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Lesson 126: To be Grouped or Classified by: ~별

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To be Grouped or Classified by: ~별(로)




명단 = name list
설정 = setting
대표 = representative
협약 = agreement, treaty
동맹 = alliance
세월 = time (usually when “passing”)
직급 = rank at one’s job
식구 = family member
공룡 = dinosaur
신분증 = identification card
주근깨 = freckle
= Buddhist temple
평균 = average, mean
연말 = the end of the year
과제 = task, project, thing to do
체중 = weight
대륙 = continent
임시 = temporary
회전 = rotation
계급 = a “class” in society
회식 = staff dinner
임금 = wages/pay

배분하다 = to distribute
깨우다 = to wake somebody up
적립하다 = to save up, to accumulate
야근하다 = to work at night
증명하다 = to prove

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In this lesson, you will learn how to add ~별 to nouns and the meaning it creates. You will see that it is often attached to nouns to describe another noun, or used with ~로 to act as an adverb. Let’s get started.



To be Grouped or Classified by: ~()

~별 is added to nouns that represent more than one type or level of something. When this is done, it classifies the different types/levels and indicates that something is done (separately) for each type/level. For example:

수준 = level
수준별: There could be multiple levels of something (for example, high level, medium level, low level). Here, something will be done separately for each level.

성 = sex/gender
성별: Of course, there is more than one sex/gender. Here, the sexes will be classified and something will be done separately for each sex.

학년 = a grade level in school (1st grade, for example)
학년별: Here, grades within a school will be classified and something will be done separately for each grade.

부서 = department
부서별: Here, departments within a company/office will be classified and something will be done separately for each department.

개인 = personal, individual
개인별: Of course, there are many types of individuals. Here, individuals will be classified and something will be done separately for each person.

국가 = nation
국가별: Here, nations will be classified and something will be done separately for each nation.

These constructions (which are considered nouns) are often placed before other nouns to describe them. For example:

수준별 수업 = a class divided by levels
성별 임금 차이 = the difference in wage between the two sexes
학년별 명단 = a list of students names based on grade
부서별 회의 = a meeting for each department
개인별 평가 = an evaluation done for each individual
국가별 언어 설정 = the language setting for each nation

These types of constructions can now be placed in sentences. For example:

수준별 수업은 좋은 점도 있고 나쁜 점도 있어요
= Classes divided by levels have good points and bad points, too

대부분 회사에는 성별 임금 차이가 있어요
= At most companies, there is a wage difference between sexes

개학 전에 우리는 학년별 명단을 작성해야 돼요
= Before the start of school, we need to make a list of students names by grade

각 부서마다 부서별 회의를 할 거예요
= Each department will have a meeting (among themselves)

연말이라서 부서별 회식이 많아요
= It is the end of the year, so there are a lot of staff dinners/parties among departments

12월까지 우리 회사는 개인별 평가를 시행하겠습니다
= Until December, our company will be running a personal evaluation

새로운 컴퓨터를 사면 국가별 언어 설정을 해야 돼요
= When you buy a new computer, you need to set the language setting (appropriate for your nation)

So far, you have seen ~별 attached to a noun and used to describe an upcoming noun. Sentences with ~별 often indicate that the action will be different depending on the types/levels specified. In these cases, it is common to attach ~로 to “~별.” For example:

There could be many different translations for ~별(로). As you will see in the examples below, it might translate to:

I always stress that you try to ignore the English translations. Instead, focus more on my explanation of~별(로) and how its meaning applies to the examples.

우리 회사는 분기별로 세금을 내요 = Our company pays tax by the quarter
코치가 선수들을 체중별로 나눴어요 = The coach divided the athletes by weight
저는 신분증을 나이별로 다 정리했어요 = I organized the ID cards by age

모든 나라가 국가별로 대표를 지명했어요
= Each country designated a representative separately

대륙별로 발견된 공룡들의 무게는 달랐어요
= The weight of dinosaurs was different depending on the continent they were discovered in

사람의 평균 월급은 보통 계급별로 다릅니다
= The average pay/income of a person is different depending on class

아이들을 성별에 따라 대우하는 것이 좋지 않아요
= It’s not good to treat children based on their gender

학생들이 그때 학년별로 강당에서 나올 거예요
= Students will leave the auditorium in the order of grade

우리 가족이 모일 때마다 항상 나이별로 음식을 나눠서 먹어요
= Whenever our family members meet, we always divide the food and eat depending on age

세월이 흐르면서 동물이 종별로 다른 곳으로 이동했어요
= As time goes by, animals move/migrate to different places depending on their species

한국에서는 영어와 수학수업이 보통 수준별로 나눠져요
= In Korea, English and Math classes are usually divided by level

그 문제를 해결하는 방법을 찾으려고 내일 각 부서가 부서별로 회의를 할 거에요
= In order to solve that problem, each department will have a separate meeting

모두 개인별로 자기 생각을 종이에 쓰고 나서 모으자
= Each person write their ideas on a piece of paper separately and then let’s meet

이 동맹을 시작하려면 각 나라마다 국가별로 협약에 동의해야 돼요
= If you want to start this alliance, each country needs to agree to the treaty as a nation

우리는 지금 회사원들에게 직급별로 내용을 배분하도록 하겠습니다
= We will now distribute the materials/content to the workers by rank/level

학생들이 사춘기를 겪고 있기 때문에 학생들을 성별로 나눠서 그 영상을 보여줘야 될 것 같아요
= Because students are going through puberty, we will probably have to divide them by sex and show that video to them

That’s it for this lesson!

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