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Lesson 141: ~(으)로써 – From what ingredient, or by what means or tool

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~(으)로써: From what ingredient, or by what means or tool



= bean

If you say that someone is eating 콩밥, it means they are in prison.

Common Usages
콩국수 = bean stew
완두콩 = pea
콩밥 = rice and beans

커피는 볶은 콩으로써 만들어진다
= Coffee is made using roasted beans

= nail (to hammer)

Common Usages:
가슴에 못을 박다 = to hurt somebody’s feelings

저는 망치로 벽에 못을 박았어요
= I put the nail in the wall using a hammer

저는 굵은 나무로써 벽에 못을 박았어요
= I put the nail in the wall using a thick piece of wood

망치 = hammer

저는 망치로 벽에 못을 박았어요
= I put the nail in the wall using a hammer

우리 아가가 장난감 망치로 물건을 뚝딱뚝딱 고치는 게 좋아요
= Our baby likes to fix objects with her toy hammer

지능 = intelligence

Common Usages:
지능 검사 = intelligence test
인공 지능 = artificial intelligence

원숭이는 뛰어난 지능을 가지고 있어요
= Monkeys have exceptional intelligence

이 스피커는 인공지능이 있는 기계로써 사람과 대화가 가능합니다
= It is possible for this speaker to talk with humans by using an artificial intelligence machine

마당 = yard

Common Usages:
앞마당 = front yard
뒷마당 = back yard

우리 집에는 큰 마당이 있어요
= Our house has a large yard

이곳은 마당으로써 사용해도 되고 정원으로써 가꿔도 돼요
= You can use this place as a yard, or grow a garden

복면 = mask

낙엽으로써 복면을 만들었다
= I made a mask using fallen leaves

할로윈 파티에서는 다양한 종류의 복면을 볼 수 있어요
= You can see various types of masks at Halloween parties

별도 = separate, extra

Common Usages:
별도 준비물 = extra things to prepare
별도 부과 = additional charge

주말에 일한 것에 대해 별도 수당으로써 상품권이 지급 될 예정이다
= For working on the weekend, a gift certificate will be paid as overtime pay

오늘 기자회견에 참석할 수 있는 출입 기자는 별도의 배지를 가지고 있어요
= Today in the press conference, the accredited journalists will have a separate badge

제가 그 선생님의 수업을 대신하면 별도 수당을 받겠지?
= If I fill in for that teacher’s class, I will get overtime pay, right?

수당 = extra pay, overtime pay

Common Usages:
연차 수당 = unused vacation time pay
초과 수당 = additional overtime
양육 수당 = money from the government for raising kids
정부 수당 = government benefits

주말에 일한 것에 대해 별도 수당으로써 상품권이 지급 될 예정이다
= For working on the weekend, a gift certificate will be paid as overtime pay

제가 그 선생님의 수업을 대신하면 별도 수당을 받겠지?
= If I fill in for that teacher’s class, I will get overtime pay, right?

식기 = dishes, plates

Common Usages:
식기세척기 = dish washer

인간은 1000 년 전에 식기로써 돌을 사용했다
= Humans used rocks as plates 1000 years ago

오늘 중요한 손님이 집에 올 거라서 아끼는 식기를 사용할 거예요
= I have important guests that are coming to my house so I am going to use my favorite dishes

한지 = Korean paper

포장지로써 한지를 사용하기도 한다
= You can use Korean paper for packing paper, too

이곳에서는 한지로써 초청장을 인쇄한다
= Here, we print wedding invitations using Korean paper

수입 = income

작년에 우리 회사의 수입은 200만원이었어요
= Our company’s income last year was 200만 won

우리 회사는 광고로써 대부분의 수입을 올린다
= Our company earns most of its income from advertising

육수 = broth

Common Usages:
육수를 끓이다 = to boil (meat) broth
동전육수 = a coin sized product that is put in water to help make broth
닭육수 = chicken broth

찌개를 맛있게 하려면 육수를 양파껍질로써 내야 돼요
= If you want to make jigae right, you should make the broth using onion peels

국을 끓일 때 조개를 넣어서 육수를 내면 국물이 더욱 맛있어요
= When you make “boil” soup, if you put clams into the broth, the water (“soup water”) tastes more delicious

인공 = artificial

Common Usages:
인공미 = artificial beauty
인공 폭포 = artificial waterfall
인공 관절 = artificial joint
인공 지능 = artificial intelligence
인공 눈물 = artificial tears

길가에 쓰러진 사람에게 인공호흡을 해서 그 사람이 다시 살아났어요
= They administered first aid to the person who had collapsed on the roadside, and the person survived

이 스피커는 인공지능이 있는 기계로써 사람과 대화가 가능합니다
= It is possible for this speaker to talk with humans by using an artificial intelligence machine

초청장 = invitation card

이곳에서는 한지로써 초청장을 인쇄한다
= Here, we print wedding invitations using Korean paper

이 파티에는 초청장이 있는 사람만 들어올 수 있어요
= Only the people with the invitation cards can come to the party

서술형 = essay style answer

Common Usages:
서술형 시험 = essay style exam

서술형 시험에서는 자세하고 포괄적인 답변이 요구돼요
= In essay-style exams, detailed and comprehensive answers are required

이 문제는 서술형으로써 꼭 10줄이상 서술해야 합니다
= This problem must be answered in essay form and be longer than ten lines

상품권 = gift certificate, voucher

Common Usages:
상품권 교환 = exchange of a gift certificate (usually for cash)
문화상품권 = gift certificate that you can use in Korea in most places
모바일 상품권 = mobile (phone) gift certificate
백화점 상품권 = department store voucher

우리가 선착순 50명에게만 상품권을 줄 거예요
= We will give the gift certificate to only the first fifty people

주말에 일한 것에 대해 별도 수당으로써 상품권이 지급 될 예정이다
= For working on the weekend, a gift certificate will be paid as overtime pay

포장지 = packing paper

화장품을 살 때마다 포장지가 너무 많아서 싫어요
= Every time I buy cosmetics there is too much packing paper that I don’t like it

포장지로써 한지를 사용하기도 한다
= You can use Korean paper for packing paper, too

설욕전 = revenge match

그들의 경기는 지난 패배로 인한 설욕전의 의미를 갖고 있었어요
= Their match carried the significance of a revenge match due to their previous loss

오늘 밤에 있는 경기는 설욕전으로써 치열한 경기가 될 것이다
= The match tonight will be a fierce revenge match

볶다 = to fry, to stir-fry

Common Usages:
고기를 볶다 = to stir-fry meat
야채를 볶다 = to stir-fry vegetables
지지고 볶다 = to fight and make up over and over

제가 제일 좋아하는 반찬은 가지 볶음이에요
= My favorite Korean side dish is stir fried eggplant

볶음밥이 많이 남아서 듬뿍 가져갔어도 됐어요
= There is a lot of fried rice left, so you could have taken a lot of it

커피는 볶은 콩으로써 만들어진다
= Coffee is made using roasted beans

박다 = to drive an object into

Common Usages:
머리를 박다 = to bang one’s head
차를 박다 = to crash a car

저는 굵은 나무로써 벽에 못을 박았어요
= I put the nail in the wall using a thick piece of wood

저는 망치로 벽에 못을 박았어요
= I put the nail in the wall using a hammer

굵다 = to be thick

Common Usages:
굵은 빗방울 = heavy rain (where the rain drops are big)

저의 엄지손가락은 매우 굵어요
= My thumb is very thick

저는 굵은 나무로써 벽에 못을 박았어요
= I put the nail in the wall using a thick piece of wood

치열하다 = to be fierce, intense

Common Usages:
경쟁이 치열하다 = for competition to be fierce

오늘 밤에 있는 경기는 설욕전으로써 치열한 경기가 될 것이다
= The match tonight will be a fierce revenge match

경쟁이 치열하기 때문에 우리는 최선을 다해 노력해야 해요
= Because the competition is fierce, we need to do our best to strive

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In this lesson, we will learn about ~(으)로써, which looks slightly similar to the grammatical principle ~(으)로서 from the previous lesson. Korean people often have trouble remembering which one is which, but let’s make sure that doesn’t happen to you! Let’s get started.



~()로써: From what ingredient, or by what means or tool

In Lesson 12, you were first introduced to ~(으)로 and learned some of the ways it can be used. Two of the most common ways ~(으)로 is used are:

To indicate from what ingredient something is made:
그 회사는 금속으로 철사를 만들어요 = That company makes wires from metal

To indicate by what means or tool an action occurs:
저는 망치로 벽에 못을 박았어요 = I put the nail in the wall using a hammer

In both situations above, you can use ~(으)로써 instead of ~(으)로. That is, you can use ~(으)로써 to indicate from what ingredient something is made, or by what means or tool an action occurs. For example:

그 회사는 금속으로써 철사를 만들어요
저는 망치로써 벽에 못을 박았어요

Now, there must be some difference, right? There is. ~(으)로써 is more stressed than ~(으)로. In fact, I would be more inclined to simply use ~(으)로 when the object it is attached to is obvious.

Of course the wires are made of metal. What else would they be made of?
Of course the nail was put in using a hammer. What else would you use?

I would be more inclined to use ~(으)로써 when the ingredient, tool or method is not obvious or not expected. For example, instead of making wire with metal, and instead of hammering a nail with a hammer, maybe these sentences would be more appropriate:

To indicate from what ingredient something is made:
요즘의 철사는 금속이 아닌 유리로써 만들어져요 = Wires these days are made out of glass, not metal

To indicate by what means or tool an action occurs:
저는 굵은 나무로써 벽에 못을 박았어요 = I put the nail in the wall using a thick piece of wood

Below are more examples that show ~(으)로써 being used to indicate the ingredient in which something is made. Due to the nature of ~(으)로써, It’s pretty easy to make sentences for this usage where the predicating verb is 만들다 or 만들어지다. I specifically tried to use some other verbs as well to have a bit more variety in the sentences.

낙엽으로써 복면을 만들었다
= I made a mask using fallen leaves

커피는 볶은 콩으로써 만들어진다
= Coffee is made using roasted beans

이곳에서는 한지로써 초청장을 인쇄한다
= Here, we print invitations using Korean paper

우리는 버려진 나무로써 울타리를 지었어요
= We built a fence using discarded/thrown out wood

찌개를 맛있게 하려면 육수를 양파껍질로써 내야 돼요
= If you want to make jigae right, you should make the broth using onion peels

대부분의 마트에서 파는 소시지는 좋지 않은 고기로써 제조된다
= Most of the sausage you buy at stores (marts) are made from bad meet

Below are more examples that show ~(으)로써 being used to indicate by what means or tool an action occurs:

포장지로써 한지를 사용하기도 한다
= You can use Korean paper for packing paper, too

잘 익은 사과는 설탕으로써 사용이 가능하다
= It is possible to use really ripe apples as sugar

인간은 1000년 전에 식기로써 돌을 사용했다
= Humans used rocks as plates 1000 years ago

우리 회사는 광고로써 대부분의 수입을 올린다
= Our company earns most of its income from advertising

You might think that 수입을 올리다 would be “to increase one’s income,” however, this is simply used to indicate that one earns an income.

이 문제는 서술형으로써 꼭 10줄이상 서술해야 합니다
= This problem must be answered in essay form and be longer than ten lines

이곳은 마당으로써 사용해도 되고 정원으로써 가꿔도 돼요
= You can use this place as a yard, or grow a garden

오늘 밤에 있는 경기는 설욕전으로써 치열한 경기가 될 것이다
= The match tonight will be a fierce revenge match

저는 이별의 선물로써 남자친구에게 가장 아끼는 신발을 줬어요
= I gave my boyfriend my favorite shoes (the shoes I was saving most) as a goodbye present

이 스피커는 인공지능이 있는 기계로써 사람과 대화가 가능합니다
= It is possible for this speaker to talk with humans by using an artificial intelligence machine

주말에 일한 것에 대해 별도 수당으로써 상품권이 지급 될 예정이다
= For working on the weekend, a gift certificate will be paid as overtime pay

I never found ~(으)로써 difficult to understand or apply. As I eluded to earlier, a lot of Koreans will say it is difficult because they get confused between ~(으)로서 and ~(으)로써. With these two lessons, that should never be a problem for you!

That’s it for this lesson!

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