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Hanja Lesson 32: 平, 安, 和, 空, 園

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters related to peace.


平 = 평 = Peace, Fair
(Korean name: 평평할 평)

Lesson32pic1Common Words using this Character:
公平하다 = to be fair
不平하다 = to complain
平日 = weekday
平生 = one’s lifetime
平行 = parallel
地平(선) = horizon
平균 = average
平소 = usual times
平화롭다 = to be peaceful
平범하다 = to be average



安 = 안 = Peaceful
(Korean name:  편안 안)


This character is found in the common Korean greeting words “Hello” and “Goodbye.” For example:

安녕하세요 = Hello (be in peace)
安녕히 가세요 = Goodbye (go in peace)
安녕히 계세요 = Goodbye (stay in peace)


Common Words using this Character:
安國洞 = Anguk neighborhood
安全하다 = to be safe
安心하다 = to be at ease
不安하다 = to be nervous
安정하다 = to be stable
보安 = security
편安하다 = to be comfortable


和 = 화 = Harmony
(Korean name: 화할 화)


Common Words using this Character:
和合 = harmony (among people of different groups)
和해하다 = to make up (after a fight/quarrel)
조和 = harmony (among items that go together)
平和롭다 = to be peaceful
중和 = neutralization


空 = 공 = Emptiness
(Korean name:  빌 공)


Common Words using this Character:
空中 = in the air
空間 = space between things
空기 = air
空석 = an empty/available seat
空짜 = free
空항 = airplane
空책 = notebook
항空사 = airline


園 = 원 = Park
(Korean name: 동산 원)


Common Words using this Character:
公園 = park
學園 = private academy
정園 = garden
유치園 = kindergarten

That’s it for this lesson!

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