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Lesson 130: Big Korean Numbers

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Big Korean Numbers




수단 = means, way, measure

Common Usages:
교통 수단 = means of transportation
통신 수단 = means of communication
수단과 방법 = ways and means

문제를 해결할 수 있는 다양한 수단이 있어요
= There are various ways to solve the problem

정부가 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 수단을 찾기 위해 2억 원을 쓸 거예요
= The government will spend 200,000,000 won to find a way to solve this problem

복리 = compound interest

Common Usages:
복리 이자 = compound interest
복리의 마법 = the magic of compound interest

복리 이자는 시간이 지남에 따라 금액이 늘어나요
= Compound interest increases the amount over time

그렇게 많은 돈을 투자하면 일 년에 복리로 일억 원을 벌 수 있어요
= If you invest that much money, in one year you can make 100,000,000 won from compound interest in a year

경고 = warning, caution

Common Usages:
경고문 = warning sign

그는 경고를 받고도 위험한 행동을 계속했어요
= He continued with risky behavior despite the warning

거기에 침입하면 백만 원 벌금을 내야 된다고 경고에 쓰여 있어요
= There is a warning that says there is a fine of 1,000,000 won if you trespass/break in there

면적 = area, surface area

정사각형의 면적을 구하려면 가로와 세로를 곱하면 돼요
= In order to find the area of a square, you can multiply its length by its width

캐나다 면적은 거의 천만 킬로미터예요
= Canada’s land-area is almost 10,000,000 square kilometers

주행 = the running of a car

Common Usages:
역주행 = driving backwards
주행거리 = mileage on a cars

주행 거리계가 백만 킬로를 넘었어요
= The odometer just went over 1,000,000 km

주행거리 = mileage on a cars

주행 거리계가 백만 킬로를 넘었어요
= The odometer just went over 1,000,000 km

그 자동차의 주행거리가 10만 마일을 넘었어요
= The mileage of the car has exceeded 100,000 miles

위성 = satellite (or a moon of a planet)

목성 주위에 위성은 수백개가 있어요
= There are hundreds of satellites near Jupiter

위성에서 바라본 지구의 모습을 매우 아름다워요
= The look of the Earth from a satellite is very beautiful

은하 = galaxy

Common Usages:
은하수 = Milky Way Galaxy
안드로메다은하 = Andromeda galaxy

은하는 별들이 모여 있는 거대한 천체 집단이에요
= A galaxy is a huge collection of stars

은하수 = milky way galaxy

은하수는 밤하늘에서 아름다운 모습을 보여줍니다
= The Milky Way displays a beautiful sight in the night sky

은하수에 천억 개 넘게 해성이 있어요
= There are more than 100,000,000,000 planets in the Milky Way Galaxy

우주인 = astronaut

우주인은 우주 탐사를 위해 훈련을 받아요
= Astronauts receive training for space exploration

우주인이 돼서 우주에 가려면 많은 노력이 필요해요
= If you want to become and astronaut and go into space, it requires a lot of effort

모래 = sand

Common Usages:
모래성 = sand castle
모래시계 = hourglass
모래알 = a grain of sand

모래시계가 있으면 시계가 없을 때 시간을 잴 때 유용해요
= If you have an hourglass, it is useful for measuring time even if you don’t have a clock

우리 딸은 신발에 모래가 들어가는 것을 싫어해요
= Our daughter doesn’t like sand in her shoes

모래시계 = hourglass

모래시계의 모래알이 천천히 내려가는 모습이 안정적이에요
= The sand grains in the hourglass falling slowly is a steady sight

모래시계가 있으면 시계가 없을 때 시간을 잴 때 유용해요
= If you have an hourglass, it is useful for measuring time even if you don’t have a clock

모래알 = a grain of sand

한 해변에 모래알 십조 개 정도가 있어요
= There are roughly 10,000,000,000,000 grains of sand on one beach

모래시계의 모래알이 천천히 내려가는 모습이 안정적이에요
= The sand grains in the hourglass falling slowly is a steady sight

거리계 = some sort of distance measurer

거리계를 사용하여 두 지점 사이의 거리를 측정할 수 있어요
= You can measure the distance between two points using a distance measurer

주행거리계가 백만 킬로를 넘었어요
= The odometer just went over 1,000,000 km

대기업 = large companies

Common Usages:
대기업 사원 = large company worker
대기업 임원 = large company executive
대기업 공채 = large company hiring somebody through a regular hiring season (as opposed to 특채, which one can be hired specifically because of one’s abilities)

많은 사람들이 대기업에 입사하기 위해 열심히 준비해요
= Many people prepare a lot (hard) to enter/get hired by a big company

대기업 뿐만 아니라 다양한 중소기업이 잘 돼야 경제가 더 잘 돌아가요
= Not just big companies, but small and medium businesses/enterprises need to do well in order for the economy to recover well

삼성, 롯데 같은 대기업은 일 년에 십억 원 정도를 소득공제로 받을 수 있어요
= Large companies like Samsung and Lotte get tax deductions of about 1,000,000,000 won in a year

소득공제 = tax deduction

소득공제는 세금을 감면하는데 도움이 돼요
= Tax deductions help reduce taxes

삼성, 롯데 같은 대기업은 일 년에 십억 원 정도를 소득공제로 받을 수 있어요
= Large companies like Samsung and Lotte get tax deductions of about 1,000,000,000 won in a year

해안가 = area around the waterfront

우리는 해안가에 있는 작은 오두막집에서 휴가를 보냈어요
= We spent our vacation in a small cottage by the waterfront

해안가에서 살고 싶은데 거기 집값은 10억 원이 넘어서 못 살 것 같아요
= I want to live on the waterfront, but the price of houses there is over 1,000,000,000 won, so guess I can’t live there

공제하다 = to deduct

Common Usages:
세금 공제 = tax deduction

체크카드를 많이 쓰면 공제를 많이 받을 수 있어요
= If you use debit cards you can get a lot of deductions on your taxes

삼성, 롯데 같은 대기업은 일 년에 십억 원 정도를 소득공제로 받을 수 있어요
= Large companies like Samsung and Lotte get tax deductions of about 1,000,000,000 won in a year

침입하다 = to trespass, to invade, to break in

Common Usages:
무단침입하다 = to trespass
영역을 침입하다 = to invade a territory

국경선을 함부로 넘게 되면 다른 나라의 영토 침입으로 간주돼 큰 일 날 수도 있어요
= If you end up crossing the border illegally, it will be considered trespassing on their territory and could result in big problems

거기에 침입하면 백만 원 벌금을 내야 된다고 경고에 쓰여 있어요
= There is a warning that says there is a fine of 1,000,000 won if you trespass/break in there

Adverbs and Other Words:
= one hundred million

그렇게 많은 돈을 투자하면 일 년에 복리로 일억 원을 벌 수 있어요
= If you invest that much money, in one year you can make 100,000,000 won from compound interest in a year

우리가 번 돈은 총 1억이에요
= The amount of money we made in total is 100,000,000 won

우리 회사와 거래를 하기 위해서는 매출이 1억이 넘어야 돼요
= If you want to do business with our company, your sales have to be over 100 million won

작년 매출 금액을 다 합산했는데 1억을 넘었어요
= I added up all of our sales from last year, and we went over 100 million won

= one trillion

한 해변에 모래알 십조 개 정도가 있어요
= There are roughly 10,000,000,000,000 grains of sand on one beach

대략 1조 원 이상의 재산이 있는 사람은 한국에 별로 없어요
= There are not many people that have more than around a trillion dollars in Korea

= ten quadrillion

“조” 하고 다음 숫자 단위는 “경”이에요
= After 조, the next Korean number unit is 경

대략 = roughly

Common Usages:
대략적으로 = roughly

우주 나이는 대략 백삼십억 살이에요
= The age of the universe is roughly 13,000,000,000 years

대략 1조 원 이상의 재산이 있는 사람은 한국에 별로 없어요
= There are not many people that have more than around a trillion dollars in Korea

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In Lesson 10, you first learned how to use numbers in Korean. That information was crucial in your ability to count different things in Korean like things, events, minutes, hours, days, months, cars and many other things.

When numbers get bigger, they get more complicated. These complicated numbers weren’t integral to your early understanding of Korean, but they are important. In this lesson, I would like to introduce larger Korean numbers. Let’s get started.



Large Korean Numbers

In Lesson 10, you learned that there are two sets of numbers: Pure Korean numbers and Sino-Korean (Chinese) numbers. In this lesson, we are going to be talking about large numbers – that is, numbers over 10,000. In this lesson, we don’t need to bother with Pure Korean numbers because, for practical purposes, they aren’t used much over sixty or seventy.

Large Sino-Korean numbers are confusing. For English speakers, most of this confusion stems from the fact that “10,000” has its own word in Korean. Let me explain.

There is a word for “1” in Korean and English. It is “일” and “one” respectively.
There is a word for “10” in Korean and English. It is “십” and “ten” respectively.
There is a word for “100” in Korean and English. It “백” and “one hundred” respectively.
There is a word for “1,000” in Korean and English. It is “천” and “one thousand” respectively.

There is a word for “10,000” in Korean (“만”), but there is not a separate word for this in English. We just use the previous denomination “thousand” with “ten” to say “ten thousand.”

When writing out Sino-Korean numbers, everything under 10,000 is contained in one word. For example:

Note that I will be spelling out numbers using words in this lesson. With big numbers, numerals would most likely be used in real life. However, I am spelling out these number-words for you so you can understand how to say them.

1 = 일
12 = 십이
123 = 백이십삼
1,234 = 천이백삼십사

In English, we count in units of thousands until we reach one million. For example:

1,000 = one thousand
2,000 = two thousand
45,000 = forty five thousand
134,000 = one hundred thirty four thousand
999,000 = nine hundred ninety nine thousand

In Korean, they count thousands only until they reach 10,000. For example:

1,000 = 천
2,000 = 이천
9,000 = 구천
9,999  = 구천구백구십구

Once they reach 10,000, the word “만” is used.

10,000 = 만

Spacing between large numerals is done in units of 10,000. Now that we are going to a number larger than 9999, the word “만” should be placed before the rest of the numbers in a separate word. A simple way to think of it is that a space comes after four Arabic numbers. For example:

12,345 = 만 이천삼백사십오

Just like we count thousands, Korean people count “ten-thousands.” This is very hard for English speakers to wrap their heads around. For example:

120,000 = 십이만 – literally means “twelve ten-thousands.”
190,000 = 십구만 – literally means “nineteen ten-thousands.”

Whatever digits come after the 10,000 unit (that is, after the word “만” in the word), there should be a space followed by the remaining part of the number, if necessary. For example:

123,456 = 십이만 삼천사백오십육

We can continue to count “ten-thousands” all the way to “nine-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-nine ten-thousands.” For example:

1,234,567 = 백이십삼만 사천오백육십칠
Notice that the first word is “one-hundred-twenty-three ten-thousands”

12,345,678 = 천이백삼십사만 오천육백칠십팔
Notice that the first word is “one-thousand-two-hundred-thirty-four ten-thousands”

53,565,453 = 오천삼백오십육만 오천사백오십삼
Notice that the first word is “five-thousand-three-hundred-fifty-six ten-thousands”

99,999,999 = 구천구백구십구만 구천구백구십구
Notice that the first word is “nine-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-nine ten-thousands”

Remember, spacing in numerals is done in units of 10,000. Now that we have reached “nine-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-nine ten-thousands,” we create another space in our word.

The number ‘억” is used to refer to “ten-thousand ten-thousands.” Ten-thousand ten-thousands is just a difficult way of saying “100,000,000” (one hundred million). For example:

100,000,000 = 일억

Just a quick note.

10 is referred to as “십
100 is referred to as
1,000 is referred to as
10,000 is referred to as “만”


100,000,000 is referred to as “일억.” The numbers above do not have “” included in their pronunciation. However, when talking about “one” , you should say “일억.”

Let’s make more complicated numbers using 억:

123,456,789 = 일억 이천삼백사십오만 육천칠백팔십구
143,549,523 = 일억 사천삼백오십사만 구천오백이십삼

The price of apartments in Korea are usually over one 억. This is a YouTube video of me explaining what you would see on a common real estate advertisement in Korea, and the word 억 comes up a few times.

Adding more numerals to “억” is done just like it was done with “만.” That is, the words 천, 백 and 십 tell us how many “units of one-hundred-million” we have. For example:

1,234,567,891 = 십이억 삼천사백오십육만 칠천팔백구십일
Notice that the first word is “twelve one-hundred millions”

12,345,678,912 = 백이십삼억 사천오백육십칠만 팔천구백십이
Notice that the first word is “one-hundred-twenty-three one-hundred millions”

123,456,789,123 = 천이백삼십사억 오천육백칠십팔만 구천백이십삼
Notice that the first word is “one-thousand-two-hundred-thirty-four one-hundred millions”

999,999,999,999 = 구천구백구십구억 구천구백구십구만 구천구백구십구
Notice that the first word is “nine-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-nine one-hundred millions”

Remember, spacing in numerals is done in units of 10,000. Now that we have reached “nine-thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-nine one-hundred-millions,” we create another space in our word.

The number ‘조” is used to refer to “ten-thousand one-hundred-millions.” Ten-thousand one-hundred-millions is just a difficult way of saying “1,000,000,000,000” (one trillion). For example:

1,000,000,000,000 = 일조

Let’s make more complicated numbers using 조:

1,234,567,891,234 = 일조 이천삼백사십오억 육천칠백팔십구만 천이백삼십사
3,543,454,632,455 = 삼조 오천사백삼십사억 오천사백육십삼만 이천사백오십오

Adding more numerals to “조” is done just like it was done with “만” and “억.” That is, the words 천, 백 and 십 tell us how many “units of one-trillion” we have. For example:

12,345,678,912,345 = 십이조 삼천사백오십육억 칠천팔백구십일만 이천삼백사십오
Notice that the first word is “twelve trillions”

123,456,789,123,456 = 백이십삼조 사천오백육십칠억 팔천구백십이만 삼천사백오십육
Notice that the first word is “one-hundred-twenty-three trillions”

1,234,567,891,234,567 = 천이백삼십사조 오천육백칠십팔억 구천백이십삼만 사천오백육십칠
Notice that the first word is “one-thousand—two-hundred-thirty-four trillions”

9,999,999,999,999,999 = 구천구백구십구조 구천구백구십구억 구천구백구십구만 구천구백구십구
Notice that the first word is “nine-thousand—nine-hundred-ninety-nine trillions”

After 만, 억 and 조, the next unit is “경.” 경 represents “ten-thousand trillions.” One “경” represents “ten quadrillions.” It is rare to come across “경” in everyday life, but it follows the same pattern as 만, 억 and 조 in that 9,999 units of “ten-quadrillions” can be placed before 경 before the next unit needs to be used. For example:

999,900,000,000,000,000 = 구십구 구천구백조

You might be thinking that even “조” would be uncommon in Korean. In English, it is quite rare that we talk about things in the “trillions.” However, the Korean currency (the 원) is roughly 1000:1 with the American dollar. Therefore, when talking about currency, it can be more common than you think. For example:

Note: Officially, “” should be separated from the numeral or word when writing it down, as shown below. Most Korean people do not include the space, and therefore it can be seen as acceptable to not include it.

1,000 원 (천 원) is roughly equivalent to $1 and can buy a can of pop
10,000 원 (만 원) is roughly equivalent to $10 and can buy a cheap meal
100,000 원 (십만 원) is roughly equivalent to $100 and can buy a cheap cell-phone
1,000,000 원 (백만 원) is roughly equivalent to $1,000 and can buy a nice computer
10,000,000 원 (천만 원) is roughly equivalent to $10,000 can buy a cheap car
100,000,000 원 (일억 원) is roughly equivalent to $100,000 and can be a big down-payment on a house
1,000,000,000 원 (십억 원) is roughly equivalent to $1,000,000 and can buy an apartment on the Han River in Seoul.

10,000,000,000 원 (백억 원) is roughly equivalent to $10,000,000 and is the amount of money the top celebrities or athletes make in a year

100,000,000,000 원 (천억 원) is roughly equivalent to $100,000,000 and might represent the revenue of a massive company

1,000,000,000,000 원 (일조 원) is roughly equivalent to $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars). It might be rare to talk about billions of dollars, but when talking about government debts and spending, figures often fall into the “billions of dollars.” Therefore, it is common to see “조” being used in forms of news when reporting about government spending.

Below are many other examples of using big numbers using the vocabulary from this lesson:

우주 나이는 대략 백삼십억 살이에요
= The age of the universe is roughly 13,000,000,000 years

은하수에 천억 개 넘게 해성이 있어요
= There are more than 100,000,000,000 planets in the Milky Way Galaxy

주행 거리계가 백만 킬로를 넘었어요
= The odometer just went over 1,000,000 km

캐나다 면적은 거의 천만 킬로미터요
= Canada’s land-area is almost 10,000,000 square kilometers

한 해변에 모래알 십조 개 정도가 있어요
= There are roughly 10,000,000,000,000 grains of sand on one beach

거기에 침입하면 백만 원 벌금을 내야 된다고 경고에 쓰여 있어요
= There is a warning that says there is a fine of 1,000,000 won if you trespass/break in there

그렇게 많은 돈을 투자하면 일 년에 복리로 일억 원을 벌 수 있어요
= If you invest that much money, in one year you can make 100,000,000 won from compound interest in a year

해안가에서 살고 싶은데 거기 집값은 10억 원이 넘어서 못 살 것 같아요
= I want to live on the waterfront, but the price of houses there is over 1,000,000,000 won, so guess I can’t live there

정부가 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 수단을 찾기 위해 2억 원을 쓸 거예요
= The government will spend 200,000,000 won to find a way to solve this problem

삼성, 롯데 같은 대기업은 일 년에 십억 원 정도를 소득공제로 받을 수 있어요
= Large companies like Samsung and Lotte get tax deductions of about 1,000,000,000 won in a year

That’s it for this lesson!

Okay, I got it! Take me to the next lesson! Or

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