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Hanja Lesson 17: 部, 分, 多, 數, 全

In this lesson, you will learn five characters that are used in words describing parts or a whole of something.



= = Division, Part
(Korean name: 떼

= = Division, Part, Minute
(Korean name:
나눌 )

You will find that these two characters have very similar meanings. In fact, they both have the same Korean name. You can find both of these characters in a variety of words (and sometimes used together) related to parts/divisions of something.

The main difference between the two is that 分 is also the word for “minute” as in, divisions of an hour.


Lesson17pic2Common words using these characters:
大部分 = most
部分 = part, section
一部 = one part
內部 = inside part
外部 = outside part
本部 = headquarters (original office)
部品 = components of a product



= = Many/Most/All
(Korean name:
많을 )

Lesson17pic3Common words using this character:
多수 = majority
大多수 = the vast majority
多양 = variety



= = Number
(Korean name:

In addition to the words that this can be found in, you will also see this character used after many nouns to indicate that one is referring to the “number” of that noun.

Lesson17pic4Common words using this character:
多數 = majority
大多數 = the vast majority
數學 = mathematics
점數 = score
數十 = tens of
數百 = hundreds of
획數 = the number of strokes in a Chinese character



= = Whole, All
(Korean name:
온전할 )

Lesson17pic5Common words using this character:
全體 = the whole of something
全國 = the whole country
全部 = all parts
全員 = all people
완全 = perfect, complete


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