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Hanja Lesson 48: 情, 愛, 關, 相, 好

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to love and relationships!

情 = 정 = feeling/emotion
(Korean name: 뜻 정)

Korean people often say that is somebody is warm and considerate, they have a lot of 情.

感情 = feelings
感情的 = emotional
同情 = sympathy
無情 = to be cold, heartless
人情 = humanity
多情하다 = to be kind
心情 = feelings
愛情 = love
열情  = passion
情보 = information
표情 = facial expression


愛 = 애 = love
(Korean name: 사랑 애)

愛人 = lover
愛情 = love
愛國者 = patriot
愛완動物 = pet
愛착 = attachment
연愛 = dating

關 = 관 = relationship
(Korean name: 관계할 관)

關心 = concern
關련 = with regards to
關계 = relationship
關계者 = a person concerned with something
기關 = organization
상關 = care
현關 = front door, entrance

相 = 상 = mutual
(Korean name: 서로 상)

相關 = relation
相談 = consultation
人相 = one’s looks/features
相당 = considerable
相당數  = a considerable number
相대方 = the person you are facing, speaking with
相속 = inheritance
相속者 = heir
색相 = color

好 = 호 = good/like
(Korean name: 좋을 호)

愛好 = love
선好 = preference
기好 = preference
好기心 = curiosity


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