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Lesson 111: ~(이)라도

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Adding ~(이)라도 to Nouns
Adding ~(이)라도 to Adverbs
Adding ~(이)라도 to Counters
Adding ~(이)라도 to a Location with ~에
Adding ~(이)라도 to Question Words





Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

생신 = high respect way to refer to a birthday

Common Usages:
생신잔치 = birthday party (high respect)
생신선물 = birthday present

아버지의 생신을 축하 드리기 위해 특별한 행사를 준비했어요
= I prepared a special event for my father’s birthday

이번 주에 시아버님 생신이라 주말에 모여 함께 식사를 하기로 했어요
= It is my father in law’s birthday this week so we are going to get together and have a meal on the weekend

할아버지 생신 선물로 돈을 적게라도 모아서 드리자
= Let’s gather money, even if it is a little, and give it to grandpa on his birthday

위생 = hygiene, sanitation

Common Usages:
식품 위생 = food sanitation
위생모 = a hat that one would use when cooking to prevent hair from falling into the food
위생장갑 = sanitary gloves

이 식당은 식품위생법 위반으로 영업이 강제로 종료됐어요
= This restaurant was forced to shut down business because they broke food sanitation rules

사무실 위생을 위해 손을 잠깐이라도 씻어 주세요
= For the sanitation of our office, please wash your hands, even for a little bit

조카 = nephew, niece

조카가 하나라도 있었으면 좋겠어요
= I wish I had a nephew, even if I only had one

나의 조카는 아직 어린 아이지만 매우 재미있는 아이이다
= My nephew is still a young child, but he’s very amusing

기사 = article in a paper/magazine

Common Usages:
기삿감 = some sort of material that one could write an article about
잡지 기사 = magazine article
특종기사 = exclusive article

그 기사를 한번이라도 보여주면 안 돼요?
= Can you show me that article just once?

그 기사가 조선 일보 4월 1일호에 나왔어요
= That article came out on the Chosun Ilbo’s April 1st edition

제가 쓴 기사가 신문에 게재될 거예요
= The article I wrote will be in the newspaper tomorrow

기사 = somebody who handles equipment

Common Usages:
택시 기사 = taxi driver
버스 기사 = bus driver
운전 기사 = driver

버스 기사님은 승객들에게 소지품을 꼭 챙기라고 했어요
= The bus driver told the passengers to make sure they take their personal belongings with them

수도꼭지 주위에 물이 새기 시작해서 급하게 수리기사님을 불렀어요
= Water started to leak around the faucet, so I quickly called somebody to fix

해골 = skull/skeleton

Common Usages:
해골바가지 = somebody who looks very skinny

너무 말라서 해골 같이 보이는데 뭐라도 조금 먹어요
= You’re all skin and bones, you’ve got to eat something, even if it is a little bit

고대 유적지에서는 많은 해골이 발견되었어요
= Many skeletons were found at the ancient ruins

금색 = gold (color)

그림이 조금 어두워 보여서 은색이나 금색처럼 밝은 색이라도 써서 수정하는 게 어때요?
= The painting is a bit dark, so how about fixing it by using some light colors like silver and gold?

그 가구는 금색과 은색으로 장식되어 있어요
= The furniture is decorated with gold and silver colors

은색 = silver (color)

그 가구는 금색과 은색으로 장식되어 있어요
= The furniture is decorated with gold and silver colors

그 차는 아름다운 은색으로 도색되어 있었습니다
= That car was painted in a beautiful silver color

그림이 조금 어두워 보여서 은색이나 금색처럼 밝은 색이라도 써서 수정하는 게 어때요?
= The painting is a bit dark, so how about fixing it by using some light colors like silver and gold?

마술 = magic

Common Usages:
마술쇼 = magic show
마술사 = magician

그 마술은 관객들을 놀라게 만들었어요
= The magic trick amazed the audience

옛날에는 마술이라고 생각했던 일들이 현재에는 실제로 벌어지고 있어요
= What we used to think of as magic in the past, is not becoming a reality in the present

마술사 = magician

그 마술사는 놀라운 마술 기술을 보여 주었어요
= The magician showed amazing magic skills

이런 행사를 열면 마술사 한 명이라도 불러야 되지 않겠어요?
= If we’re going to run an event like this, don’t we at least bring in a magician?

이면지 = scrap paper

Common Usages:
이면지를 재활용하다 = to reuse scrap paper

이면지를 이용하여 메모를 썼어요
= I wrote a memo on the scrap paper

중요한 것을 적어야 되는데 이면지라도 주세요
= I need to jot something important down, please give me some scrap paper or something

대걸레 = mop

조금 있다가 청소하게 대걸레라도 준비해 줘
= We’re going to clean in a little bit, please get at least the mop ready

대걸레를 이용하여 바닥을 청소했어요
= I cleaned the floor using a mop

항공권 = plane ticket

Common Usages:
최저가 항공권 = low cost plane ticket

항공권을 몇 개월 전에 살걸 그랬나 봐
= It looks like I should have bought the plane ticket a few months earlier

항공권을 예약하기 위해 인터넷을 이용했어요
= I used the internet to book a plane ticket

열쇠고리 = key chain

미국에 가면 열쇠고리를 기념품으로 갖고 싶어요
= When I go to the US, I want to get a keychain as a souvenir

열쇠를 잃어버리지 않기 위해 열쇠고리에 걸어두었어요
= I hung my key on a keychain so I wouldn’t lose it

적다 = to write down

이력서를 작성할 때 자신의 학력 수준도 적어야 해요
= When you write a resume, you should also write your education level

각항에 대한 답을 정확하게 적어야 해요
= We should write answers correctly for the each written item

여기다 = to regard, to consider

Common Usages:
소중히 여기다 = to cherish something

저는 저의 남편을 운명이라 여기고 평생 사랑할 거예요
= I consider my husband my destiny and will love him forever

장을 보다 = to do groceries

휴게실에 냉장고가 텅 비어서 오늘 장을 보고 채워 놓아야 해요
= The fridge in the break-room is completely empty, so today I better do the groceries and fill it up

시장에서 신선한 과일과 채소로 장을 보았어요
= I went grocery shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables at the market

조언하다 = to give advice, to advise

The noun form of this word, 조언 translates to “advice.”

그 상황에서 어떻게 해야 되는지 몰랐는데 선배가 전에 해 준 조언이 떠올라서 도움이 됐어요
= I didn’t know what to do in that situation, but then I remembered the advice that my senior gave to me before and it helped

저를 안 도와줄 거면 조언이라도 해 줄 수 있어요?
= If you’re not going to help me, can you at least give me some advice?

사임하다 = to resign

그 직원이 건강 문제로 회사를 사임하게 되었어요
= That worker resigned from the company due to health issues

그 회사 대표가 곧 사임한다고 들어서 미리 사임 전에 이메일로라도 알려 줬으면 좋겠어요
= That company’s representative is going to resign soon, it would have been nice to at least received an email saying he would resign

자살하다 = to commit suicide

10대의 자살을 사회 문제로 여기고 학교라도 나서서 도울 수 있으면 도와야 해요
= We should consider teenage suicide a societal problem, and if schools can help to tackle the problem, they should help

가난으로 인해 온 가족이 자살을 기도했어요
= The whole family attempted to commit suicide because of their poverty

충돌하다 = to collide, to crash

두 차가 충돌하여 큰 사고가 발생했어요
= Two cars collided, causing a major accident

뒤에 있는 차가 우리 차와 충돌했는 미안하다는 말이라도 없었어요?
= The car behind us crashed into us, they didn’t even give us an apology?

부딪치다 = to bump into

무언가에 팔꿈치를 강하게 부딪치면 이상한 느낌이 나요
= If you hit your elbow hard on something, there is a strange feeling

나랑 부딪쳤는데 사과라도 한 마디 안 하니?
= You bumped into me, you’re not even going to give me one word of an apology?

파도가 철썩 바위에 부딪치는 소리를 들으며 잠에 들었다
= I fell asleep as I listened to the waves splash against the rocks

부딪히다 = to be bumped into

제가 빨리 걸어서 발가락을 부딪혔어요
= Because I was walking fast I stubbed my toe

핸드폰을 하면서 걸어가다 커피를 마시고 있는 사람과 부딪혀서 옷에 커피가 다 튀었어요
= I was talking on my phone while walking and bumped into a person drinking coffee, and it spilled all over my clothes

까다롭다 = to be picky

Common Usages:
식성이 까다롭다 = to be picky with food
취향이 까다롭다 = to have a picky taste in things

우리 아들은 항상 음식에 대해 까다로워서 식사 장소를 고르는 데 오랜 시간이 걸렸어요
= Our son was always picky about food, so it took a long time to choose a dining place

애기가 까다로운 것을 알고 있지만 과일 한 개라도 줘 보는 게 어떨까요?
= I know the baby is picky, but how about just trying to give him just one fruit?

뛰어나다 = to be outstanding, to be excellent

Common Usages:
실력이 뛰어나다 = for one’s skills to be outstanding
안목이 뛰어나다 = to have a very keen discerning eye

그 아이의 창의성은 매우 뛰어나요
= That child’s creativity is very outstanding

사람의 마음을 잘 들여다보는 것은 뛰어난 재능이에요
= Knowing how to read people’s minds is an outstanding talent

독창성의 제일 뛰어난 작품을 고르는 것이 이 대회의 목표예요
= Choosing the piece with the most outstanding creativity is the goal of this contest

그 뛰어난 학생들에게 칭찬이라도 해 줘야 되지 않겠어요?
= Don’t you think we at least need to praise the outstanding students?

슬기는 패션 감각이 뛰어나 많은 사람들이 그녀를 패션스타라고 생각해요
= Seulgi has a keen sense of fashion, so many people think of her as a fashion star

Adverbs and Other Words:
마디 = counter for words, spoken things

Common Usages:
말 한마디 = one thing to say

말 한마디로 천 냥 빚도 갚는다
= The idea that words can be powerful and solve a lot of problems

나랑 부딪쳤는데 사과라도 한 마디 안 하니?
= You bumped into me, you’re not even going to give me one word of an apology

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In this lesson, you will learn how to add ~(이)라도 to nouns. Though this grammatical principle looks similar to (and sometimes even translates similarly to) ~더라도 (which you learned in Lesson 99), ~(이)라도 is in fact a separate grammatical principle with a separate usage and meaning. Let’s get started.



Adding ~(이)라도 to Nouns

~(이)라도 typically gets attached to nouns in a sentence. Let’s assume for simplicity’s sake that it can only attach to nouns while I describe it here. When you attach ~(이)라도 to a noun, the speaker is indicating that; even though that particular noun is not the most preferred option, it is better than the other possible options. In its simplest form, you might see a sentence like this:

우리가 빵이라도 먹을래?

It is hard to translate the ~(이)라도 in these types of sentences naturally to English. A simple translation of the sentence above would be something like “Shall we eat some bread?” However, the use of ~(이)라도 makes the translation more complicated. A better translation might be:

“We should eat something, and bread isn’t really what either of us wants to eat, but it wouldn’t be that bad either.”

The use of ~(이)라도 expresses that somebody is slightly dissatisfied with the fact that the most preferred option is not available – but at the same time – somewhat satisfied that there is at least a good option that can be taken.

Below are more examples with my attempts at translating this nuance into English:

여기까지 오셨으니 제가 커피라도 사 드릴까요?
= You came all the way here, so can I at least buy you a coffee? (You came all the way here, which was really nice of you. I feel like I need to thank you somehow. I know coffee isn’t much, but how about I buy you a coffee?)

네가 힘들게 운전하고 있어서 내가 기름값이라도 줄게
= You are driving (which is difficult), I will at least pay for the gas (You are the one who is doing all the effort of driving and everything, so let me at least pay for the gas, which I know is not much, but it’s better than nothing [or a lot of other things])

배가 고파서 라면이라도 먹어야 될 거예요
= I’m hungry, so I should eat something like ramen (I’m hungry, and I should eat something. Ramen isn’t my first choice, but it’s better than nothing [or a lot of other things])

너무 조용하니 노래라도 틀어줄까?
= Because it is so quiet, should I turn on some music? (Because it is so quiet, we should do something to break this silence. I guess maybe the best thing would be to start talking or something, but turning on music would be better than nothing [or a lot of other things])

기다리면서 잡지라도 줄까요?
= While you wait, can I offer you a magazine? (While you wait, I know you’re going to be bored and you’d probably rather not be here. However, a magazine might help you overcome this boredom and will be better than nothing).

미국에 가면 열쇠고리라도 기념품으로 갖고 싶어요
= When I go to the US, I want to get a keychain as a souvenir (When I go to the US, I want to buy a souvenir. A keychain wouldn’t be the best thing to buy, but it’s still better than nothing)

혹시 소스를 조금이라도 주면 안 돼요?
= Would you be able to give me just a little bit of sauce? (I would prefer if you were able to give me a lot of sauce, but even if you give me a little it would also be okay)

Below are many examples without the extra nuance given:

나랑 부딪쳤는데 사과라도 한 마디 안 하니?
= You bumped into me, you’re not even going to give me one word of an apology?

내일 시간이 없어서 지금 장이라도 볼 까요?
= We won’t have any time tomorrow, would you want to at least do the groceries today?

조금 있다가 청소하게 대걸레라도 준비해 줘
= We’re going to clean in a little bit, please get at least the mop ready

중요한 것을 적어야 되는데 이면지라도 주세요
= I need to jot something important down, please give me some scrap paper or something

저를 안 도와줄 거면 조언이라도 해 줄 수 있어요?
= If you’re not going to help me, can you at least give me some advice?

너무 말라서 해골 같이 보이는데 뭐라도 조금 먹어요
= You’re all skin and bones, you’ve got to eat something, even if it is a little bit

그 뛰어난 학생들에게 칭찬이라도 해 줘야 되지 않겠어요?
= Don’t you think we at least need to praise the outstanding students?

버스 기사님이 하루 종일 일하셔서 커피라도 사 드리고 싶어요
= The bus driver has been working all day, I want to at least get him a coffee or something

뒤에 있는 차가 우리 차와 충돌했는 미안하다는 말이라도 없었어요?
= The car behind us crashed into us, they didn’t even give us an apology?

10대의 자살을 사회 문제로 여기고 학교라도 나서서 도울 수 있으면 도와야 해요
= We should consider teenage suicide a societal problem, and if schools can help to tackle the problem, they should help

그림이 조금 어두워 보여서 은색이나 금색처럼 밝은 색이라도 써서 수정하는 게 어때요?
= The painting is a bit dark, so how about fixing it by using some light colors like silver and gold?

그 회사 대표가 곧 사임한다고 들어서 미리 사임 전에 이메일로라도 알려 줬으면 좋겠어요
= That company’s representative is going to resign soon, it would have been nice to at least received an email saying he would resign




Adding ~(이)라도 to Adverbs

~(이)라도 can also be attached to some adverbs. This allows the speaker to indicate that an action will happen in a way/form that is not the most preferred option, but is better than other possible options. For example:

우리가 지금이라도 가야겠어요
= We need to go right now (It would have been better if we left earlier, but that time has already passed so there is nothing we can do about it. But now, even though it is not the best option, we need to go right now)

그 일을 혼자라도 해야 될 것 같아요
= I’ll probably have to do that job by myself (I would prefer if I didn’t have to do it by myself, but I’ll still be able to do it by myself)

우리가 오늘이라도 가는 게 어때요?
= What do you think about going today? (I would have preferred if we went yesterday [or some other day – depending on the situation], but today would also be okay. What do you think about going today?)

숙제를 다 하고 내일이라도 주세요
= Please do all of your homework and then give it to me tomorrow (I would prefer if you gave it to me today [or some other time – depending on the situation], but tomorrow would be okay as well)

Below are examples without the nuance given:

천천히라도 걷는 것보다 뛰는 것은 나아요
= It’s better to run slowly than to walk

사무실 위생을 위해 손을 잠깐이라도 씻어 주세요
= For the sanitation of our office, please wash your hands, even for a little bit

It can also be attached to adjectives that have been transformed to an adverb by attaching ~게. For example:

이렇게라도 만날 수 있어서 좋아요
= It’s nice to meet you, even if it is like this

우리가 청구서를 늦게라도 낼 거예요
= We are going to pay the bill, even if it is a little late

할아버지 생신 선물로 돈을 적게라도 모아서 드리자
= Let’s gather money, even if it is a little, and give it to grandpa on his birthday

영화를 볼 때 영화관에서 조용히라도 말을 하지 말아 주세요
= Please don’t speak in the movie theater while watching a movie, even if it is quietly



Adding ~(이)라도 to Counters

It is common to add ~(이)라도 to counters. For example:

그 기사를 한번이라도 보여주면 안 돼요?
= Can you show me that article just once? (I would prefer it if you showed it to me many times (or for a longer amount of time), but even if you show it to me once I’ll be happy)

조카가 하나라도 있었으면 좋겠어요
= I wish I had a nephew, even if I only had one (I wish I had many nieces/nephews… but even one would be better than nothing)

오늘 우리 가게에 손님이 한 명이라도 왔으면 좋겠어요
= I wish at least one customer would come into our store today (I would prefer it if many people came into the store today, but even if one person came into the store I would be happy)

이런 행사를 열면 마술사 한 명이라도 불러야 되지 않겠어요?
= If we’re going to run an event like this, don’t we at least bring in a magician? (It would be better if we brought in something else, or maybe even more than one magician, but at the very least we better call a magician)

애기가 까다로운 것을 알고 있지만 과일 한 개라도 줘 보는 게 어떨까요?
= I know the baby is picky, but how about just trying to give him just one fruit?


Adding ~(이)라도 to a Location with ~에

It is also possible to add this to a location (with ~에 attached). This allows the speaker to indicate that he/she goes to a location that is not the most preferred option, but is better than other possible options. For example:

우리가 할 것이 없어서 공원에라도 같이 가는 게 어때요?
= We have nothing to do, so how about going to a park or something (We have nothing to do, and I’d rather do (go) somewhere else, but going to the park wouldn’t be so bad, would it)?

비가 내리고 있으니 영화관에라도 갈래요?
= Now that it is raining, do you want to go to the movies or something? (I’d rather go somewhere else, but it’s raining so what else can we do? How about going to the movies?)



Adding ~(이)라도 to Question Words

Finally, it is also possible to add ~(이)라도 to some of the common question words that you learned back in Lesson 21 and Lesson 22. Because of the nature of these question words, the following translations are often used when combined with ~(이)라도:

어디라도 = anywhere (it doesn’t matter where)
언제라도 = any time (it doesn’t matter when)
누구라도 = anybody (it doesn’t matter who)
뭐라도 = anything (it doesn’t matter what)
무엇이라도 = anything (it doesn’t matter what)
어떻게라도 =  any way (it doesn’t matter how)

For example:

저의 여자 친구가 어디라도 간다면 저는 같이 가고 싶어요
= It doesn’t matter where my girlfriend goes, I want to go with her

언제라도 우리 집에 항상 와도 돼요
= It doesn’t matter when it is, you can always come to our house

누구라도 그 문제를 풀 수 있어요
= It doesn’t matter who it is, anybody could solve that problem

가기 전에 뭐라도 (무엇이라도) 같이 먹자!
= Before you go, I don’t care what it is, but let’s eat something!

이 일을 어떻게라도 오늘밤까지 끝내야 돼요
= It doesn’t matter how, but we need to finish this work by tonight

These words are similar to the words you learned in Lesson 25, 아무 데나, 아무 때나, 아무나, 아무 거나 and 아무렇게나. I would argue that there is a slight difference between them, and the nuance comes directly from the meaning of ~(이)라도. When using ~(이)라도, you are indicating that you are unsatisfied slightly with the option. Therefore, for example, when looking at these two options:

가기 전에 아무 거나 같이 먹자!
가기 전에 뭐라도 같이 먹자!

The first sentence implies that anything food would be satisfactory. However, the second example implies that there would be a better option, but something is better than nothing. I hope my detailed lesson and explanation of the nuance of ~(이)라도 helps you understand why this would be implied in this sentence.

That’s it for this lesson!

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