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Hanja Lesson 52: 溫, 熱, 風, 氣, 壓

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to the atmosphere!

溫 = 온 = heat, temperature
(Korean name: 따뜻할 온)

溫度 = temperature
體溫 = body temperature
體溫계 = thermometer (for checking body temperature)
기溫 = temperature of outside (air temperature)
溫돌 = heated floor system (most common way to heat a home in Korea)
溫천 = hot spring

熱 = 열 = heat
(Korean name: 더울 열)

熱心 = enthusiasm
白熱 = glow, incandescence
放熱 = radiated heat
熱力學 = thermodynamics
熱광 = enthusiasm
熱파 = heat wave

Public baths in Korea are very popular. In one particular establishment I went to, there were three baths to choose from:


My understanding of 冷, 溫 and 熱 saved me from going into a pool of water I didn’t necessarily want to go into. Of course, I could have just tested their temperatures with my fingers, but where is the fun in that? I like to jump right in!

風 = 풍 = wind
(Korean name: 바람 풍)

强風 = strong winds
風車 = windmill
通風 = ventilation
태風 = typhoon
선風기 = electric fan

Many air conditioners in Korea these days market themselves as making a room cold without having cold air blowing. These are marketed as 無風 air conditioners.

氣 = 기 = air
(Korean name: 기운 기)

空氣 = air
感氣 = a cold (the sickness)
氣分 = mood
氣溫 = temperature of outside (air temperature)
氣體 = gas
大氣 = atmosphere
습氣 = moisture, humidity
換氣 = ventilation
日氣 = weather
氣관 = the trachea (colloquially called the “windpipe” in English)
연氣 = smoke

壓 = 압 = pressure
(Korean name: 누를 압)

壓力 = pressure
空氣壓 = air pressure
減壓 = decompression
혈壓 = blood pressure
高혈壓 = high blood pressure
壓박 = pressure

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