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Hanja Lesson 16: 時, 期, 間, 同, 百

In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to time.



= = Time
(Korean name:

Lesson16pic1Common words using this character:
時간 = time
당時 = at that time
동時 = the same time
잠時 = a moment
時기 = time
時계 = clock
一時 = the same time
時절 = the “time” or “days” one used to do something (my school days, university days, etc)



= = Time, Period
(Korean name:
말날 )

Lesson16pic2Common words using this character:
時期 = time
下半期 = the second half of a year
上半期 = the first half of a year
學期 = semester
四分期 = a quarter (of a year in business)
후期 = the latter part of something
초期 = the beginning part of something



= = Space, Interval, Between

(Korean name: 사이 )

While often used with words of time, this character itself usually means the space between two things. Similar to “中”,“間” also acts as a grammatical principle in Korean sentences as well. It is used to indicate that one does something “amongst” (between) things/people. For example:

교師는 수업재료를 學生들 間에 나누었다 = The teacher distributed the class materials amongst the students

It is also used as a grammatical principle to indicate a possible outcome of multiple situations. For example:

大學校에 가고 싶든 지 가고 싶지 않든 지 間에 고등學生들이 공부해 야 한다 = If you want to go to University or not, you need to study

Lesson16pic3Common words using this character:
時間 = time
期間 = period
中間 = the middle of
人間 = man, human
순間 = moment
공間 = space/room to do something
年間 = in the span of a year
區間 = section



= = Same
(Korean name:
한가지 )

Lesson16pic4Common words using this character:
同時 = same time
同期 = same time
同一하다 = to be the same as
男同生 = younger brother
女同生 = younger sister
合同 = joint, congruent
공同體 = community
同의 = agreement



= = One Hundred/Everything/Total
(Korean name:
일백 )

Very little to do with time, but I couldn’t find any other place to put this simple character.

Lesson16pic5Common words using this character:
一百 = one hundred
百화점 = department store
百과사전 = encyclopedia
百日 = one hundred days (the 100th day birthday of a child, or the 100th day of a couple’s relationship.


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