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Lesson 57: To make/order: 시키다

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To Make: Attaching ~시키다
To Make, To Order: 시키다 as a Verb



Click on the English word to see information and examples of that word in use. Use these sentences to give yourself a feel for how each word can be used, and maybe even to expose yourself to the grammar that you will be learning shortly.

A PDF file neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here.

우리 = cage for animals

다람쥐를 우리에 넣으라고 시켰어요 = I made him put the squirrel in the cage
강아지가 우리에 하루 종일 있는 게 불쌍해요 = It is pitiful/unfortunate for a puppy to be in a cage all day

다람쥐 = squirrel

저는 다람쥐를 잡고 목욕시켰어요 = I got the squirrel and gave it a bath (made it have a bath)
다람쥐를 우리에 넣으라고 시켰어요 = I made him put the squirrel in the cage
다람쥐는 위로 빨리 뛰어올라갔어요 = The squirrel ran quickly to the top of the tree

= snake

Common Usages:
도마뱀 = lizard
뱀가죽 = snakeskin leather

그 할아버지가 저에게 뱀을 어떻게 잡는지를 많이 연습시켰어요
= That old man (grandfather) made me practice how to hold snakes a lot

이 뱀은 맹독이 있으므로 물리면 바로 병원에 가서 치료를 받아야 합니다
= This snake has venom, so if you get bit, you should go to the hospital immediately and receive treatment

실업 = unemployment

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시럽”

Common Usages:
실업자 = an unemployed person
실업률 = unemployment rate

그 대통령이 당선됐을 때부터 실업률이 많이 떨어졌어요
= The unemployment rate dropped a lot since that president was elected

그 나라가 실업문제를 해결하기 위해 직업박람회를 개최하고 있어요
= That country is hosting a job fair to (try to) solve the unemployment problem

실업자 = unemployed person

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “시럽짜”

경제가 어려워질수록 실업자의 수가 증가해요
= As the economy gets worse (gets more difficult), the number of unemployed people increases

제가 실업자라는 것이 저의 어머니를 실망시켰어요
= The fact that I am unemployed (an unemployed person) disappointed my mother

초인종 = doorbell

Common Usages:
초인종을 누르다 = to press the doorbell
초인종이 울리다 = to ring the doorbell

아기가 자고 있으니 초인종을 누르지 말고 노크해 주세요
= The baby is sleeping, so please don’t ring the bell, knock (instead)

초인종을 눌렀지만 집 안에서 아무런 소리가 안 나서 그냥 집에 갔어요
= I pressed/rang the doorbell, but there was no (sort of) sound from inside the house so I just went home

포대기 = baby blanket

Notes: You often see Korean parents (or even more commonly – grandparents) fold up a blanket and wrap it around their waist with a space in the back for a baby to fit into. The name of that blanket is a 포개기.

Common Usages:
포대기로 싸다 = to wrap up in a baby blanket

저는 애기를 포대기로 쌌어요 = I wrapped the baby in a baby blanket

옛날에는 애기를 재울 때 포대기에 싸서 재웠어요 = A long time ago, when putting babies to sleep, you wrapped them in a baby blanket (and then put them to sleep)

음주 = the consumption of alcohol

Common Usages:
음주금지 = for the drinking of alcohol to be prohibited
음주운전 = drunk driving

경찰관은 남자에게 음주운전이 왜 위험한지를 이해시켰어요
= The police officer made the man understand why drunk driving is dangerous

금주 = the restriction of alcohol

Notes: “금” (禁) is often used to denote the restriction of something. The syllable after “금” indicates what is being restricted. 주 (酒), which is in the words 맥주 and 소주 refers to alcohol. Another example is 금연 (禁煙), which refers to the restriction of smoking. When my wife was on a diet, she posted a note on our refrigerator that said “9시 이후 금식!” In this case, 금식 (禁食) refers to the restriction of not eating.

우리 아빠가 오늘부터 금주하기로 저와 약속했어요
= Our dad made a promise with me that he will not drink alcohol from today

이 약을 드시면 꼭 일주일 동안 금주하셔야 됩니다
= When you take this medicine, you must not drink for one week

= one’s side

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “겯”

Notes: 곁 is usually not used to literally/physically refer to one’s side. Instead, it is most commonly used to refer to “being beside” somebody in an emotional sort of way. For example:

나는 항상 너의 곁에 있을 거야 = I will always be by your side

제 남자친구는 항상 제 곁을 지켜주는 소중한 사람이에요
= My boyfriend is a precious person who always protects (is by) my side

제가 매일 일만 해서 성공했지만 제 곁에 남은 사람은 아무도 없어요
= I worked every day and was successful, but there is nobody left by my side

심부름 = errand

Common Usages:
심부름을 시키다 = to make/ask somebody to do an errand/favor

저는 남편에게 쌀을 사라고 심부름을 시켰어요
= I made my husband do an errand of buying rice

어렸을 때 저는 부모님의 심부름을 해서 용돈을 벌었어요
= When I was younger, I did my parent’s errands and got (earned) an allowance

시키다 = to order

Constructions with ~시키다 are typically used when a subject “makes” a person do the action specified before ~시키다. For example:

선생님은 학생들을 방과후 수업 시간 동안 공부시켰어요
= The teacher made the students study during the after school class

경찰관은 남자에게 음주운전이 왜 위험한지를 이해시켰어요
= The police officer made the man understand why drunk driving is dangerous

그 할아버지가 저에게 뱀을 어떻게 잡는지를 많이 연습시켰어요
= That old man (grandfather) made me practice how to hold snakes a lot

제가 실업자라는 것이 저의 어머니를 실망시켰어요
= The fact that I am unemployed disappointed my mother

저는 열심히 일해서 부장님을 만족시켰어요
= I worked very hard, so I satisfied my boss

저는 다람쥐를 잡고 목욕시켰어요
= I got the squirrel and gave it a bath (made it have a bath)

저는 하루 종일 열심히 일해서 엄마를 감동시켰어요
= I impressed mom because I worked hard all day

저는 저의 여자 친구를 저의 부장님께 소개시켰어요
= I introduced my girlfriend to my boss

저는 시험 전에 긴장하는 학생을 진정시켰어요
= Before the exam, I relaxed a nervous student (I made him relaxed)

저의 이웃사람이 제 강아지를 잘 훈련시켰어요
= My neighbor trained my dog very well

그 뉴스는 시민들을 흥분시켰어요
= That news excited the public/citizens

저는 우리 아버지와 우리 어머니를 화해시켰어요
= I made my mother and father reconcile

화해하다 = to reconcile/make up with somebody

저는 우리 아버지와 우리 어머니를 화해시켰어요
= I made my mother and father reconcile

우리가 화해하지 않더라도 우리는 계속 사귈 거예요
= Even if we don’t make up, we will still being going out

우리는 지난 10년 동안 서로 싫어했지만 드디어 화해했어요
= We didn’t like each other for the last 10 years, but we finally reconciled

우리가 화해하지 않았을 뿐만 아니라 아내는 저한테 또 화를 냈어요
= Not only did we not make up, but my wife got mad at me again

흥분하다 = to arouse

Common Usages:
흥분제 = a stimulant

그 뉴스는 시민들을 흥분시켰어요
= That news excited the public/citizens

새로운 스타워즈 영화가 곧 나올 거라는 것을 듣고 아주 흥분했어요
= I heard that the near Star Wars movie is coming out soon and got very excited

자극하다 = to stimulate

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “자그카다”

저의 남자 친구가 저를 자꾸 자극했어요 = My boyfriend kept irritating me

박수를 많이 치면 손바닥에 자극을 줘서 건강에 좋아요
= Clapping a lot gives your palms stimulation so it is good for one’s health

나는 반복되는 일상에서 무언가 새로운 자극이 필요했다. 그래서 나는 여행을 가기로 결심을 했다. 아일랜드와 지리적으로 매우 가깝지만 한번 도 가지 않았던 영국에 가기로 결심했다.
= In my repeating daily life, I needed some new stimulation. So, I decided to go traveling. I decided to go to England, which, although geographically very close to Ireland, I had not been to once.

안정하다 = to stabilize

안정하다 has two meanings, and it is hard to come up with a translation for either word when written as “안정하다.” In general, their translations are:

안정하다 = to be calm (to calm down)
안정하다 = to be stable (to stabilize)

These verbs remind me of 감동하다, where they look like active verbs but their translations make you think they are passive verbs. The active form of these verbs (“to calm down” and “to stabilize”) are much more commonly used and can be created by replacing ~하다 with ~시키다. For example:

그 의사는 고통으로 울고 있는 환자를 안정시켰어요
= The doctor calmed down the patient who was crying from pain

노동자들이 무너질 것 같은 벽을 안정시켰어요
= The workers stabilized the wall that was probably going to collapse

응용하다 = to apply (to a situation)

Common Usages:
응용수학 = applied mathematics

당신의 경력을 이 일에 응용하면 좋을 것 같아요
= It’ll probably be good if you apply your experience to this task/job

저는 그 단어의 뜻을 알고 있는데 문장에 어떻게 응용하는지 잘 몰라요
= I know the meaning of that word, but I don’t know how to apply it to a sentence

차리다 = to prepare food, to recover one’s spirit

차리다 is commonly used when getting some sort of food ready for a meal. For example:

엄마가 곧 올 거라서 빨리 밥을 차려야 돼요 = Mom is coming soon, so we need to get the food ready

The name of the little table that Korean people often eat at is called a “상.” Often times, 차리다 acts on this word. For example:

상을 차려 주세요 = Please set the table for me

차리다 is also used when one snaps out of something and regains attention. When used like this, 차리다 often acts on the noun 정신 (one’s mind or spirit). For example, as a teacher, sometimes I will see a student looking off into space and not focusing. At this time, I could say:

정신을 좀 차려! = Focus!/Snap out of it!

One time I was playing Ultimate Frisbee with the students at my school. One boy would always catch the Frisbee and immediately throw it without thinking. I once had to tell him:

프리스비를 잡고 정신을 차리고 던져 = Catch the Frisbee, think (focus) for a second, and then throw it

Notice that it is hard to translate “정신을 차리다” in English.

Similarly, 차리다 is also used when one recovers consciousness. For example:

잠깐 정신을 잃었고 다행히 바로 정신을 차렸어요 = He lost consciousness for a moment but thankfully regained it right away

상기시키다 = to remind

“상기하다” means “to recall/to remember” – therefore, by saying “상기시키다,” the meaning changes to “to make somebody recall.” This is usually more naturally translated to “to remind.”

상기하다 is a difficult word in Korean and isn’t used very often. Nonetheless, it can be used to have this meaning of “recalling” or “remembering,” even if it may be an uncommon way to express this meaning:

다시 한번 작년 사고를 상기하고 철저히 준비해 주세요
= Recall/remember the accident from last year again, and prepare thoroughly

~시키다 can be used instead of ~하다 in 상기하다 to indicate that one “reminds” somebody else of something. For example:

저는 매일 저의 여자친구에게 제가 그녀를 사랑하는 것을 상기시켜요
= I remind my girlfriend that I love her every day

선생님은 학생들에게 숙제를 해야 하는 것을 상기시켰어요
= The teacher reminded the students that they have to do their homework

옮다 = to catch some sort of infectious disease

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “옴따”

Notes: 옮다 is used when one catches a disease from somebody else. 옮기다 is used when one transmits the disease to somebody else.

Common Usages:
병이 옮다 = to catch a disease
감기가 옮다 = to catch a cold

병이 옮을까 봐 병원에 안 갈 거예요
= I’m not going to go to the hospital because I’m worried I will catch a disease

친구에게 눈병이 옮아서 하루 종일 집에 있어야 했어요
= I caught an eye disease (eye infection) from a friend, so I need to be/stay at home all day

반에 감기가 걸린 학생이 있어서 많은 학생들이 그 친구에게서 감기를 옮았어요
= There is a student who has a cold in the class, so many students caught it from that friend

옮기다 = to move, to shift, to transfer, to transmit

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “옴기다”

옮기다 is more versatile that 옮다. First, 옮기다 can be used when one transmits a disease to somebody else. For example:

감기를 학생들에게 옮길까 봐 오늘 학교에 안 가요
= I’m worried that I will give my cold to the students, so I am not going to school today

It can also be used when one literally moves something from one place to another. For example:

아들과 아들 친구들이 소파를 저 방으로 옮기게 시켰어요
= I made my son and my son’s friend move the sofa to that room

이 침대를 다른 방으로 옮기는 데 사람 네 명이 필요할 것 같아요
= We will probably need four people to move this bed to the other room

물품을 트럭에 쉽게 옮길 수 있게 아저씨가 트럭을 뒤로 움직였어요
= The man moved the truck back so that we could load the products/items easily

The thing that is being moved doesn’t need to be something physical. Like a “cold” or some type of disease, it could be something non-physical. For example:

일이 너무 심심해서 다른 분야로 옮길 수밖에 없어요
= I have no choice but to move/switch fields because my work is so boring

불확실하다 = to be unclear, uncertain

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “불확씰하다”

Common Usages:
불확실성 = uncertainty
미래가 불확실하다 = for the future (or one’s future) to be uncertain

그 정보가 불확실해서 직원이 확인하게 시켰어요
= That information isn’t certain, so I made the worker check

미래가 불확실하기 때문에 하루하루 열심히 사는 게 매우 중요해요
= The future isn’t certain, so it is important to live every day to its fullest

간지럽다 = to be ticklish

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “간지럽따”

등이 간지러워서 긁어 주세요 = Scratch my back! It’s itchy!

저는 동생을 간지럽게 해서 소리를 지르게 했어요
= I tickled my younger brother/sister, so I made him scream

Adverbs and Other Words:
방과후 = after school

Another alternative is saying “학교 끝나고.”

방과후 can refer to something that is done after classes on a particular day, or during one of the vacations. For example, a 방과후 수업 could refer to an class held after school (at like 6:00pm) or during summer/winter vacation.

저는 방학 동안 방과후 수업을 들을 거예요
= I’m going to take a class during the vacation

저는 방과후 수업 시간 동안 한국어를 공부했어요
= I studied Korean during the after school class

선생님은 학생들을 방과후 수업 시간 동안 공부시켰어요
= The teacher made the students study during the after school class

대체로 = generally/overall

대체로 중학교 학생들이 고등학교 학생들에 비해 키가 작아요
= Usually, middle school students are shorter (in height) than high school students

대체로 참을성이 좋은 사람이 일을 포기하지 않고 끝까지 해내요
= Usually people who have good patience don’t give up on jobs and see/do them to the end

당장 = right now, for the time being

Common Usages:
지금 당장 = right now, right this instant

지금 안 하면 내가 너에게 당장 노래하게 시킬 거야
= If you don’t do it now, I will make you sing now/right away

지금 당장 여행이 하고 싶어서 회사를 그만두고 비행기 표를 샀어요
= I want to go traveling right now, so I quit my job and bought a plane ticket

마음껏 = as much as one likes

The pronunciation of this word is closer to “마음껏”

Common Usages:
마음껏 하다 = to do something as much as one wants
마음껏 먹다 = to eat as much as one wants

반찬을 마음껏 드세요 = Eat as much/many side dishes as you want

저는 어른이 되면 마음껏 제가 하고 싶은 것을 할 거예요
= When I become an old person, I am going to do everything that I want (as much as I want)

뷔페에 가면 제일 좋은 점은 마음껏 먹을 수 있는 거예요
= The best thing (point) about going to a buffet is that you can eat as much as you want

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In the previous lesson, you learned how to attach ~게 to words followed by ~하다 or other verbs/clauses to indicate that one influences/causes/makes/lets an action happen. In this lesson, we will look at another way you can express this meaning. Let’s get started.


To Make: Attaching ~시키다

In the previous lesson, you learned how to attach ~게 to words, and often followed it with 하다. For example:

공부하다 = to study
공부하게 하다 = to make/let/cause (one to) study

~시키다 can be used to create the same meaning. ~시키다 can be attached to the noun-form of ~하다 verbs and adjectives in replace of ~하게 하다. For example:

공부하다 = to study
공부시키다 = to make (one) study

Here are some other examples of words that ~시키다 is commonly attached to:

이해하다 = to understand
이해시키다 = to make (one) understand

연습하다 = to practice
연습시키다 = to make (one) practice

실망하다 = to be disappointed
실망시키다 = to make (one) disappointed (to disappoint)

만족하다 = to be satisfied
만족시키다 = to make (one) satisfied (to satisfy)

목욕하다 = to take a bath/to bathe
목욕시키다 = to make (one) take a bath

These constructions with ~시키다 are typically used when a subject “makes” a person do the action specified before ~시키다. For example:

선생님은 학생들을 방과후 수업 시간 동안 공부시켰어요
= The teacher made the students study during the after school class

경찰관은 남자에게 음주운전이 왜 위험한지를 이해시켰어요
= The police officer made the man understand why drunk driving is dangerous

그 할아버지가 저에게 뱀을 어떻게 잡는지를 많이 연습시켰어요
= That old man (grandfather) made me practice how to hold snakes a lot

제가 실업자라는 것이 저의 어머니를 실망시켰어요
= The fact that I am unemployed disappointed my mother

저는 열심히 일해서 부장님을 만족시켰어요
= I worked very hard, so I satisfied my boss

저는 다람쥐를 잡고 목욕시켰어요
= I got the squirrel and gave it a bath (made it have a bath)

The main difference we can see with the words being used with ~시키다 (compared to if the word just ended in ~하다) is that the acting agent is causing/ordering/making another person (or thing) to do the action. When the word just ends in ~하다, the subject is typically the acting agent who performs the action specified. For example, compare the usage of each verb in the sentences above (using ~시키다) with the sentence below (using ~하다):

저는 방과후 수업 시간 동안 한국어를 공부했어요 = I studied Korean during the after school class
“I” am the subject, and “I” am the one who studied

제가 음주운전이 왜 위험한지를 이해해요 = I understand why drunk driving is dangerous
“I” am the subject, and “I” am the one who understands

저는 뱀을 어떻게 잡는지를 많이 연습했어요 = I practiced how to hold snakes a lot
“I” am the subject, and “I” am the one who practiced a lot

저는 실망했어요 = I was disappointed
“I” am the subject, and “I” am the one who was disappointed

저는 만족해요 = I am satisfied
“I” am the subject, and “I” am the one who is satisfied

저는 집에 가서 목욕했어요 = I went home and took a bath
“I” am the subject, and “I” am the one who took a bath

There are many times where the translation of the original verb (containing ~하다) is similar to the meaning that is created when ~시키다 is added. For example:

감동하다 = to (be) impress(ed)
감동하다 usually translates to “to impress.” However, “to impress” in English is used when one person impresses another (ex. She impressed me). When a subject impresses another person like this, 감동시키다 should be used. When a subject is impressed, 감동하다 or 감동받다 can be used. In a way, 감동하다 feels like a passive verb when it’s translated. For example:
나는 감동했어 | 나는 감동받았어 = I was impressed

감동시키다 = to impress
The addition of ~시키다 indicates that you are “making” one impressed

As you can see above, it is difficult to come up with an accurate translation that would allow for an easy distinction between 감동하다 and 감동시키다. You can see this same phenomenon with many other words that ~시키다 is attached to. Below is a list of words (that I chose because you already know them) that ~시키다 is commonly attached to.

Just like I did earlier in the lesson, I have provided an example sentence for both the ~하다 and ~시키다 usage of each word. When looking at each example sentence, notice how the acting agent in the sentences using ~하다 is performing the action, but the acting agent in the sentences using ~시키다 is commanding the action.

감동하다 = to impress (to be impressed)
저는 엄마의 말을 듣고 아주 감동했어요
= I listened to my mom’s words and was very impressed

감동시키다 = to impress
저는 하루 종일 열심히 일해서 엄마를 감동시켰어요
= I impressed mom because I worked hard all day


소개하다 = to introduce
우리가 오늘 무엇에 대해 배울지 잠깐 소개해 주겠습니다
= I will briefly introduce what we will be learning about today

소개시키다 = to introduce
저는 저의 여자 친구를 저의 부장님께 소개시켰어요
= I introduced my girlfriend to my boss


진정하다 = to relax
말을 그만하고 진정하세요
= Stop talking and calm down

진정시키다 = to relax
저는 시험 전에 긴장하는 학생을 진정시켰어요
= Before the exam, I relaxed a nervous student (I made him relaxed)


훈련하다 = to train
그런 것을 하고 싶으면 특별한 훈련을 해야 돼요
= If you want to do that sort of thing, you need to do special training

훈련시키다 = to train
저의 이웃사람이 제 강아지를 잘 훈련시켰어요
= My neighbor trained my dog very well


흥분하다 = to arouse
새로운 스타워즈 영화가 곧 나올 거라는 것을 듣고 아주 흥분했어요
= I heard that the near Star Wars movie is coming out soon and got very excited

흥분시키다 = to arouse
그 뉴스는 시민들을 흥분시켰어요
= That news excited the public/citizens


화해하다 = to reconcile
우리는 지난 10년 동안 서로 싫어했지만 드디어 화해했어요
= We didn’t like each other for the last 10 years, but we finally reconciled

화해시키다 = to reconcile
저는 우리 아버지와 우리 어머니를 화해시켰어요
= I made my mother and father reconcile


I’ve also noticed that it is difficult to pinpoint a difference between the ~하다 and ~시키다 forms of some verbs. For example:

저는 신입사원들을 주말에 교육했어요 = I educated the new workers on the weekend
저는 신입사원들을 주말에 교육시켰어요 = I educated the new workers on the weekend

저의 남자 친구가 저를 자꾸 자극했어요 = My boyfriend kept irritating me
저의 남자 친구가 저를 자꾸 자극시켰어요 = My boyfriend kept irritating me

The only difference I can feel (and I’ve discussed this with Korean people) is that the usage of ~시키다 makes the sentences sound stronger – almost as if the subject is “forcing” the people to do something.


Another peculiar word is 안정하다. 안정하다 has two meanings, and it is hard to come up with a translation for either word when written as “안정하다.” In general, their translations are:

안정하다 = to be calm (to calm down)
안정하다 = to be stable (to stabilize)

These verbs remind me of 감동하다, where they look like active verbs but their translations make you think they’re a passive verb. The active form of these verbs (“to calm down” and “to stabilize”) can be created by replacing ~하다 with ~시키다. For example:

그 의사는 고통으로 울고 있는 환자를 안정시켰어요
= The doctor calmed down the patient who was crying from pain

노동자들이 무너질 것 같은 벽을 안정시켰어요
= The workers stabilized the wall that was probably going to collapse


Another good example of ~시키다 being used is 상기시키다. “상기하다” means “to recall/to remember” – therefore, by saying “상기시키다,” the meaning changes to “to make somebody recall.” This is usually more naturally translated to “to remind.”

상기하다 is a difficult word in Korean and isn’t used very often. Nonetheless, it can be used to have this meaning of “recalling” or “remembering,” even if it may be an uncommon way to express this meaning:

다시 한번 작년 사고를 상기하고 철저히 준비해 주세요
= Recall/remember the accident from last year again, and prepare thoroughly

~시키다 can be used instead of ~하다 in 상기하다 to indicate that one “reminds” somebody else of something. For example:

저는 매일 저의 여자친구에게 제가 그녀를 사랑하는 것을 상기시켜요
= I remind my girlfriend that I love her every day

선생님은 학생들에게 숙제를 해야 하는 것을 상기시켰어요
= The teacher reminded the students that they have to do their homework

In the examples so far, you have seen ~시키다 used only when attached to a noun. It is possible to use it as a standalone verb. I would like to talk about this next.


To Make, to Order: 시키다 as a Verb

So far, you have only seen ~시키다 used when attached to a noun that would otherwise have ~하다 attached to it. 시키다 can also exist as a verb by itself, acting on a noun that it is not attached to. For example:

저는 회사원들에게 일을 시켰어요

The meaning of the verb “시키다” in this example is essentially the same as the meaning of ~시키다 when it was attached to a noun. In addition, it is also essentially the same as the meaning of ~게 하다, which you learned in the previous lesson.

When used like this, the acting agent orders/makes a person do some kind of task or work. Therefore, the sentence above would translate to:

저는 회사원들에게 일을 시켰어요 = I made/ordered the workers to do the job

Notice that 시키다 is separate from the noun “일.” It is usually unnatural to change an action into a noun by using ~는 것 and placing 시키다 after it. For example, this would be unnatural:

저는 학생들이 교실을 청소하는 것을 시켰어요

Instead, it would be more natural to simply use the noun form of the verb:
저는 학생들에게 교실 청소를 시켰어요 = I made the students clean the classroom

Or, to use the imperative quoted addition ~(으)라고 (introduced in Lesson 54) to indicate that the order was spoken:
저는 학생들에게 교실을 청소하라고 시켰어요 = I made the students clean the classroom

Or, to use ~게 (introduced in the previous lesson) on the action that should be completed:
저는 학생들이 교실을 청소하게 시켰어요 = I made the students clean the classroom

Below are many other examples:

그 정보가 불확실해서 직원에게 확인을 시켰어요
그 정보가 불확실해서 직원에게 확인하라고 시켰어요
그 정보가 불확실해서 직원이 확인하게 시켰어요
= That information isn’t certain, so I made the worker check

저는 아들과 아들 친구들이 소파를 저 방으로 옮기라고 시켰어요
저는 아들과 아들 친구들이 소파를 저 방으로 옮기게 시켰어요
= I made my son and my son’s friend move the sofa to that room

지금 안 하면 내가 너에게 당장 노래를 시킬 거야
지금 안 하면 내가 너에게 당장 노래하라고 시킬 거야
지금 안 하면 내가 너에게 당장 노래하게 시킬 거야
= If you don’t do it now, I will make you sing now/right away

저는 학생들에게 영어 공부를 시킬 거예요
저는 학생들에게 영어를 공부하라고 시킬 거예요
저는 학생들에게 영어를 공부하게 시킬 거예요
= I’m going to make the students study English

Here are a couple of other examples using ~(으)라고:

저는 남편에게 쌀을 사라고 심부름을 시켰어요
= I made my husband do an errand of buying rice

다람쥐를 우리에 넣으라고 시켰어요
= I made him put the squirrel in the cage

애기를 포대기로 싸라고 시켰어요
= I made him wrap the baby in a blanket

Finally, 시키다 can also be used when “ordering” food or drinks when at a restaurant or other places that serve food. For example:

밥을 시켰어요? = Did you order food?
뭐 시키고 싶어요? = What do you want to order?
저는 삼겹살을 시켰어요 = I ordered 삼겹살


Just one quick thing that I want to point out. I have introduced different ways 시키다 can be used. Look at the following three sentences:

1) 공부시켰다
2) 공부 시켰다
3) 공부를 시켰다

If you showed those three constructions to Korean people, it would be hard for most people to tell you which usage(s) is/are correct. In the first example, we see ~시키다 not used as a verb, but attached to 공부. This was the first usage I taught you in this lesson. In the third example, you see 시키다 used as a verb acting on the noun “공부.” In the second example, 시키다 is not attached to 공부, and ~를/을 is not used on 공부. This usage is technically incorrect, although most people (especially in speech) might omit the object particle.

As a foreign learner of Korean, you will probably never need to make the distinction of which one is correct and which one is incorrect. However, this is something that Korean high school students study in their Korean language classes, and I thought it would be good to mention here. A significant amount of time in Korean language classes in Korean high schools goes into the correct spacing of words (and the grammatical principles surrounding words). This spacing is called “띄어쓰기” and has now gotten me off on a tangent in this lesson. Time to wrap it up!


That’s it!

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