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Hanja Lesson 34: 加, 減, 配, 記, 兩

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to numbers.


加 = 가 = Increase
(Korean name:  더할 가)

In Chinese, the pronunciation of this character is “jiā.” Often times, just like any language, Chinese uses its own sounds to create the sounds of a word in another language. The word for “Canada” in Chinese is “加拿大,” which is pronounced as “jiānádà.”

I also find it interesting that the pronunciation of syllables/characters from Chinese to Korean is often very similar. It is usually not exactly the same (especially with the tones in Chinese), but you often see similarities. Look at some of these examples:

Hanja – Korean –Romanization of Korean Sound Chinese – Romanization of Chinese Sound
大 = 대 = dae 大 = dà
中 = 중 = joong 中 = zhōng
山 = 산 = san 山 = shān
出 = 출 = chool 出 = chū
上 = 상 = sang 上 = shàng
年 = 년 = nyeon 年 = nián


Common Words using this Character:
加入 = to join (a club, etc…)
加入者 = a person who joins
증加하다 = to increase
加속 = acceleration
참加하다 = to participate
추加하다 = to add on to


減 = 감 = Decrease
(Korean name:  덜 감)


Common Words using this Character:
半減하다 = to split in half
加減 = adjustment
減축 = reduction
삭減하다 = to lower in price
減속 = deceleration


配 = 배 = Divide, Match
(Korean name: 나눌 배)


Common Words using this Character:
交配 = to mate
分配 = to divide
配合하다 = to mix
配우者 = spouse
配달 = deliver
配려 = consideration


記 = 기 = Record
(Korean name:  기록할 기)


Common Words using this Character:
記者 = journalist
日記 = diary
記록 = a record
記억 = a memory
記념하다 = to commemorate
記념品 = souvenir


兩 = 양 = Pair
(Korean name: 두 양)


Common Words using this Character:
兩家 = both families
兩측 = both sides
兩國 = both countries
兩반 = aristocrat
兩쪽 = both ways


That’s it for this lesson!

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