의 효과를 설명하는 김에 고지방 우유의 효과도 설명할게요
= While explaining the effects of low-fat milk, allow me to also explain the effects of high-fat milk

건설 현장을 지나가는 김에 우리도 우리 땅에 무엇을 지을지 얘기했어요
= While passing the construction site, we talked about what we would build on our land too

사물실에서 나가는 김에 조수한테 용지를 저한테 전달해 달라고 해 주세요
= While leaving the office, please tell my secretary to bring me some printer paper

병원에 가는 김에 혈액 검사를 했는데 의사 선생님이 당이 검출됐다고 했어요
= While at the hospital I got my blood checked out, and the doctor said sugars were detected

This is the same idea and concept as above, but 김에 is often described by 말하다. This allows the speaker to take the opportunity to do an action as some situation is being talked about. For example:

그 남매에 대해 말하는 김에 그 남매의 부모에 대한 문제도 말할게요
= While we’re on the topic of those siblings, let me tell you about the problems of their parents

돈에 대해 말하는 김에 병원에 대한 기부가 얼마나 중요한지 설명할 거예요
= While we’re on the topic of money, I will explain how important donations are to our hospital

In a similar sense, the speaker can take the opportunity to do an action as some situation is brought up. You can accomplish this by describing 김에 with 말이 나오는. For example:

말이 나오는 김에 그 문제의 해결법에 대해 얘기하자
= Now that we are talking about that/Now that you mention it, let’s talk about solutions to that problem

말이 나오는 김에 놀이동산에 언제 갈지 결정하자
= Now that we are talking about it, let’s decide on when we are going to the amusement park

말이 나오는 김에 말하는데 저를 안 쫓아다녔으면 좋겠어요
= Now that we are talking about it, I wish you wouldn’t follow me around

That’s it for this lesson!

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