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Lesson 139: One Could Have Done, But Did Not

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~았/었어도 되다: One could have done, but did not
Negative sentences



쟁반 = food tray

쟁반을 가져갔어도 돼요
= You could have taken a tray

쟁반에 사고 싶은 빵을 담아서 가져와 주세요
= Please bring a tray with the bread you want to buy

양력 = solar calendar

Common Usages:
양력생일 = solar calendar birthday
양력으로 생일을 새다 = to celebrate one’s birthday using the solar calendar

서양에서는 양력이 주로 사용돼요
= The solar calendar is mainly used in the Western world

오늘은 나의 생일이 맞긴 하지만 양력생일 말고 음력생일이 더 중요하다고 생각해서 선물을 안 샀어도 됐는데
= Today is my birthday but I find my “lunar calendar” birthday, not my “solar calendar” birthday more important so you didn’t need to buy me a present

음력 = lunar calendar

Common Usages:
음력 생일 = lunar calendar birthday
음력으로 생일을 새다 = to celebrate one’s birthday using the lunar calendar

중국에서는 음력이 중요한 날짜로 인식돼요
= The lunar calendar is regarded as significant for dates in China

오늘은 나의 생일이 맞긴 하지만 양력생일 말고 음력생일이 더 중요하다고 생각해서 선물을 안 샀어도 됐는데
= Today is my birthday but I find my “lunar calendar” birthday, not my “solar calendar” birthday more important so you didn’t need to buy me a present

사방 = all around, all directions

Common Usages:
사방에 적이 있다 = for the enemy to be in all directions
사방을 두리번거리다 = to look everywhere (around in all directions)

사방을 살피고 저쪽으로나 이쪽으로 가세요
= Look both ways (all ways) and then go this way or that way

슬기는 남동생을 찾기 위해 사방을 두리번거렸어요
= Seulgi looked everywhere (around in all directions) to find her younger brother

결국은 열쇠가 내 주머니에 있어서 굳이 사방을 안 찾아 다녔어도 됐어
= In the end, the key was in my pocket, so I didn’t need to go around everywhere looking for it

언론 = the press, the media

Common Usages:
언론사 = a press, media company
언론 통제 = press control
언론을 통제하다 = to control the media/press
쓰레기언론 = garbage media

언론의 자유는 민주주의의 중요한 요소 중 하나예요
= Freedom of the press is one of the important elements of democracy

언론이 안 와서 결국은 진술서를 준비 안 했어도 됐어요
= The media ended up not coming, so we didn’t need to prepare a statement

언론사 = a press, media company

그 언론사는 신뢰할 만한 정보를 제공해요
= That media company provides reliable information

언론사가 대통령을 인터뷰했어도 됐어요
= The media could have interviewed the president

기둥 = pillar

Notes: When I worked at a Korean school, there was a chemistry teacher who was notoriously very difficult. His exams were so hard that students who didn’t study and guessed on the final exam often got better scores than students who studied and tried to answer questions. Some students at the school came up with the “기둥” method which was to simply answer “A” (or any other letter) on the machine-read answer paper. They called this method the “기둥” method because it looked like a pillar.

Common Usages:
불기둥 = pillar of fire
창조의 기둥 = Pillars of Creation (in astronomy)

그 건물의 기둥은 아름다움이 잘 들어나요
= The pillars of the building show beauty

여기에 아무 것도 없을 거라서 기둥을 세웠어도 돼요
= There won’t be anything here, so you could have erected a pillar here

진술 = statement

Common Usages:
일관된 진술 = consistent statement

사건에 대한 진술을 해 주세요
= Please tell us a statement about the incident

고소인이 어쩐지 사건에 대해 진술하는 것을 무서워하는 것 같아요
= The plaintiff somehow seems scared to give a statement about that matter

진술서 = a written statement

언론이 안 와서 결국은 진술서를 준비 안 했어도 됐어요
= The media ended up not coming, so we didn’t need to prepare a statement

경찰서에서는 용의자로부터 진술서를 받았어요
= The police station received a written statement from the suspect

해충 = pest, insect

Common Usages:
해충제 = pest repellent
해충을 박멸하다 = to exterminate pests

애벌레가 해충이 아니라서 살충제를 안 뿌렸어도 돼요
= Caterpillars are not pests, so you didn’t need to spray pesticides

해충 방제를 위해 독특한 방법을 사용하는 연구가 진행 중이에요
= Research is underway using unique methods for pest control

애벌레 = caterpillar

애벌레가 해충이 아니라서 살충제를 안 뿌렸어도 돼요
= Caterpillars are not pests, so you didn’t need to spray pesticides

정원에 애벌레가 많이 모여 있어요
= There are many caterpillars gathered in the garden

살충제 = pesticide

Common Usages:
살충제를 뿌리다 = to spray pesticide
살충제를 살포하다 = to spray pesticide

이 야채에 살충제를 안 뿌려서 안 씻어도 돼요
= There isn’t/wasn’t pesticides sprayed on these vegetables, so you don’t need to wash them

농부들은 살충제를 뿌려 해충을 없애고 있어요
= Farmers are spraying pesticides to get rid of pests

출장비 = business travel expenses

출장비를 줄 테니까 돈을 안 챙겨도 돼요
= I’m going to give you business travel expenses, so you don’t need to bring money

출장비를 청구할 때에는 모든 영수증을 제출해야 해요
= You must submit all receipts when claiming business travel expenses

세차하다 = to clean one's car

Common Usages:
세차장 = car wash (place)
손세차 = hand car wash
기계 세차 = machine car wash
자동 세차 = automatic car wash

먼지가 많아서 세차를 해야 했어요
= There is so much dust, I should have cleaned my car

토요일에는 자동차를 세차하기로 했어요
= I decided to clean my car on Saturday

해지하다 = to cancel/close an account

Common Usages:
계약을 해지하다 = to cancel a contract
멤버십을 해지하다 = to cancel a membership

그 계좌에 돈이 아예 없어서 해지했어도 돼요
= There is no money in that account at all, so you could have closed it

계약을 해지하려면 일정한 절차를 따라야 해요
= To cancel a contract, you need to follow a certain procedure

예열하다 = to pre-heat

Common Usages:
오븐을 예열하다 = to pre-heat an oven

이 오븐은 금방 뜨거워져서 예열을 안 했어도 됐어요
= This oven gets hot quickly/immediately/right away, so you didn’t need to pre-heat it

오븐을 예열해야 파이가 완벽하게 익습니다
= You need to pre-warm the oven for the pie to cook perfectly

제거하다 = to remove/eliminate

Common Usages:
폭탄 제거 = the removal of a bomb
곰팡이 제거제 = mold removing disinfectant

생선 냄새를 제거하기 위해 창문을 열었어도 됐어요
= In order to get rid of the fish smell, you could have opened the window

배꼽떼를 억지로 제거하면 배가 아플 수도 있어요
= If you pick out your belly button lint too much, your belly can be sore

단속하다 = to crack down on

Common Usages:
주차 단속 = parking crackdown
불시 단속 = a random/unexpected crackdown
과속 단속 = cracking down on speeding

불법정차단속이 끝났으니까 거기에 잠깐 멈췄어도 됐어요
= They (the police) have finished the illegal no-stopping crack-down, so you could have left me off there

경찰은 도로에서 속도 위반을 단속하고 있어요
= The police are cracking down on speeding on the roads

정차하다 = to stop a car

운전자는 신호에 따라 차를 정차해야 해요
= Drivers must stop their cars according to the signals

불법정차단속이 끝났으니까 거기에 잠깐 멈췄어도 됐어요
= They (the police) have finished the illegal no-stopping crack-down, so you could have left me off there

헌혈하다 = to donate blood

Common Usages:
헌혈증 = blood donor card
긴급 헌혈 = emergency donation of blood

오늘 헌혈을 하고 싶다니? 컨디션이 너무 안 좋아서 몸이 회복하고 하는 게 낫지 않을까?
= Donate blood today? You don’t feel well, wouldn’t it be better for your body to recover?

헌혈하는 것이 위험한 수술이 아니라서 오기 전에 아무거나 먹었어도 돼요
= Giving blood is not a dangerous surgery, so you could have eaten anything before you came

과속하다 = to go too fast

Common Usages:
과속 단속 = cracking down on speeding
과속 금지 = no speeding

손님을 태운 택시가 과속으로 달리다가 사고가 나고 말았어요
= The taxi, with passengers, was speeding and then ended up getting into an accident

결국 일찍 도착해서 과속을 안 했어도 됐는데
= We ended up arriving early, so we didn’t need to speed/hurry

착오하다 = to make an error

Common Usages:
시행착오 = trial and error

제 착오로 다른 상품을 보냈어요
= I sent out a different product by mistake

시행착오란 정확한 해결 방법을 몰라 문제를 해결하기 위해 계속해서 시도하고 반복하는 것을 말한다
= Trial and error refers to when one don’t know the exact solution to a problem, but to keep trying and trying in order to solve it

제비뽑기하다 = to draw straws

저희는 누가 이번에 술을 마실지 제비뽑기를 했어요
= We drew straws to see who would drink this time

제비뽑기를 해서 일을 맡기는 것 대신에 그냥 저한테 맡겼어도 돼요
= Instead of assigning that job by drawing straws, you could have just assigned it to me

마렵다 = the feeling of having to go to the bathroom

Common Usages:
오줌이 마렵다 = to have the feeling that one needs to urinate
똥이 마렵다 = to have to go poo

애기가 똥이 마렵다고 해서 빨리 집에 가야 돼요
The baby says he has to poop, so we have to go home quickly

아이가 쉬가 마려워서 화장실로 뛰어갔어요
= The kid needed to pee so he ran to the bathroom

축축하다 = to be damp/wet/moist

Common Usages:
옷이 축축하다 = for clothes to be wet
이불이 축축하다 = for a blanket to be wet

비가 온 후에는 공기가 축축해요
= The air feels damp after the rain

옷이 많이 축축하지 않아서 그냥 입었어도 됐는데
= The clothes aren’t even that wet, you could have just worn them

듬뿍 = an adverb to indicate that an action is done “a lot” or with a lot of a noun

Common Usages:
듬뿍 넣다 = to put a lot in
듬뿍 바르다 = to spread a lot (of peanut butter, for example)

볶음밥이 많이 남아서 듬뿍 가져갔어도 됐어요
= There is a lot of fried rice left, so you could have taken a lot of it

이 소스에는 사과주스를 듬뿍 넣어요
= We put plenty of apple juice in the sauce

굳이 = an adverb that is used to indicate that one doesn’t have to do something

제가 지금 듣는 수업과 그 수업에 중복되는 내용이 많아서 굳이 그 수업 둘 다 안 들어도 될 것 같아요
= The contents of the class I am taking now overlaps a lot with the contents of that class, so I probably don’t need to take both of them

결국은 열쇠가 내 주머니에 있어서 굳이 사방을 안 찾아 다녔어도 됐어
= In the end, the key was in my pocket, so I didn’t need to go around everywhere looking for it

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In this lesson, we will add complexity to a very common grammatical principle. ~아/어도 되다 was introduced in Lesson 49 as a way to indicate that one may do an action. Two lessons ago, I broke down the purpose of ~아/어야. In the previous lesson, I introduced the idea of including ~았/었 before ~아/어야. In this lesson, you will expand on these ideas to create sentences that end in ~았/었어도 되다. Let’s get started.



~/었어도 되다: One could have done, but did not

With your knowledge of from the previous lesson, you should be able to interpret the difference between the following two sentences:

먼지가 많아서 세차를 해야 했어요
먼지가 많아서 세차를 했어야 해요

In the first sentence, because there was a lot of dust, the person should have gotten a car wash – and did. In the second sentence, the person should have gotten a car wash, but didn’t. Adding ~았/었~ before ~어야 allows the speaker to indicate that the judgement came after the action was completed. Therefore, because correct judgment wasn’t applied, the wrong thing was done (i.e. the person should have gotten the car wash, but didn’t).

That same logic can be applied to adding ~았/었~ before ~아/어도 되다. Let’s first remember the purpose of adding ~아/어도 되다. In Lesson 49, you saw how adding this to the end of a clause allows the speaker to indicate that there is not a problem if the action before ~아/어도 되다 is done. For example:

출장비를 줄 테니까 돈을 안 챙겨도 돼요
= I’m going to give you business travel expenses, so you don’t need to bring money

오줌이 마려우면 지금 화장실에 가도 돼요
= If you have to go pee, you can go to the bathroom now

Let’s look at the effect of adding ~았/었 between the stem of the verb and ~아/어도 되다.


Let’s say that you are at your school’s cafeteria. You take three plates of food, and are fumbling around with trying to carry them all at once. The lady at the counter could say to you:

쟁반을 가져갔어도 돼요 = You could have taken a tray

As we saw in the sentences earlier using ~았/었어야 하다, the ~았/었 indicates that the incorrect judgment was used and therefore the wrong action was performed. We see the same effect when adding ~았/었어도 되다. In the sentence immediately above, you could have taken the tray. There would have been no problem if you did take the tray – but you didn’t.

It is usually more natural to also conjugate the final 되다 in sentences like this.For example:

쟁반을 가져갔어도 됐어요 = You could have taken a tray

Let’s look at another example:


Let’s say that you are driving with your friend and are looking for a good place to drop him off. You can’t just stop the car because you are in a “no stopping zone,” and the police have recently been cracking down on illegal stopping. You end up driving far away to drop him off. Later, you hear that the cracking down has stopped. Your friend could tell you:

불법정차단속이 끝났으니까 거기에 잠깐 멈췄어도 돼요, or
불법정차단속이 끝났으니까 거기에 잠깐 멈췄어도 됐어요
= They (the police) have finished the illegal no-stopping crack-down, so you could have left me off there

As we saw in the sentences earlier using ~았/었어야 하다, the ~았/었 indicates that the incorrect judgment was used and therefore the wrong action was performed. We see the same effect when adding ~았/었어도 되다. In the sentence immediately above, you could have stopped there. There would have been no problem if you did stop there – but you didn’t.

Below are many more examples:

언론사가 대통령을 인터뷰했어도 됐어요
= The media could have interviewed the president

그 계좌에 돈이 아예 없어서 해지했어도 돼요
= There is no money in that account at all, so you could have closed it

볶음밥이 많이 남아서 듬뿍 가져갔어도 됐어요
= There is a lot of fried rice left, so you could have taken a lot of it

옷이 많이 축축하지 않아서 그냥 입었어도 됐는데
= The clothes aren’t even that wet, you could have just worn them

생선 냄새를 제거하기 위해 창문을 열었어도 됐어요
= In order to get rid of the fish smell, you could have opened the window

여기에 아무 것도 없을 거라서 기둥을 세웠어도 돼요
= There won’t be anything here, so you could have erected a pillar here

제비뽑기를 해서 일을 맡기는 것 대신에 그냥 저한테 맡겼어도 돼요
= Instead of assigning that job by drawing straws, you could have just assigned it to me

현혈하는 것이 위험한 수술이 아니라서 오기 전에 아무거나 먹었어도 돼요
= Giving blood is not a dangerous surgery, so you could have eaten anything before you came



Negative sentences

In Lesson 49, you also saw that you can create negative sentences with the construction ~아/어도 되다. By doing this, the speaker can indicate that it is okay if something does not happen. For example:

이 야채에 살충제를 안 뿌려서 안 씻어도 돼요
= There isn’t/wasn’t pesticides sprayed on these vegetables, so you don’t need to wash them

It is also possible to use negative sentences with ~았/었어도 되다. You can use either ~지 않다 or 안, but I feel that it is more commonly done with 안.

The same logic applies as above, but it’s just the opposite now. It wasn’t necessary for something to be done. It would have been okay if it were not done, but it was.

Let’s say you borrow your friend’s car. Like a good person, you put gas in it after you’re done with it. Your friend could say to you:

기름을 안 넣었어도 됐어요
기름을 넣지 않았어도 됐어요
= You didn’t need to put gas in it
(It would have been okay if you didn’t put gas in it)

Again, the ~았/었 indicates that the incorrect judgement was used and therefore the wrong action was performed. In the sentence immediately above, you could have not put gas in. There would have been no problem if you didn’t put gas in – but you did.

Below are many more examples:

결국 일찍 도착해서 과속을 안 했어도 됐는데
= We ended up arriving early, so we didn’t need to speed/hurry

이 오븐은 금방 뜨거워져서 예열을 안 했어도 됐어요
= This oven gets hot quickly/immediately/right away, so you didn’t need to pre-heat it

애벌레가 해충이 아니라서 살충제를 안 뿌렸어도 돼요
= Caterpillars are not pests, so you didn’t need to spray pesticides

언론이 안 와서 결국은 진술서를 준비 안 했어도 됐어요
= The media ended up not coming, so we didn’t need to prepare a statement

결국은 열쇠가 내 주머니에 있어서 굳이 사방을 안 찾아 다녔어도 됐어
= In the end, the key was in my pocket, so I didn’t need to go around everywhere looking for it

오늘은 나의 생일이 맞긴 하지만 양력생일 말고 음력생일이 더 중요하다고 생각해서 선물을 안 샀어도 됐는데
= Today is my birthday but I find my “lunar calendar” birthday, not my “solar calendar” birthday more important so you didn’t need to buy me a present

That’s it for this lesson!

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