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Hanja Lesson 30: 共, 團, 協, 政, 副

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In this lesson, you will learn five characters relating to groups and cooperation.


共 = 공 = Together
(Korean name:  함께 공)


Common Words using this Character
共산主의 = communism
共산主의者 = communist
共同體  = community
共通점 = common point
公空 = a public- something. For example, a “public washroom” can be called a 公共化장室
共同 = a joint- something. For example, a joint-statement can be called a “共同성명”
共通 = a common- something. For example, a “common part” can be called a “共通部分”


團 = 단 = Group
(Korean name:  동글 단)


Common Words using this Character:
團體 = corporation
公團 = public corporation
團員 = a member of a group
집團 = group
통제집團 = control group
실험집團 = experimental group
團결 = unity
團결力 = power of unity
團地 = a group of buildings (usually apartment or business complex)
工業團地 = industrial complex


協 = 협 = Cooperation
(Korean name:  화합할 협)


Common Words using this Character:
協會 = conference
協力 = (power of) cooperation
協조 = cooperation
協상 = negotiation
타協 = compromise
協의 = conference


政 = 정 = Government
(Korean name:  정사 정)


Common Words using this Character:
行政 = administration
行政室 = administration office
政부 = government
政치 = politics
政책 = policy
재政 = finance


副 = 부 = Sub-, Assist
(Korean name: 버금 부)

This character is often used before a designation of a job position to indicate that one is the “vice” version of this position. For example, if you are the head of your class in school (as in, the class president), you would be called the 반장. There also might be a vice-president of the class, which would be called a 副반장.


Common Words using this Character:
副作用 = side effect
副사 = adverb
副총리 = vice prime minister
副회장 = vice-head, vice-chairman
副반장 = vice-president of a class


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