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Hanja Lesson 47: 少, 的, 性, 可, 比

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Wow! Lesson 47? How did we make it this far without introducing these five simple characters! Ah, that’s right, they’re not that common – just common enough to include them here in the middle of Unit 3. Common, they are not – however, they are simple!


少 = 소 = few
(Korean name: 적을 소)

Notice that this character contains one additional stroke compared to 小, introduced in Lesson 1 and has the same 한글 pronunciation.

減少 = decrease
多少 = more or less
少數 = a small number
少女 = young girl
少年 = young boy
청少年 = youth

的 = 적 = allowing nouns to describe an upcoming down
(Korean name: 과녁 적)

This character is added to many nouns to turn it into a word that can describe an upcoming noun as described in Korean Lesson 16. If you ever plan on learning Chinese, this is one of the most common characters as it is changes words from me to my, you to your, them to their, she to her, etc.

There are hundreds of Korean words where you could see 的 being used. I figured I would only show you a big list of words using characters that you already know! Look at this massive list!

內的 = internal
正常的 = normal
現代的 = modern
長期的 = long term
平和的 = peaceful
定期的 = periodic
全體的 = general
日常的 = usual
一方的 = one-way
人間的 =  humane
身體的 = physical
先天的 = innate
部分的 = partial
自發的 = spontaneous
民主的 = democratic
文化的 = cultural
個人的 = personal
感動的 = impressive

Pretty cool! At about 250 characters, you wouldn’t think that you could know and understand so many words. I think a lot of people don’t tackle Hanja because they think it might be too difficult. I hope when you are looking at this list, you realize the power of Hanja!

性 = 성 = the nature of, sex
(Korean name: 성품 성)

A portion of Korean Lesson 135 discusses the purpose of 性 in Korean.

男性 = male
女性 = female
個性 = individuality, personality
特性 = special characteristic
人性 = character
正體性 = identity
음性 = negative
양性 = positive
性향 = tendency, disposition
습性 = habits

I’m sorry, again, I’m a chemistry teacher:

中性子 = neutron
음性子 = electron
양性子 = proton

可 = 가 = being able to
(Korean name: 옳을 가)

可능 = possibility
可능性 = possibility
不可능 = impossibility
허可 = permission

比 = 비 = compare
(Korean name: 견줄 비)

比率 = ratio
比교 = comparison
대比 = comparison


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