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Hanja Lesson 3: 日, 月, 年, 內, 外

In this lesson, you will continue to learn the basic Hanja characters that are known by every Korean person. Today’s lesson will focus on characters related to time and space.



= = Day
(Korean name:

This is another case where the Hanja character is often substituted for the Korean equivalent. Commonly seen on bills, calendars or other places where you might find the word “day.”

The word “Japan” in Japanese means “day origin.” (日本). Therefore, you will see this character a lot in Japan or Japanese restaurants. Also found in all the days of the week.

Lesson 3 pic1Common Words using this Character:
내日 = tomorrow
매日 = everyday
日상 = daily life
日본 = Japan
日요日 = Sunday
월요日 = Monday
Other days of the week…



= = Month
(Korean name:

Another case where the Hanja character is often substituted for the Korean equivalent. Commonly seen on bills, calendars or other places where you might find the word “month.” Also found in the names of the months of the year.

Lesson 3 pic2

Common Words using this Character:
月급 = (monthly) paycheck
月세 = (monthly) rent
매月 = every month
세月 = time
月요日 = Monday
1月 = January
2月 = February
3月 = March
4月 = April
Other months of the year…



= = Year
(Korean name:

Another case where the Hanja character is often substituted for the Korean equivalent. Commonly seen on bills, calendars or other places where you might find the word “year.”

Lesson 3 pic3Common Words using this Character:
작年 = last year
내年 = next year
매年 = every year
금年 = this year
학年 = a grade in school (1st grade, 2nd grade, etc..)



= = Inside
(Korean name:

Used in words that indicate something is inside, or an interior version of something.

Lesson 3 pic4Common Words using this Character:
실內 = inside a place
국內 = inside a country
內부 = the interior part
內용 = contents
시內 = downtown (“inside” the city)



= = Outside
(Korean name:
바깥 )

The opposite of “內,” this character is used in words that indicate something is outside.

Lesson 3 pic5Common Words using this Character:
外국 = foreign (outside  country)
外국인 = foreigner
제外하다 = except
해外 = foreign country
外부 = the exterior part
外出하다 = to leave
과外 = tutoring (schooling outside of school)



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