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2024 New Year Sale

Happy New Year! To get you going with with your new years resolutions in 2024, we will be running a sale until January 15. You can purchase all of the materials in Unit 1 for more than 40% off!

Buy all of our Unit 1 Content: Unit 1 PDF, Unit 1 Workbooks, Unit 1 Vocabulary Lists, Unit 1 Audio Packages, Unit 1 Word Search, Unit 1 Conjugation Table and Unit 1 Simple List. All of this normally costs $68. Buy it all for $40 instead.

If you would like the Anki Packages instead of the Audio Packages, email me and I’ll give you those instead.

If you live in Korea, you could also send us the funds directly. E-mail us at for more information.

For the first time in a year, we are running a sale on our Workbooks. Two weeks only!