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Hanja Lesson 15: 場, 室, 食, 地, 方

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters relating places and locations.



= = Place/Location
(Korean name:
마당 )

You will specifically find this character after nouns indicating the place in which something happens. For example, the word “공연” translates to “performance.” While you might never actively study the word “공연장 (公연場)”, with your knowledge of this character, you can assume that this word means “the place that a performance occurs (a theatre, venue, etc…).

Lesson15pic1Common words using this character:
市場 = market
공場 = factory
현場 = the site/place that something happens
운동場 = exercise yard
극場 = theatre
직場 = workplace
직場人 = office worker
주차場 = parking lot
매場 = store
농場 = farm

Notice above that you can assume the meaning of the other characters in the word. For example, “직 (職)” is found in words meaning “work”, “매 (賣)” is found in words related to selling, “농 (農)” is found in words relating to “farming”.



= = Room
(Korean name:

Much like “場”, 室 is often used after a noun to indicate a room that something takes place.

Lesson15pic2Common words using this character:
室內 = inside/inside a room/house
王室 = a king’s room/house
교室 = classroom
美용室 = beauty parlor
교무室 = a teacher’s office
연구室 = research room
병室 = a room in a hospital
화장室 = bathroom, restroom
사무室 = office (for work)



= = Food
(Korean name:

This word has little to do with “locations”, but I didn’t set aside a lesson specifically for “food”, so I am introducing this character here. It can however be found in the word “restaurant” (食당), which is why I chose to introduce it in this lesson.

Lesson15pic3Common words using this character:
外食 = eating out
食品 = food products
食中독 = food poisoning
食당 = restaurant
회食 = work dinner
음食 = food
食사 = meal



= = Land, Earth
(Korean name:

Lesson15pic4Common words using this character:
地下 = underground
地上 = above ground
地방 = area, region
地역 = area, region
地구 = Earth
토地 = land, ground
농地 = farmland
地리 = geography



= = Area, Region, Side
(Korean name:
모 방)

There really isn’t one way that I can describe how this character is used. A lot of the time (but not all the time), you will find this character used in words related to a place or direction.

Lesson15pic5Common words using this character:
地方 = area, region
一方 = one side(d)
四方 = in every direction (four sides)
北方 = northern region
方향 = direction
方면 = direction
方법 = method
方식 = method


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